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Why does a women epect there husband to work a 12 hr day, then come home and cook and clean?
If you dont have a job, youre a home maker, thats what you do. you clean for youre husband becouse he works his *** of for you.
Its a 2 way street 50/50.
!st of all you are not constantly working 12 hrs a day like youre husband does. He is at "WORK" not at home, if he is a mechanic he spent 12 hours, changeing somebodys brakes, radiator, transmission, front and rear shocks, installed 2 radios, and rotated someones tires. YOU, you cleaned up the bread crumbs from the sandwich you made, better clock that, Dont forget about cleaning the knife, clock that to, you clean the bathroom, clock 30 mins, you watch tv, clock 4 hrs, went and got a perm, Really hard work, clock that. 2 hrs. And if youre a good wife you MIGHT have cleaned up after youself all day.
Youre work load is not equivilent to his.
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