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I really would like to be a teen mom but i scared what my mom would say im really good with kids but im scared for labor and i have really bad stomach (lots of problems =[) but im not sure becasue im scared what my parents would think !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really want to become a mom and im really ready I'm having lots of trouble holding it back my best friend just had a baby girl! were the same age 17!!!!!! So it makes it even harder because her baby is so cute and everything PLEASE HELP!!

2006-10-02 15:09:17 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

Its not becasue their cute i was just metioning that =]

I would babysit but for who when where?

its really hard but i know i need to wait now thanks =]

2006-10-02 15:26:45 · update #1

24 answers

I was 16 when i had my daughter....its one of the hardest things ever......at first her dad was all oh my gosh were having a baby and soooo excited ihope she has my eyes...oh and my hair and just picking lil things out he wanted....and then he went home with his dad....and he said he'd call me ...he didnt...so i called him about 3 hours later...and he was really quiet on the phone withdrawn acting...and im like hey whats wrong and hes like nothing how do i know its my baby? and then it all started after that...its not mine..not my problem..u lied you slept with so and so...and no one NO ONE would sit with me at school everyone made fun of me and told me if theyd gotten pregnant theyd had an abortion they couldnt give up there liv es right now and they didnt know why i would...the teachers had to walk with me to class cause my babies dad told them if theyd hit me he'd give them a 100 dollers...No one wanted her but me not my parents not her dad not his parents just me...i was the only one excited about her...Then the real problems started i had adrianne and everyone came to see her all exci ted except him and his family...then that night everyone went home..and no one showed back up at the hospital i was in the hospital for 4 days...no one came to visit no one called...i sat up there and cried my eyes out...i was 16 i had no bussiness having a baby...none at all...id never burped a baby changed a baby..or even fed a baby...i had no idea what ababy needed..or wanted...i paged my nurse everytime she cried...everytime she wanted something..i had no idea...she stayed up all night every night as soon as a brought her home...i was soo sore i couldnt hardly walk...she wasnt a big baby..but i had a lotta stitches they got infected and i had to have the rest of the afterbirth scraped out...I'm not going to lie to y ou shes the best thing i've ever had...she doesnt come with an insruction book...and sometimes she does cry and shes almost 4 and i still sometimes have no idea what she wants but you just keep going and you deal with it you get a rinky little job and you do the best you can do...thankful i have an awsome hubby that loves her more then he proably loves me other wise i wouldnt of proably made it....and were trying again...and maybe this time itll be a lot better then the time before and we can actually enjoy it...goodluck to you...and really think about your actions they have consequnences

2006-10-02 15:34:34 · answer #1 · answered by cutenwild1769 5 · 3 0

look children are fun and a treasure in your life when you are ready. I know this sounds like something your parents would say but take it from me they are a big responsibility they will keep you up and they cost a fortune. they can also be a true joy and you will never love anyone as much as your own child but, take the time to enjoy the next few years of your life while you can and enjoy doing the fun crazy things that teenagers do. there will b plenty of time to have children I am just urging you to think about it before you say that ou want a child because once you do there is no going back and you want to be prepared for that and not end up regretting the things that you may miss out on. I am not saying that you would ever regret your child but some of the best times that I had was between the ages that you are now and 21. You learn so much about yourself during that time and you should use that time to figure out who you are before you jump into a commitment like a child because they are not something that you can take back or decide later that it is not for you. All I am asking is that you proceed with caution. You deserve the chance to enjoy some of your adult life before you commit that to another. If you are really ready get a job at a daycare and work in the 2 year old room. That will give you a healthy dose of what parenthood is like

2006-10-02 22:31:51 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

well do u have a man in ur life? u can't just go around having babies because u want to. I was 17 when I had my son my boyfriend and I had been off and on for 3 yrs. It was not planned, but it was made out of love so I kept it. Now 7 yrs. later He and I are married and we have 3 kids. We own a house, I am a stay at home mom because my husband has a great job. We both graduated high school, so make sure u do that first. If it weren't for him being so great I don't know how I would've did it, so make sure u are doing the right thing before u do it because once u do there's no going back, and don't just do it because "u want to" that's not a good reason I know being a young mom sounds cool, but think of all the stuff u would be missing out on, motherhood will always be there : ) good luck with whatever u decide!

2006-10-02 22:24:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Mia, I truly understand how you are feeling. I wanted to be a parent at a young age. I had my first child when I was 16, because I wanted someone to love and to love me back (because I grew up without parents). At that time I didn't know this, but I know it now, I was trying to fill a void that was missing in my life.

The down side to being a teen parent is that people look at you differently, you a no longer a young lady. You become a child raising a child. Getting up a 2am for feedings and all you want to do is sleep. Taking the child with you everywhere you have to go. Not knowing if a guy truly likes you or thinks that you are easy, because you gave it up once then surely you will do it again. The one thing about myself that I wish I could change would be having a child at such a young age. I don't regret having my son, but regret all the things I missed just being a teenager. You can no longer hang out with your friends, go to dances, or just be lazy because that is what you want to do.

My sons is now 21 and 18 what I think about now is that I am too young to be a grandmother (37). This was something I never considered when I made that choice.

My advice to you is this wait until you a ready not only financially, but alittle more mature. Granted you may be responsible now, but not responsible enough to raise a child alone.

I am the last person to give advice, but i feel you really needed to hear from a teen parent.

2006-10-03 11:52:10 · answer #4 · answered by Boo 3 · 1 0

Well I understand that you want a baby when I was 17 or maybe 16 so did I, but I didn't get blessed with my first child until the day that I turned 20. I know you're thiking well your not a teen mom, well first of all you are still in school and this is my 4th year in college, so we have something in common there. A baby is fun but a lot of work. I love my son and he is my pride and joy, but if I would not have minded waiting until I had started my career. You should just be thinking about yourself and your parents you should be thinking about the life that your baby will have. My son is the happiest baby alive I believe I know that thigs would have been easier for both him and me if I would have waited.
When I was in high school my cousin had her first baby and I wanted to have that so bad. That little person that you know would love you no matter what and that you could do no wrong to. I didn't understnd everything that she was going to through because I wasn't walking in her shoes, but after I had my son I found out that it isn't as fun as it look on the outside. It's really like a whole different thing that you see.
But I was not writing this to make you change your mind, but just to give you a few things to think about. The thing with your persons, we I was pregnant with my son my mother was not really for it , but she got over it. He's her everything. Now I'm pregnant again with my second baby, and my boyfriend's mother was very upset about the whole situation, she wanted me to have an abortion, but she got over it. Your parents will always be there for you even in hard times trust me.

2006-10-03 00:49:45 · answer #5 · answered by BlackBerry DymondTink 3 · 0 0

You really need to become financially independent before bringing a child into the world. You don't want to live on Welfare do you? Can you imagine your child in the lunch line and giving the cashier a token to eat and all the other kids see this and make fun of your child? Can you imagine not having any money and your child needs diapers or milk? Can you imagine living in government projects or a not so nice area so you can afford the rent and your child gets raised with gang bangers or dopers? Can you imagine your child reaching 18 and you have no money to send your child to college? Then your child will probably repeat exactly what you did and the cycle starts all over. Not only that, but you would never get to go anywhere because you will have a child to take care of throughout the night and day. Can you imagine laying in bed drifting off to sleep and the baby starts crying at that moment... you will have to get up and take care of the child. And if your boyfriend leaves you, what other guy wants to date a mother with a baby? Not many. Think about the real consequences and no so much about the fantasy of having a baby.

2006-10-02 22:22:09 · answer #6 · answered by RKC 3 · 0 0


My best friend was a teen mother. She gave birth 9 days after her 16th birthday. I don't know how she does it. She gets no help from the father even though she has a court order for child support. She gets no help from her family because they think she's a whore. She never finished school so she can never get a decent job. She has no social life. She can't just go out when she wants to. ALL the money she does make goes straight to rent, food, and necessities for her daughter. There's no fun time. There's no break. She can never really be successful and she knows it.

Unless you're independantly rich and are ready to give up ever partying, ever dating, ever having a good job or making a lot of money, you're not ready. I'm 21 and I love kids. I can't wait to have my own, but I'm not ready. I want to be able to support my kids myself and be able to give them a proper life. If you love kids, babysit. Have fun with them. My favorite thing to do is dress little babies. But I could not support one myself right now. And if you think the dad will stick around, you're sadly mistaken.

2006-10-02 22:18:42 · answer #7 · answered by beweird22 4 · 0 0

Reasons not to have a baby yet at your age:

1: Diapers
2: the cost of diapers
3: the word “No!”
4: 2 year olds asking you “what are you doing?” every two seconds while you are in the bathroom
5: potty training
6: Morning sickness
7: stretch marks
8: hours of labor
9: cecarian sections
10: weekly hospital check ups
11: hourly checks for two days after actually having the kid when all you really want to do is sleep
12: nurses ignoring you when you ask for anything to ease the pain
13: cracker crumbs
14: toys everywhere
15: terrible two’s
16: cost of college
17: grandparents
18: midnight feedings
19: the teenage years
20: pre-teen angst
21: preschool
22: the talk
23: unconsolable crying
24: why? why? why?
25: night terrors
26: huh? (favorite word before "why")
27: finding a babysitter / daycare
28: the cost of babysitter / daycare
29: mud pies
30: growth spurts
31: dirty faces
32: sticky fingers

2006-10-02 22:33:37 · answer #8 · answered by Ashley P 6 · 0 0

having a baby changes everything. It is impossible for someone without a baby to understand the kind of responsibility that it requires. If you have a child at 17, you will make it so difficult to do something with your life. you cant even drink yet, and want to have a baby? what about school? How are you going to give your baby a good life if you don't even have a career. You have a baby when your in love, and when you have a career. It would be a mistake, this is not an opinion.....your way too young. If you do have one, i promise your going to look back at all of our answers and and reailze that we were right.

2006-10-02 22:26:47 · answer #9 · answered by Michelle Bell 2 · 1 0

Ok hunny just one peice of advise you need to take..are you even ready for this? just because you are good with kids doesnt mean your ready to be a mother! Dont think its a fun think to be poping out babies and just because your friend had a baby doesnt mean get jealous and do the same! I loved answering your ? because I my self was a teen mother and let me tell u I thought it would be fun and easy but its not wasy getting up in the middle of the night to feed the baby or change diapers, or anything like that especially when the father says O baby i love u and il always be there just have the babi i love u babi just do it..and then 2 mouths later he acts like he doesnt no you! I dont think you would be responsible at that age! I had my baby at 16 im 18 now! my life ended at 16 no more parties or fun just responsibiliteis and working to make the funny to support my son!!!

2006-10-02 22:35:34 · answer #10 · answered by susu 1 · 0 0

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