I'm not completely against abortion, but I can't help but think about the child's future; what he/she could do for the world, who they might make happy, you know.
2006-10-02 12:37:30
answer #1
answered by CherryPie 4
i am pro-life because i feel that everyone deserves a chance. no matter how you came into being, or where you may be from anyone given a chance and love can develop into a great person. they may not be the next president, or a brain surgeon, or even a rocket scientist. maybe, they will just be a hard working mom or dad who loves their family, but when we abort them we kill all the potential they ever could have had to do anything. so, in short, i just think that everyone deserves a chance to be someone no matter how unimportant that someone may seem.
2006-10-02 19:39:00
answer #2
answered by idabell27 1
idabell 27 took the words out of my mouth cheers
2006-10-02 19:43:46
answer #3
answered by ninja cat 4
what is worse than murder
2006-10-02 19:30:27
answer #4
answered by zak_z 3