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2006-10-02 17:18:36 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

20 answers

www.popularmechanics.com Search for the story entitled "9/11: Debunking the Conspiracy Myths."
www.youtube.com Search for the series of films "Screw Loose Change." (They can also be found on Google)

2006-10-02 17:21:43 · answer #1 · answered by The_Cricket: Thinking Pink! 7 · 1 0

This is such a sad question. I will attempt to answer it. If it was attempted by the government which one, the Democrats or the Republicans. No matter which party you agree with you can not say the other did it. The Democrats was in office 8 years. The Republicans was in office 8 months. You are stating that the USA government staged an attack on its own people. This I find appalling. The government in the USA may back stab each other, call each other names and the list goes on, but killers they are not. I think people ought to read the news concerning the people they call Jihadists. They want to kill or cripple by cutting off heads or fingers all those that do not want to become a Muslim. This is fact, it was stated as such by the Jihadists themselves. How many people in the USA is willing to strap a bomb to themselves and blow up innocences? How many times did a natural USA citizen hi-jack a plane? People keep hounding the question to death when you know perfectly well 9-11 was done by terrorists. Due to some well produced propaganda people will believe that it was done by the USA which is sad.

2006-10-03 00:29:50 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

If you must know the truth our government did nothing but turn a blind eye to what was happening and that is as far as it goes .
They did not know ,who ,what,where ,when ,or why except for the who /terrorists ,What /attacks by air planes , when / soon ,why /because we are destroying there way of life .This is as far as it goes though .I wish I could believe the widows blowing out underneath the co lapsing buildings where explosions rather then an increase in pressure as the weight of millions of pounds forced air and debris to be forced down to the lower floors causing the blowout and hence what may of sounded like explosions .This is the fact of what caused the blow out in the lobbies during the original plane impacts seventy floors above .The building was violently shaken in an instant and all that pressure found the easiest and weakest escape route .

elevator doors can be blown out in the sub basement and fuel ignited in the shafts that act like a cylinder in a car engine and the doors the pistons for the escaping gases .
Please do not listen to the conspiracies that include the cia fbi or israeli secret police .placing bombs in the buildings .Or that A bush family member was in charge of the security and thats how the got the explosives in .
All this is just a story contrived and not a single conclusion drawn from the available facts that are real can lead to such asertions .

2006-10-03 00:43:34 · answer #3 · answered by playtoofast 6 · 1 0

No, but I'll tell you this though. It was all about power trip thing, and who's in controll. Our government and secret services totally lost control on these issue and nothing was done properly about the information they may or may not have about the plan of the attack. At least someone knew something, but the people who really know what was going on had no power to act on the issue. And that's what really caused this mess. It wasn't planned or anything like that. It's stupidity it's what I think of the people who had the power to do something, but they had special interests of their own to protect instead of taking things seriously so some body else can be blamed for. And I hope you understand that it was 3000 american lives that were lost under these stupidity and they feel no regret becasue the people who suffered wweren't them or anyone who are closed to them. To me that's really sickening. If I was in those people with that kind of power, I wouldn't be able to sleep at night at all and you probably would not either.

2006-10-03 00:31:52 · answer #4 · answered by FILO 6 · 0 0

Yes, sadly all solid evidence points in the direction of an inside job. I took some time out this past summer to see if I could piece together what happened. This is some of the better stuff I found.

The official government story is that 911 was orchestrated by Al Queda, which is lead by Osama bin Laden. The proof our government provided was a video with Osama confessing to the crime. The problem with the video is that the person in the video does not look like Osama bin Laden: see picture.

There are many other factors that do not fit the official story. They include, secondary explosions that were seen, heard, reported, and recorded by firefighters, in and around the WTC buildings.

Here is a video clip showing a trail of explosions just before the destruction wave.

Molten, beyond red hot, "steel" was video recorded coming out of the South Tower just before it collapsed. Jet fuel does not burn hot enough to turn steel to liquid.

A chemical analysis of the solidified molten iron yeilded an explosive, called Thermate. Also, see picture of WTC beam possibly cut using a demolition cutting charge (Thermate) or perhaps cut by an Iron Workers torch during rescue operations. Click on pic. to enlarge.

These factors point to a controled demolition of the buildings and thus an inside job. We also have a video recording, where owner Larry Silverstein, admits to demolishing WTC7.

There is also a problem with the Pentagon attack. Listen to this retired general, He says, "The Plane does not fit the hole."

The New Conservatives (Neo-Cons). With the help of other friends, that were already in place, planned the invasion of Iraq. This plan included the attack of the WTC buildings. It did this to get the support of congress and the nation, to attack Iraq: Like another Pearl Harbor. Read it from their own PENAC document. Pay special attention to the section entitled "Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force" page 50 and the top of page 51, where it states we need a new Pearl Harbor attack to get the ball rolling.

2006-10-06 14:43:25 · answer #5 · answered by Joe_Pardy 5 · 1 0

Yes, I believe so. What other reason would the government have for releasing a story which is an obvious lie. And who else could cause the air force, which is on permanent stand by, to stand down.

If you want details, see
Detailed 9/11 research work

2006-10-06 07:23:27 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You have to be more specific:

Which government are you referring to?

Pakistan? Iran? Afghanistan? Iraq? Jordan? Venezuela? Some other?

Additional note:Re: Muslim / Dirt bags / Email

Wondering...I tried to send the following reply to your email, but according to Yahoo - your "email address has not been confirmed" and it was not sent.

I have never, in any of my answers, called Muslims anything derogatory. I know this is true because I don't believe that the vast majority of Muslims, in any way whatsoever, even remotely represent of condone the actions of the radical element who have hijacked the religion and spun it into justification for their despicable acts of murder and terror.

I have, however, often referred to Islamic radicals and terrorists as dirt bags. This seems appropriate when describing a group - irregardless of their ethnic or religious background - responsible for the indiscriminate death of thousands of Innocent men, women and children.

Re-read my answer(s) and you will see that I have made every effort to always clarify my conclusions with the terms "radical" and/or "terrorist" - and have never used the term dirt bags to describe any one else but these terrorists.

2006-10-03 00:28:36 · answer #7 · answered by LeAnne 7 · 1 0

Why you believe what you believe

Experts on the human mind say that humans are convinced to believe things for four principal reasons:

1. You tend to believe most strongly that which you hear first.

2. If you change, it will most likely be to that which you hear repeated many times.

3. You next tend to believe that which you want to believe or that which fits your already conceived ideas or notions.

4. Lastly, humans are least likely to believe that which is logical and makes sense, especially if it contradicts what they hear most!

Interesting, isn’t it? Since the truth serves no one’s purpose and is seldom repeated, most people are left believing only that which serves someone’s purpose. By definition, that means they are left believing a lie. Unless you understand this and guard against it, you will be endlessly confused for most of your life.

And just to keep you happy, hear for your entertainment is

The biggest conspiracy theory of them all

The biggest conspiracy theory is that 19 Arabs, who had been under surveillance, conspired together, walked onto four commercial aircraft without being detected, and without having their names appear on a passenger list. Then that they could overcome over 250 people with plastic box-cutters. And not only that, but with no previous experience of flying large jets, they could navigate from 30,000 feet and hit three out of four targets precisely, meantime conducting flying manoeuvres that fighter pilots would find difficult. Then, the amazing thing is that 7 of them survived the events and are known to be alive today.
Also for the first time ever in history, three, not two, but three steel framed buildings collapsed as a result of fire which could not possibly have burned hot enough to melt steel, and caused the buildings not to topple over, as one might expect, or to fall a little at a time, but to fall within their own footprint at the speed of gravity. And one of those buildings (WTC7) was not even hit by a plane.
Not only that, but the four aircraft disappeared completely without a trace of their 16 large engines, or any of the black boxes. This has also never before happened in history.

This theory is so amazingly full of holes that it is impossible for any sane thinking person to believe, yet that is what the official 9/11 commission report.says.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."
-- William Casey, CIA Director (from first staff meeting, 1981)

2006-10-03 11:08:28 · answer #8 · answered by Bearable 5 · 1 1

I do not know,but I know being an engineer and a logical person that Arab religious Fanatics and idiots cannot fly a complicated computerized state of the art machine like Boeing-757.How they knew the codes for the navigation of the aircraft.This is like a fellow who is learning to ride a 15 foot boat hijack the Queen Elizabeth 2 ocean liner.And how did our President saw the first plane hit the tower on the TV.That way he was the only American that day to see that.

2006-10-03 00:49:24 · answer #9 · answered by Dr.O 5 · 1 2

Yes, it most certainly was. It would take me hours to list the reasons why. But check out the collapse of WTC 7, and the admission by Silverstien saying the building was pulled. Make sure you check out 9/11 Mysteries on Google Video.

2006-10-03 00:23:13 · answer #10 · answered by Luke F 3 · 0 2

No, this is just what a bunch of anti-US government extremists want us to think. Yes, the government has made some bad decisions, but would they really terrorize their own country??

2006-10-03 00:42:42 · answer #11 · answered by courtney. 5 · 2 0

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