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damn. damn. im really sorry for cursing or whatever but i just got a lot on my shoulders right now. i need people to give me REAL advice that would actually help me and not make fun of me or whatever. 1st, i got dance practice for this thingy and i need dance moves. 2nd, this one friend of mine are dumping her problems on me. her bf wants to break with her and i feel bad for her and all but i have my own probs too. 3rd, i just found out this so called "friend" of mine is just using me. 4th, i feel like crying but im scared to freakin cry cuz i might not be able to stop. 5th, my dad hares me. or at least i feel that way. 6th, my mom is frakin controlling my life and i just need space but i dont wanna just tell her to back off cuz thats disrespectful. soo pls... anyone help me on this.

2006-10-02 16:08:20 · 20 answers · asked by xxazaleanne 3 in Family & Relationships Other - Family & Relationships

hm.. there WAS this one teacher in my school i trusts. but he left and got another job at another school. hes like my dad. since my biological dad isnt exactly "father figure" to me.

2006-10-02 16:14:54 · update #1

20 answers

Well, I can't help you with your dance, but to your friend. Just let her know that you are there for her and everything, but right now you have too much on your plate to help her out., But I bet she just needs someone to listen. You probably don't even have to give her advise, she just needs someone to vent to. Your dad: I'm sure he doesn't hate you. All kids think that at one point or another. Moms are supposed to control your life, well at least they think they are. I'm not sure how old you are, but try asking her nicely to back off just a little. Let her know you are old enough to make some of your own decions.
I hope this helped you a little....

2006-10-02 16:12:37 · answer #1 · answered by collegebusygirl 3 · 0 0

If you hate your life, it's simple to fix, change it.
1st. dancing is great, you'll be fine, this is a minor problem.
2nd. Sometimes helping someone else to solve their problem brings theirs into perspective. Tell her she needs to do something about her problems.
3rd. Cut the so called friend; also a minor problem.
4th. Crying has to stop at some point, it will not continue.
5th. Maybe you are not clearly understanding your dad's reason for things, why don't you ask.
6th. If you are not 18 yet, then you are still a child. Your mom is ruling your life, because legally it's up to her until your 18. You can talk to her about this, if you have older brothers and sisters, she already knows you feel this way, so it would be no suprise to her for you to say it. Whatever you feel that she is controlling in your life is probably for your own good. Do yourself a favor and listen. It won't last forever.
You have too much dramatic actions in your life that are not major but minor things. Cut the minor things and focus on the major. You'll be fine.
True, you are not a baby anymore, but it's true that with age comes more wisdom, your parents do know what's best for you, they have lived in your situation themselves. It is a stage, it will pass. The worst thing to do is to act like a spoiled brat with them instead of talking. If you feel like you're adult enough already, then do what an adult would do and go to them and present your problem respectfully and work out a compromise. If you cannot do this, you are not yet ready to be fully adult.
My answer is not making fun of you. I gave you real and true advice, use it. Focus on the major issues and always set your goal in your mind before you attempt something.

2006-10-02 16:21:41 · answer #2 · answered by Aliayh 2 · 0 0

read something about poor children in romania or afrika,this in the first instance to see that,you don`t really have such BIG problems.
after this,listen some music what you really like,and start dancing next to a mirror would be great,you will find the dance moves that you need.
2nd.go out with your friend that is beeing dumped,go shopping,it will relax the both of you.
3rd...good that you found out that this friend of yours is only using you,from now on,she or he should make it on her/his own,it`s not so dramatic,that person lost not you,and you will find many other people that will respect you and don`t just stand around because they need you,just because they like you,
5th your dad doesn`t hate you...well at least I think so,I mean it is very probably that he wants your best,and this is why he beggins to be a pain in your as.with your mum it is just the same,she wants you to have a good life,not to screw it up...you need to talk the three of you,cause if not it will get just worse.COMUNICATION is the best way to solve every problem,well almoast,tell your mum that you are really glad that she cares for you,but she should let you take your own decisions,and give a little bit space,she should trust you.
so I hope it helped a little bit,....good luck

2006-10-02 16:19:05 · answer #3 · answered by donatella 3 · 0 0

If you like to dance and you chose to do so, take a different outlook on it and strive to get your dance moves down. If you don't want to dance, then explain it to your parents. Tell your friend that you are stressed right now and you are not unsympathetic, but there is nothing you can do about her situation. Drop the user friend because you don't need that person. Try to communicate with your dad and be patient if he starts giving orders and things and listen to some things he says as it might make sense. Your mother is like all other mothers, but if you need space, you should tell her in a calm and adult manner. You don't have to be hateful when you tell her. Good luck and take time to erase problems from your mind and RELAX once in a while.

2006-10-02 16:15:38 · answer #4 · answered by nobluffzone 5 · 0 0

maybe you can get some dance moves from movies like step it up, you got serve, and that one movie where the Latin guy trys to teach his student salsa and he ends up combing it with hip hop and all this other weirs $hit. You can also watch music videos on MTV2 or MTV tres. Tell your friend that you feel for her only you have your problems so you feel stressed out and that maybe she can talk to you later. Your so call friend who is using you, yeah you should dump her *** in the corner feel me. Forget her and move on and make real friends who will stick with you. Now go ahead and cry because if you don't then your just going to end up bottling up your emotions and your going to be more stressed out then what you already are and you might end up suffering from depression. Your dad does not hate you. He cares for you only he's probably to busy or he just does not know how to show you that he loves you. Just tell your mom that you want some space. Tell her how you feel or you can tell your mom everything you just told us and maybe she can help you out. By doing that it will make your relationship with your mom stronger. You can try it with your dad. Maybe that will show you that he loves you. Well best of luck and peace out. Just take things slow, aight?

2006-10-02 16:27:17 · answer #5 · answered by what_it_do? 2 · 0 0

Focus on what you need to do . Look at videos for dance moves. check on You-Tube and watch Aaliyah's videos. Tell your friend that there are more fish in the sea. Real love you can let go of and it will come back if it is real. Your DAD Loves you maybe he just feels helpless, see if you guys can just go and take a walk or go for ice-cream. Mom's feel if things aren't right with you it is their fault. She only loves you but tell her you need a little space but in a nice way. Write your feelings down and later look at them. It might put your feelings into perspective for you. good luck.

2006-10-02 16:18:55 · answer #6 · answered by cruisingalong 4 · 0 0

friends are suppose to help friends so why don't you be honest wwith you friend and tell her that she isn't the only one ith problems.s secondly why are you so depress girl providing you are! I don't think any parents could honestly hate there children maybe you just need to really get to know your dad find something you could do together as a family. As for the mom talk to her and get your feelings out she is just over protective cause in her eyes you're her baby and she wants the best for you but you need to tell her that maybe her best is yours that you're an individual with dreams of your own.thirdly stop freaking out over some people who u think are your friends people who constantly use other are called parasite......And a cry is very healthy sometime i closed my door and when things gets overwhelming i cry and i mean really cried cause my live isn't going the ways i plan or dreamed it to be them i get over it thank god i am healthy and i go out there and try something new even if it learning a new language, going to the beach,temple or watch movies what ever i do i try to make my self happy cause they're so much people out there who isn't as fortunate as we are.so take comfort in your self and learn to be happy find some new hobbies and loosen up a bit...

2006-10-02 16:22:58 · answer #7 · answered by ladyP 2 · 0 0

woa wait a minute Supra slow down just listen to an good
advice just think were has you been last time and why all that
stressing out among all friends ? according what I read sounds
serrious. Calmly take a deep breath to ease off excess pressure may be get help by an Family sychologist to prevent
from never doing again yourself understand

2006-10-02 16:41:14 · answer #8 · answered by toddk57@sbcglobal.net 6 · 0 0

1st on the dance moves how about watching videos that have a lot of dance routien in them. maybe you can get some ideas! 2nd maybe you can tell her about your problems, and see if she can help you with your situations. also try to tell your friend that you would like to help her but you need to get yourself together first. explain to her that a person with just as many problems as she has can not give her advice right now. 3rd back off of that friend that is using you. this friend is using you because you are allowing them to do it. give them some space and see how the relationship work its self out. remember if they are a true friend they wouldn't use you.4th cry its okay. crying gets the mad out of you.do you know that song? it's okay to cry cring gets the mad out of you its okay to cry it might make you feel better... 5th ask your dad if he feels that way about you. i mean if you did not give him a reason to hate you then he should not hate you. 6 if you feel like your mom is controlling your life then maybe you should move out of town and get far away from her. but i am going to tell you this, I lost my mother 6 years ago. she died from cancer, you only get one mother and i would give anything to hear her tell me what to do with my life right about now. so what i am trying to tell you is all these things that are brothing you try talking to your mother. let her know you need some one to really listen and not just tell you what to do. most importantly i would suggest that you pray every night and every day you wake up. best of luck and may God heal your broken heart :)

2006-10-02 16:26:02 · answer #9 · answered by Ms_tlts 1 · 0 0

Try giving your heart to Christ. Then you will have his spirit there with you to guide you through all these problems. You will learn to pray and you will learn, in your heart, his answers. It's a truly unique way of living a fulfilled life.

Just be very careful of any church that you may get involved with, because there are many out there, like the Assemblies of God, that only want you for the money you might give and they like to brainwash their members into being Republican and hating Homo-sexuals.

My suggestion would be to try and find an Orthodox Quaker church and stick with them. If you can't find one near you then check out the United Methodists. They will help you grow in the Love of Jesus Christ.

2006-10-02 16:16:07 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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