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I am not Asian nor black, but I feel both people have been abused by the American system A LONG TIME AGO. Blacks used during slavery long ago, and Asians for working the railroads long ago.

We have seen both people go through struggle but now they are free.. according to my source, Asians are wayy smarter than blacks.. therefore, genetics is probably the answer. What do u think??

BEFORE you answer, PLEASE do not post USELESS COMMENTS like "RACISTT!!" this is not racism this is FACT.

the truth hurts sometimes, accept the fact and try to understand why. i believe genetics.. what about u??

2006-10-02 12:16:34 · 16 answers · asked by idunno 1 in Social Science Psychology

16 answers

You were sexually assaulted by a group of yaks when you were a child weren’t you?

2006-10-02 12:21:44 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

It is not a fact at all that Asians are smarter than blacks, it has to do with how they are raised. Parents in Asia place a lot of emphasis on scholastic acheivment, and children often attend school for ten hours a day .... and after that they go to cram school (not all, but a lot). It seems like they are smarter because Asians come over to work in America ... obviously only the more intelligent ones can do that, so we have a very select population representing the entire Asian race. The hard working adults that come over to work push their children the way they were pushed, so that they will acheive and do their best. There are people in Asia that aren't very smart as well, same as everywhere else in the world. It is not a genetic thing at all. You should do some research into the methods used in Asia and the rigorous efforts that go into their acheivments. I'd be offended if I were Asian because you are making it sound like they don't have to work for their intelligence, when they work extremely hard ... they deserve credit for that, not have it brushed off as something simple like "genetics". It is a proven, scientific FACT that race has nothing to do with intelligence.

If you're interested in the genetics of intelligence however, there is some facts supporting that we inherit an intelligence "interval", in that based on our learning environment, we are genetically able to acheive a particular maximum (and a minimum) level of intelligence. This gene has absolutely NOTHING to do with race. Proven fact.

2006-10-02 12:37:31 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You dont think that that is a racist remark,well screw you,and just for the record Asians are smarter than a lot of people,including Caucasians which im going to assume that's what you are,hell no its not genetics,i think it is the mentality and a system set up for failure you are a product of your environment,and culture, and our environment was ****** from the moment the first slave ship docked in America and i have to say i come from a long line of intelligent men and woman ,get the facts straight before coming on here making a statement like that and i am very offended,there are a lot of smart black people,and next time do a little research,blacks have always been held back know your facts. even when blacks tried to build,and rebuild it was always destroyed and you cant compare blacks with Asian because until you've been persecuted,rape,beat,sold,in slaved,held back from reading,writing,learning to speak proper English for over 300 years you dont have **** to say!!!!!!!!!!!

2006-10-02 12:35:43 · answer #3 · answered by my space 3 · 0 0

Intelligence is not based on skin color or race. Intelligence can be genetic, meaning that it can be passed from parent to child, but, it would be genetically transferred within a group of the same "racial" background as well. Blacks in the USA are mixed with many "races" so you can't say that Blacks are genetically inferior when it comes to intelligence. Go tell Condoleeza Rice, or Colin Powell you think intelligence is based on race.

Only ignorance is passed from person to person, living in a small box and having no interaction with people of diverse backgrounds. You probably get all of your information from a very small source. Media, music videos, news. All of which are biased in one way or another, racially or sexist.

My advice to you would be not to deal in stereotypes. You cannot make broad generalizations about one group of people or another. In order to do that you would have to know all the people within that group to make a true scientific study. And that is impossible.

Deal with people on a one on one basis, and not in generalized groups.

Obviously when you limit exposure to access to fair education, some people will be left in the cold, and if education is not practiced for the long haul, then more people get left behind. Education and the value of it travels from parent to child. If it's not stressed in the home, then the child won't think it's important, and that goes for anyone of any skin color or "racial" background.

2006-10-02 12:29:31 · answer #4 · answered by alwaysbombed 5 · 1 0

i was going to comment racist but i checked out the link and it all made sense by the way i am a black and in the 9th grade. it is quite simple the reason why asians made it better off then african americans is. During the 17th and 18th century China was the most advanced country in the world they were so advanced the decided not to trade with any other country while the most of the of the world did. If you noticed i said most of the world the part that didn't was Africa causing Africans to be behind in the worlds techonology the reason why they were not included in the trading is because West Africa's coastline is smooth which is very bad for trading. Africans didnt know the technology that was going on outside of Africa and were quite happy with the technology that had and were not making a large effort to trade. Obviously black slaves in the states didnt want to be slaves they didnt want to be there, they were quite happy with Africa though slave traders didnt care unlike the asians who migrated here from Asian countries for oppurtinity. The citzens of this country took advantge of the asians and thier willingess to work but the africans didnt want to be here but it was too late they had childern and thier childern had childern and it would make no sense to send these genertaion of africans back to africa because they werent born thier and that wasnt thier culture. Asians moved up in social mobilty though Africans Americans stayed down and it makes sense to why Asians are smarter then Africcan Americans or any other color.

************* They had more advanced technology and were willing to work, Africans were forced and didnt have that technology becasue of geographical reasons ( bad coastline for tradding )

- Joey, 14, US

2006-10-02 12:39:16 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Its not particularly genetics but psychology & sociology, with mild effects of resource access. I am black and from New Orleans and I get a sense of what you are asking. From my end of the world, I did get the sense from many (black, white, etc...) that I should not progress or try or do many of the things that I did around the world. That was an aspect of the culture & society that I lived in. Progressing as I did, I was discouraged to do things b/c 'WE' (... as a people in that small society ...) do not do that. I think that dissuasion was more to do with their ability to help me given they had not ventured down that road themselves, but that's my view of it.

As it comes to a society that changes very little...
There is alot of ORDER that his stressed with the dictates of small-town societies. I have lived from the Czech Republic to the Caribbean to 7-states in the Union and the larger the popluation, the more the options. The more options caused more stress related to someone else telling you how YOU should be. The strangest thing is that people in large & small communities dictate mores on one another about the same frequency; the major difference is that smaller communities are seeking to keep the status quo, where there is more 'strife' (... personal, emotional, etc...) that seems to happen more often in larger communities.

Well, that's my perspective.


2006-10-02 12:27:23 · answer #6 · answered by Wyndell R 2 · 2 0

The entire nation in China is drilled to the grounds about all things academic. Since the existance of the chinese race, every male kid who came from middle to rich families are beaten to death about their studies. If you want to argue genetics then the chinese are smart coz they came up with many useful inventions during the ancient times.

Blacks came from Africa where ones need to survive the harsh weather. They don't need Calculus given that they already need a lot of effort to survive in such harsh place. but it did turn them into very strong people and good NBA NFL players:)

2006-10-02 12:37:51 · answer #7 · answered by Langdon 3 · 1 0

Asians are not genetically smarter . . . if you did a little bit more research, you would know that in Asian countries, they weed out the kids who are not as smart and instead of making them go to school, they send them to work . . . so when you see them making comparisons between Asians and other races as far as academics are concerned, they're only looking at the "cream of the crop" from Asia . . . in the US, we don't have that luxury . . everyone in the US in required by law to go to school, whether you "make the cut" or not . ..

2006-10-02 12:21:35 · answer #8 · answered by ♥LoisLane♥ 4 · 5 0

Since we're dealing in generalizations and stereotypes, Asians take their education extremely seriously and their society stresses the importance of education.

Black society doesn't feel this way, they sometimes feel that when a black does become educated, he's no longer really one of them.

I guess we'll both be called racists before this question is closed.

2006-10-02 12:22:14 · answer #9 · answered by ratboy 7 · 1 1

Fact must be supported. However, even if you were to site a dozen sources supporting this notion, and even if those sources were derived from individuals who have in there research tested vast numbers from both populations, and obtained results supporting the statement, there would still be no way to make an argument on the basis of intlegence versus race unless one could evaluate the ancestry of each indidual within the test group had the exact same experiences, circumstances, cultural controls and priveledge. To be honest, I can t see anyone who a society would categorize as intelligent making such an unintillegent comparison and then attribute it to genetics. The reality here is this statement was made to insight and insult. It is in no way factual or true.

2017-03-09 12:10:20 · answer #10 · answered by Thomas 1 · 0 0

i do not know if genetics has anything to do with it. if you look at society Asians seem to be smarter than whites as well. So what is your point.

2006-10-02 12:22:45 · answer #11 · answered by ? 6 · 2 1

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