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Saying its life, bla...bla...
And when someone says they believe
the woman should have the
They go ballastic and say...
Your mother should have had an abortion...
Is that being a hypocrite or childish?

2006-10-02 11:33:49 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

21 answers

I think they go ballistic because they are not focused on the real issue and they are over compensating for their own inconsistencies.

They focus on the fact that it is life. Of course it is life. Arguing when it becomes life is like arguing how many angels can stand on the tip of a needle. It will get us nowhere. It is life in the milli-second, the instant that the egg and the sperm meet, it BECOMES life.

I personally agree with that and as a Vegan I have reverence for ALL life. But the main issue is that it is life WITHIN another life.

It is not right to kill a cow because a cow is her own creature, but if there was a virus within you, killing you, your antibodies would seek out that virus and kill it...there is nothing wrong with that.

Likewise if a woman has a life within her body it should be her decision what she chooses to do with that life. Since possession is 9/10th of the law.

Again it is the inconsistency that makes them get angry, because most right-wing anti-abortion folks are pro guns and defense of the home, so they use the property laws to defend their right to shoot an intruder who enters their home but not to defend the right of a woman to do what she wishes with a life that is WITHIN her body. So within the home we are allowed to use lethal force, but not within the body?

I am not saying that a baby is an intruder, if my wife becomes pregnant we will see this life as a blessing and a very welcome guest within her body, but for some women the situation may be different. And the baby could be seen as an intruder.

Of course no one blames the baby, but if the woman, for example, was raped, she may have good reason not to want to keep the life created as a result of that rape. And since it is within HER body she is the only one allowed to make that choice.

But they avoid the bigger issue. The real issue is education. If all boys were taught about their responsibilities, and made accountable for every one of their seed. Educated on using condoms. If all children were sexually educated there would be virtually no unwanted pregnacies and abortions would be rare.

But many right-wing folks are against sexual education, and also against abortion, this is inconsistent and makes no sense.

And so they go ballistic because they know that their ideas are not consistent.

2006-10-02 11:53:20 · answer #1 · answered by Antoine D 1 · 1 0

Well.. Killing is Killing. Nothing you can say will change the fact that abortions are murdering the innocent young lives within the mother's womb.
yes, you have the right o choose to kill your baby. Wow, have you seen how many bratty kids there are today? They should extend the abortion thing to before the kid turns 18. Then you could just kill the kid whenever he becomes a burden to you. Is that what our society is all about? Just kill those who make life a little hard?
Now, lets talk about the "rights" part of abortion. There may be a law that says you can kill your unborn child, and not be considered a murderer in the judicial system, but if you kill the baby a day AFTER it is born, you will be charged with murder.
Face the truth. That child does have rights. Just because it isn't born doesn;t mean that it don't got rights. You sick people just think that abortion is a good solution to your problems. I have never heard a republican say what you listed above or accused them of saying. But you know what? Maybe your mom should have killed you when you were 8 months in the womb.. That way you would have almost been born, but she would have had the doctor stab a knife into your brains and carve out your insides. Does this sound appealing? That would be abortion. It may be a hell of a lot easier and more convenient for the mom, but when it come down to the baby? PAIN and SUFFERING.

Think about your dumb*ss question. It was not a question. You just love to repeat the pain and suffering of those millions of babies. It isn't a matter of republican and democrats, you looser, it is a matter of life and morality.

2006-10-02 11:52:50 · answer #2 · answered by Cyber Spacer 2 · 0 1

You really miss the whole point when you say "its life, bla...bla...".

If it's a life, then all of the protections that you enjoy MUST be applied to the fetus. If it is not a life, then there is no argument. It's not bla...bla... Whether it is a life is the crux of the whole issue. And for the record, I'm glad you were not aborted.

Strictly from legal basis, in my opinion, the "right" to chose is a fallacy handed out by a Supreme Court with no courage. The legal arguments for that "right" are centered around a constitutional right to privacy. Unfortunately, you won't find "privacy" as a guaranteed right in the constitution.

2006-10-02 12:10:50 · answer #3 · answered by thetruthhurts2025 2 · 0 1

Yes it is, but remember that not all Republicans feel this way. I am a Republican and I am pro-choice.

It really gets on my nerves when opponents a) call themselves "pro-life" and then support the death penalty. b) They call people who believe in choice "pro-abortion." I have seen many on here and met some others who are pro-choice, but I have never known anyone to be "pro-abortion." The idea is ludicrous to me!

If my family and I decide that abortion is the right thing for us, then I should have access to a doctor's and hospital's care and not have to rely on some guy in a back alley with a coat hanger or knife.

I also think that the type of people you are talking about think that before Roe v Wade, abortions didn't exist when most of us know that abortion has been going on for centuries if not Melania.

Oh, and I get what you mean by "hypocritical!" It's subtle, but if he thinks about it, it really IS hypocritical! I had not thought about that statement like that before now.

2006-10-02 11:40:35 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 3 1

No, and not all conservatives have that on the best of their schedule. I do, even regardless of the undeniable fact that, think of you may tell a lot via Obama's character while he voted against permitting physician's to attempt and keep the existence of a toddler who survives parital-beginning abortion. Hillary, a woman even voted for it. Conservatives are apprehensive approximately Obama's tax plan. He needs to tax small businiess while they make up maximum folk of corporation in usa of america. they're going to quickly could fireplace empployees, close down and we are able to all be procuring at Wal-Mart that's a place that maximum dem's despise besides. we are worried approximately healthcare. we are able to could wait 3 months for an emergency coronary heart surgical technique and what's humorous is that the human beings you're scuffling with to get carry of healthcare will could wait 3 months too so anybody loses. We snicker on the reality that dem's think of while Obama supplies a grin and a wink to Iran, Pakistan etc that one and all our issues would be solved. they elect him ineffective as much as they elect me ineffective. Al Qaeda could care much less if Obama needs to have tea with them. they elect usa of america destroyed no be counted what! So, listed under are basically some motives we are vote casting republican.

2016-12-26 07:49:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

Liberal Doctors are very smart. They created an industry that makes mega millions of dollars and only takes a few minutes to perform.
Do you really think that abortion would be legal if there wasn't any money in it? A personal right to choose? No where in the constitution is it mentioned, even remotely, that abortion is legitimate. Of course Liberal judges have no qualms about finding a way to legitimize it, while the medical community greases their palms.

2006-10-02 11:48:53 · answer #6 · answered by Edward F 4 · 1 1

Real republicans don't. Real republicans uphold the party's long-held belief that government should stay out of people's personal lives and not decide things like this for them.

Fundamentist christians, however, DO go ballistic over it. They're always more worried about other people's supposed "sins," and want to outlaw what they think is "sin" so that there's less chance they'll screw up themselves if it's illegal. Legislate their own morality, and to hell with what anybody believes -- that's their agenda. Unfortunately, lots of these doofuses have hijacked the republican party -- it ain't what it used to be :(

2006-10-02 11:55:38 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

No, Republicans DON'T say that, nor does anyone else who opposes abortion for convenience and abortion on demand.

As things stand, under Roe vs. Wade, women have the legal right to kill their own unborn children. Are you really comfortable with that? A lot of women aren't, including Norma McCorvey, the original "Jane Roe". She found that she couldn't live with that decision, and she is now a solid supporter of the Pro-Life Movement.

2006-10-02 11:43:33 · answer #8 · answered by senior citizen 5 · 0 1

It mostly deals with the religion issue, however i find it hypocrytical to go to war and kill children and women and men, yet it is wrong to abort an egg, that has not yet to be born. Some say to this well, the fetus cant fight back, well neither can the people we bomb, the children that are alive that are aware and are maimed tortured, and the child preditors we have in our society that harm them. How many of the bible people have adopted an unwanted child no( not the little babies they want) the ones that no one wants, they live in their little pristeene worlds and judge others, but are the first to go to war and to judge abortion

2006-10-02 11:42:23 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1


PETA supporters do the same thing. Anti-war personnel do the same thing (they also have extensive knowledge on explosives which is rather odd)

it's called passion. i, myself am rather passive about the topic. i believe it's an individual choice. only the woman making that choice is the person that deal with the results. i have no intention of making such a decision. but i would never say if given the right circumstances i would never have it done.
but for someone to be passionate about the topic is not a bad thing. everyone has one opinion that they feel strongly about.

2006-10-02 11:45:38 · answer #10 · answered by Bella 5 · 0 1

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