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why is it that we have to take a class and get certified to drive a car, but we can buy a gun and all we need is a beating heart and no criminal background. These school shootings are prime examples why psycho evaluations and courses should be completed before obtaining a gun. WHOS WITH ME?

2006-10-02 15:26:57 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

I liked chris rocks approach. Dont control the guns, control the bullets. Each bullet should cost 5,000$. so if your killing someone , you know they deserved it.

and john k shut the f uck up dou chebag. I didnt say we cant, i said why not regulate it. read the da mn ? completely first d ick breath

2006-10-02 15:39:14 · update #1

where the hell are u idiots getting the idea of me saying guns should be banned? i never challened the constitution. i agree with no assault weapons. just not needed.


2006-10-02 15:50:48 · update #2

most are decent answers. damn i didnt expect to read a book but thanks for all the feedback, this is just to hard to decide. ill just put it up for voting. may the best person win

2006-10-03 06:48:53 · update #3

14 answers

Why aren't you this upset about knives?

I completely support our 2nd amendment rights to bear arms and will fight this right to the death.

Now that I've got that out of the way, I understand your frustration and my thoughts and prayers go out to the families that mourn the loss of their little girl in Colorado, as well as the parents who lost the three other innocent lives today.

Being a father, It really hits close to home, but no matter who or what you think is responsible for these horrible acts, ultimately it's the evil being that took the life of these innocent young children, not the gun, not the knife, not the car, not the brick, not the stone, not the baseball bat, not the pipe iron, not the crow bar, not the pipe wrench, etc., etc., etc. Man has been evil way before guns ever came into being. Cain killed his brother, Abel and amazingly enough, there was no gun involved. On September 11th, 2001 how many innocent people were killed? Not one life was taken by a gun.

Let's lay the blame where the blame is due. In the history of man an inanimate object has never killed anybody . . . ever. A gun is a inanimate object, like it or not. They don't grow little legs and run around at night, they don't slither around like a snake, waiting to fire at some unsuspecting prey. They just don't!

I'm not trying to start up any type of Pro gun argument intentionally, but I'm tired of our society continually shifting the blame from who's the person responsible. Society isn't to blame for these crimes, nor are the perpetrator's parents, or are their teachers or anybody else that has ever crossed their path.

As far as your initial argument:

Most leagally purchased gun owners do take some sort of safety class and many take classes well beyond that, especially if their planning to get their CHL (Concealed Hand Gun Licence).

The Department of Public Safety doesn't conduct physiological exams at the time of license issuing, or at any time there after.

Gun Dealers and instructors, usually take it upon themselves to talk to a perspective gun buyer in depth before selling any type of firearm. Quite frequently dealers refuse sale to an individual who he feels may pose a threat to others or himself.

I myself learned to handle a firearm properly in my High School Woods & Waters program along with my father's individual training. No, I didn't grow up somewhere out in the wilderness, quite the opposite, Dallas, Texas.

Nowdays the anti-gun lobby has made sure that once wonderful school programs, such as Woods & Waters have been discontinued.

So, it's all up to the parents, once again. What a great concept, letting parents teach their kids. "I love it!"

Being a good father, my 3 year old daughter knows that a gun is not a toy and that if she ever sees one unattended to immediately tell a teacher, parent or policeman what she saw and under no circumstance is she to touch it.
She also knows that if a friend ever has a gun and is playing with it she is to leave immediately as fast as she can and then tell an adult.

Also, as a gun owner and a supporter of our 2nd amendment rights, there are certain responsibilities that are bestowed to me:

My guns are my responsibility, in my possesion or not. I am to make sure that a child is never given access to any of my firearms without my direct supervision. I will never draw my weapon with out intent to kill for self-protection or to defend the life or lives of my family or other loved ones.

I'm sorry that some armed good Samaritan could'nt have been nearby to foil the evil deeds that these bad men commited.

My sincere condolences go out to all of the families who lost their loved ones in Lancaster, Pennsylvania today, the family of a Wisconsin high school Principal and the parents of the 16-year-old girl who was taken from them in Colorado earlier last week.

Response to Bob R: You're simply a genuis, now move to Kalifornia.

Response to Red: Nicely stated.

Response to Ellen D:

First of all Ellen the 2nd amendment gives us the right to form an organized militia, yes it does and it has nothing to do with the State forming a National Guard. Did we learn nothing from College History class? Our forefather's only purpose of the 2nd amendment was so that if the Government currently in place became (from their perspective, like Mother England) a tyrannical government, that armed citizens could and would take back their country and restore it to its originally intended framework.

As far as your (media hype) term, "Assault Rifle". What exactly is your point with such a term? Yes, the military has many weapons that are classified as assualt weapons. How is your deer rifle any different than these weapons you're refering to as assault rifles? They both have a barrel, they both fire a high-velocity projectile down their barrels. As far as comparing your deer rifle to a military assualt rifle, most deer rifles are higher powered then your so-called assault rifles. So quit playing the word games with the Media.

Oh, and by the way, next time you get you a big Buck, look down as he takes his last several breaths, stare into those big brown wattery eyes and think this to your self . . . . "I wonder if he considers this (look at your rifle) an assualt rifle?"

2006-10-02 15:30:03 · answer #1 · answered by De Expert 3 · 1 0

There are many more people driving than there are people shooting. That is reason one. Reason two is that tradition has it that parents teach their children. Parents do not always teach their children. Sad, but true. Reason three involves cost. Who would pay that much for weapons? I cannot afford it. I enjoy my rifle, but I cannot afford ammunition at 2 cents a bullet. It has been over 7 years since I have "killed" a tin can on the range. As population increases, so does the incidence of crime. As people care less, the crime increases. I remember when people cared for their neighbors. They knew their neighbors. Today, who cares? Families are fractured. Mothers and fathers are absent. Children learn their values from anyone but the parents. There is no love in homes or among friends. When love is lost, that is when the people are lost. When the people are lost, that is when everything from firearms to drugs to sex to you name it is abused. It's not just guns, everything is abused.
You have asked some good questions. I don't agree with you, but I acknowledge the need for sound answers. Too bad I don't have any short of the past. Today, maybe we do need tests. I just hate that I might not pass. I've waited 7 years already; then to take a test and be told I cannot shoot tin cans anymore would be terrible.

2006-10-02 23:23:25 · answer #2 · answered by Jack 7 · 0 0

Ever heard of the second amendment? The right to bear arms is just as constitutionally protected as the right to spew ones opinions.

I'll support psych evaluations and courses for gun ownership when psych evaluations and courses are mandated for spouting off of the mouth. Incidentally, I do support firearms safety instruction, as does every responsible gun owner I know.


Your suggestion represents a short-sighted, 'band-aid' fix to the problem. Society is producing some people who have anger control issues, too much anger & resentment, and who seem to believe that a compulsion to take their anger out on innocent's is acceptable. In what world is that acceptable?

Yet, your 'fix' to the problem is to exact intrusive obligations, which punishes responsible citizens, in an effort to limit the damage that the the dangerous ones pose. Where's the logic in that?

So, if I share a real theory with you, that excess carbohydrate consumption affects hormone balances, in such a way that an excess of androgens (which can fuel anger) is produced. A theory that many in the health field acknowledge, by the way. Then I suppose the 'fix' will be for government to impose restrictions by mandating the raising of the cost of a cupcake or a can of soda to $5k each?

Sorry, I will not support short-sighted solutions. Man is endowed with the ability to make choices. Our job as parents, and citizens is to assist & support people making good choices, not to limit their access to those things that they must make choices about.

The question we should be pondering is: Why is it that some, in our world, believe it acceptable to assault other, innocent people when we are blinded by rage. Better yet, in America today, why is anyone so blinded by rage that they are compelled to harm innocents?

What these school shootings clearly exemplify is that: As a society, we are failing with regard to teaching our children (and ourselves) how to properly communicate, vent frustration, and resolve conflict.

You want offenses against the innocent to stop? Let's address the real issues. How can we be more 'in-balance'? How can we
better vent frustration? How can we more effectively engage conflict resolution? And, how can we agree to disagree without resorting to assaulting others, either with profanity or with weapons?

2006-10-02 22:43:33 · answer #3 · answered by gemlover 5 · 0 0

People twist the Constitution around; claiming our Fore Fathers gave all citizens the right to bare arms. Well firstly they refereed to a Militia; secondly it was a wilderness back then. Read the statistics about the homicide rates in other civilized country's.
London's Homicide rate for the year is like a month in Newark NJ.
I am in North Jersey and though I am an animal lover I don't oppose hunting; because just within a five mile range we have at least to deers as road kill in one of the Country's most congested area. But NO ONE needs assault weapons. Check out the title Assault. No one should have hand guns and high power rifles. If no one had them and none were available what I nicer place to live.

2006-10-02 22:42:56 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

no one thing you can make your own bullets so making them pay $5,000 is retarded i think everybody that can own a gun should and get a permit to carry concealed that way if somebody starts shooting we can shoot them I carry my Colt 45 1911 everywhere I can legally and I feel very safe and what is wrong with "assault weapons " one thing there is no such thing its just a word the liberals came up with I have a sub machine gun and its automatic and I have never killed anybody with it and I don't plan to unless somebody breaks in my house I am a gun collator and I love to shoot them most criminal use cheap guns off the black market they don't use Tommy guns and M60 and MG42 but people can still get guns like that unless you live in big liberal states like California and they have a high crime rate I looked at one of the liberal anti gun web sites The Brady Campaign and they rated the states guns laws and all the states with high crime got As and B's like New york ,New Jersey ,Washington DC,California and all the states with lower crime got F's like my state Kentucky

2006-10-02 23:09:04 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I'm very sry to hear about another school shooting. But I own many guns and also have them safely locked away. If you ban guns criminals will get them on the streets. At least if there registered it helps. I also want to have the right to defend myself so when i feel necessary I will carry a weapon (yes I'm certified to conceal)
As to one statement made I'm not a criminal or in any way involved in criminal activities and yes I carry at times :)
and another statement made about not selling ammunition well u can make your own

2006-10-02 22:41:41 · answer #6 · answered by red 4 · 1 0

Here in canada ou need to pass a class and stuff.
But I think that all this shooting is the medias fault. They did too much publicity about the Montreal shooting at DAwson College. It was all it took for other psychos to do the same pattern

2006-10-02 22:29:39 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I wouldn't put a lot of stock in that making much of a difference.

It's a typical big-government (don't know if you ARE a big-government person or not) approach to a problem: throw a little regulation and government at it and, if that doesn't work, throw even more at it and, if THAT doesn't work, outlaw the problem.

Sound familiar?

2006-10-02 22:30:04 · answer #8 · answered by Walter Ridgeley 5 · 0 0

if not a gun it would just be something else... to use your example maybe they would just drive their car into a crowd outside the school instead of going in and shooting. it's the people who are the problem. not the guns.

2006-10-02 22:30:55 · answer #9 · answered by Roger 4 · 0 0

Do you think all psycho people actually go and buy a gun and register it to themselves? You do realize that people can just buy guns on the black market or illegally and commit the same crimes.

2006-10-02 22:35:38 · answer #10 · answered by Rawrrrr 6 · 1 0

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