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I have a 9 month otld baby girl and she doesnt want to sleep at night! She has her own room but she everynight i when i put her in her crib, i have to wake up about 9-15 times a night to go to her room beacuase she cries. so now i put her in my own bed but at night she stills tosses and turns and cries in her sleep. im am a walking zombie because i havent had a normal night of sleep for a reallly long time...can anyone help me?
p.s. i dont want to just leave her in the crib and let her cry so are there any other ways to make her sleep better at night?

2006-10-02 11:53:17 · 19 answers · asked by BrbE 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Newborn & Baby

19 answers

9 months is a time of wakefulness. Baby is developing all sorts of new skills! She is far too busy for sleep!

It is totally okay to let her sleep in your bed. You can also "sidecar" her crib if there is room. To do this, take one of the side rails off position the mattress to the same level as your bed and secure it tightly against your bed (between your bed and the wall is the best bet.) then she has her own space and all you have to do is reach over and pull her to you to feed, or just pat her. You will both get a lot more sleep. Don't worry that she will never leave your room! Older children can be respectfully taught limits. The baby need you at night as much as during the day.

Some other things to check out are "The No Cry Sleep Solution" and Dr. Jay Gordon's website.

You do not have to torture your baby to sleep. they all figure it out eventually.
My DD co-slept for 2.5 years and moved to a toddler bed then to her own room by the time she was 3.

2006-10-02 18:00:40 · answer #1 · answered by Terrible Threes 6 · 1 0

I hate to say this, but in a way you have taught her to cry. By crying, you come running. Most Dr's will even recommend letting the baby cry for 15-20 min. 9 to 15 times a night is nothing short of crazy. If you have a hubby, or boyfriend, I would suggest that one night you go and sleep at a friends, neighbors or your parents and let him take care of the baby. I would also not let your baby sleep too much during the day. A morning nap of 2 hrs tops and an afternoon nap of 2-2:30 is it. You should sleep then too. If she is in daycare I would really talk to the people there about how much she is sleeping.

She is probably crying just to make sure you are there. Your constant running to her has one made it worse. She has to trust you.

You are the mom, you are in control. You just have to TAKE control. It is hard to do, but better for her in the long term. You don't want to be dealing with this for years to come.

2006-10-02 19:20:17 · answer #2 · answered by Beth M 4 · 0 0

1) does she sleep well during the day? try sleeping when she does during the day...small price to pay for a little sanity
2) have you taken her to the dr recently to make sure she doesn't have a medical problem that's keeping her up, i.e. ear infection, etc.
3) is she teething? teething tablets and numbing gel work wonders, but the best thing for that is chilled teethers
4) unfortunately, it may be a "phase".
5) even after she starts sleeping well again, TELL her every night that she's loved and that you're close and she's safe. babies understand so much and it will help them well into later years.

OMG...what is wrong with trying to comfort your child?!?! If she's crying, she wants something, even if it is just touch!!! Whatever anyone tells you, go with your gut. If you want to go running every time she cries, do it. If you want to let her cry for 5 minutes and then go in to reassure her, do it. ONLY YOU KNOW BEST FOR YOUR DAUGHTER!!!

My son slept in our bed until he was 9 months old. Now he's sleeping in a playpen right by our bed and a LOT of the time, I lay down in the bed beside his until he goes to sleep (I generally put him down and depending on the tone of his cry or how long he carries on, I'll go back in.)...a little inconvenient sometimes, but he's one of the happiest and secure-feeling babies you'll ever meet. He ditched his own pacifier. He didn't have a problem giving up bottles. I don't anticipate any problems with giving up diapers or sleeping in a big boy bed in his own room because when the time is right, he'll already have the foundation for feeling secure and confident in ANY situation.

If you can, take a break once or twice a week. If you're breastfeeding, pump extra milk and have someone watch her elsewhere so you can catch up on sleep. If you're too stressed, it'll get passed on either by your health or sanity suffering.

Good luck and hang in there, they're not little forever!

2006-10-02 19:07:53 · answer #3 · answered by Ravennesse 1 · 2 0

I would give her a warm bath before bed and feed her and change her and make sure she is all ready for bed then if you have abed time routine go ahead with that. If you don't come up with one. Rountine will help.

You should let her cry it out.

I made themistake of running to my daughter everytime she cired and putting her in my bed. SHe woudn't sleepin her own room until she was 3 and then she would sneak outin the middle of the night tocomein my bed.

Now she is 5 and still throws a fit sometimes.

She just got used to it.

Letting her cry isn't going to hurt anything. Let her cry for atleast a half hour if she doesn't calm down then go in and comfort her she willmost likely then be so tired she willjust fall asleep.

2006-10-02 19:02:11 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Please do not listen to anyone who tells you that your wrong for letting her sleep with you. You do whatever is necessary to get a little rest. I have three kids. My oldest slept with me from day one. My middle one still does occasionally (he's 6). my youngest sleeps in her crib(because she has monitors and oxygen it is safer for her) but it is within arms reach from my bed. I have never let my kids cry it out. Babies have a need when they cry. It may just be that they want your company, but thats ok. You do the best you can and sneak a nap in when possible. This stage will pass. Good Luck and hopefully good night.

2006-10-02 22:21:11 · answer #5 · answered by mommyofthree 3 · 1 0

Leaving her in the crib is the way we did it...It works that is for sure.
Of course be sure the baby is ok....but they are smart...they will get the message.
And so far your baby has the message that "if I cry long enough I can sleep with mommy". So that is what the baby will do. SNd guess what...you come in do what the baby wants you to do.

take charge momma. It will be hard for about 3 days...that;s how long it took for ours to learn about 3 or 4 days.

2006-10-02 19:03:31 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Putting her in your own bed is a really big mistake!!! Try not to let her take a nap all day...or let her nap be early in the day, my children napped at 11:00 to 1:00 during the day...and they were always in bed by 9:00PM and they slept all night long since they were both 8 weeks old!!

2006-10-02 19:02:24 · answer #7 · answered by Virginia S 1 · 0 0

i know that doctors say taht u cant give cereal or baby jars when they are a certain months, Which I think by this time she sould be eating that already, but if not try feeding her cereal or fruit for her last meal sometimes a good last meal like that does the trick i know it did to my little brother, also try giving her water or anything to drink she might be thirsty. She could also have gas if you see that she is having gas problems give her this medication that is for baby gas relieve. She might even just be cold or hot... I hope some of this advice will help you
good luck

2006-10-02 19:01:34 · answer #8 · answered by sweetangel4400 2 · 0 0

You can try music( calssical, lullabies, nature); a night light - my 2 girls won't sleep unless they have a night light; bigger bedtime feeding; a stuufed animal- my oldest has to have her stuffed Eyeore or she doesn't sleep. Other than just trying you may have to just let her cry. I know it's hard with my first I'd sit outside her door and cry until she finally went to sleep within a month she was sleeping through th night. Maybe try the Ferber Method. Hang in there.

2006-10-02 19:03:21 · answer #9 · answered by bvml 2 · 1 0

If she's still crying in her sleep even in bed with you, maybe there is something wrong. She could have gas or colic. neither one desirable but treatable. If there isn't anything else wrong, the only way to get her to sleep is to STOP getting her out of bed. Not only will you end up with her in your bed for years to come but you are teaching her that crying and throwing fits will get her what she wants. It is heart breaking ,i, know. But you only have to do it for 3-5 days and she'll stop the midnight cries.

2006-10-02 19:02:36 · answer #10 · answered by Lesley C 3 · 0 0

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