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The "don't ask, don't tell" policy isn't really fair. Straight military men and women have their spouses, or lovers, meet and greet them when coming in from port, but if a gay man/woman had their lover greet them anywhere on base, they'd be terminated from the service. How is that fair?

2006-10-02 09:35:09 · 24 answers · asked by Agent Double EL 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

Renegade6988, I agree with you. I, for one, would not want to serve a country that infringed upon my rights, but by the same token, what if by those of us who could help, didn't, and we lost more than just the freedoms we don't have.
Ever read that poem "First they came for the Jews...?"

2006-10-02 09:41:13 · update #1

24 answers

They are allowed in - and thousands are currently serving. They just can't be openly gay.

Clinton sold out on this issue - that's when I lost respect for him. Now, even our own generals are saying the law should be repealed. Gays serve openly in all allied NATO armies - and even in the Israeli army. So why not here? Because Bush relies on the support the whacko religious right fringe to keep him in power, and he's not about to do anything to upset them.

2006-10-02 09:39:49 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

I spent 20 years in the U.S. navy, and the objections I heard to gays/bis were these:
1. It's a question of morale, "normal" people shouldn't be forced to be around, or worse take orders from a (pick your derogatory epithet of choice), this was the main argument against letting in Blacks and Asians as well.
2. It's a security risk, if everyone knows someone is gay then enemy agents will find out and blackmail him into committing treason by threatening to reveal the common knowledge.
3. There's a danger of sexual harassment, straight men are all so irresistibly sexually attractive that gay men won't be able to keep their hands off of them, it puts men at the same risk of unwanted male attention that women face. Of course, those kind of men are unable to believe that any woman wouldn't want them to make sexual advances, hence the sexual harassment laws.
4. It's against the Bible and this country was founded to impose compliance with fundamentalist Christian dogma on all people worldwide.
As far as I can tell, that pretty much covers all the reasons given for banning openly gay personnel from military service.

2006-10-02 15:56:29 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 2 0

Are you sure someone would be terminated from the service if someone of the same sex greeted them or are you just jumping to conclusions?
It is a terrible and horrible crime to not have open gays in the military. I mean they should have special gay barracks, and gay support groups. We could have military gay pride month when our tanks fly the rainbow instead.
We could have our gay troops carry the big sexy guns that shoot those huge phallic bullets. Ooh baby!
What a horrible country we must live in. No one should wish to serve such an evil and discriminatory nation!
And to think some countries have laws that put gays to death.
maybe you could serve them.
Or better yet I hear Al Qaida may accept gays. Oh no...they kill them too.
Bearable...your an unbearable and obnoxious jerk. That would be true if you were a sex deviant or not.
It has to do with young men and women fighting and dying for your right to be a disrespectful fool and live w/o fear.
perhaps things would be better w/o American military.
I am sure if Nazi Germany won they would be nicer to you huh?
The fact is you naive liberals don't realize how good we have it here.

2006-10-02 10:15:27 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 2 3

As a military spouse, I have met many people. And no it is not fair to judge someone based on sexuality. But as we all know, "certain people" (for lack of a better term) want to make the U.S. seem like we are so perfect. I find it rather funny that anyone in the military can be punished if it is proven that they are having sex in any other position other than missionary...Now how many people would be in the military if they decided to enforce that regulation...lol

Addition: Under medical terms, homosexuality is not considered a mental disorder. Even though they are still questioning it. I can't say for a fact that it is medical...but I can say that a person cannot help who they are attracted to. As children we are brought up to believe that there is to be a mommy and a daddy in a home. But so much has changed til now and many households are different from one another. I have 4 wonderful children who are faced with sexuality every day of their lives (in school, out in public, and television). All I want is their happiness no matter what. As for the military, well....when you are on the battle ground with bullets flying over your head...who is going to take the time to find out "what sex u claim?" I have many diverse friends and what they do in their bedroom is their business.

To the lady who "worried in a foxhole".....get real. Unless you open that door....I am sure no one would bother you. Just because someone is gay does not mean that they want to have sex with you. Who knows, you could find a wonderful nice friend with a PERSON!!! I get so sick of hearing "well, she/he is gay so they may try something." That is your own insecurity. My husband is in the Army (10years) and he laughed at your comment. You (assuming you served in the military) know well that no one would intentially put themselve in a situation like that. Now, I am sure you have came across one or two people "with different taste as yours". But that is their choice. Everyone knows when the time is right to cross a line!!!

2006-10-02 09:44:40 · answer #4 · answered by lady S 1 · 6 2

It's not fair, and frankly it's a bit insulting to the many gay and lesbians who fight for the USA but are not allowed to be full citizens of the USA. I find it ironic that the same people who hate gays and don't want them in the military are the group that have no problem with gays fighting and dying for them.

The US is one of a handful of countries that still does this. Even the Israeli army has gays serving openly. What does it say about the US when gays are willing to die to defend their country when most who hate gays won't volunteer themselves. Who are the real cowards?

2006-10-02 09:40:26 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 6 1

What would boot camp look like? Wouldn't this be unfair to homosexuals? Being married I would feel very unconfortable being housed with, taking showers with, etc. a bunch of females around me. This is what you have if you house homosexuals together and/or with other men. So what do we do? Do we house them with women? How would the women feel about a man showering with them? How many straight guys would claim to be gay just to get the opportunity? Do we give a personal, private barracks for each homosexual? Wouldn't that make the homosexual as well as the other enlisted people feel uncomfortable? How would that affect morale?

2006-10-02 10:14:23 · answer #6 · answered by chuck3011 3 · 3 1

I was in for ten years, my husband retired after 30 years (as a Chief Master Sergeant). There are lots of gays in the military. I have found as long as you do a good job and keep your nose clean and don't make waves your sexuality is overlooked. If you are a flamming fag and act like one or create problems then you have to deal with those problems.

2006-10-02 09:40:00 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

That's a great question

2016-08-23 08:00:54 · answer #8 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

<> basically because of the fact some thing it criminal does not recommend this is precise. <> there's a reason you won't be able to spell 'anticipate' without '***'. people who anticipate too plenty finally end up making asses of themselves. <> does not make experience, does it - and yet, there you're advocating people basically anticipate the government is suitable! <> incorrect! <> advert hominem assaults harm your credibility. perhaps Marc, like me, does not see too plenty in the way of credibility while interpreting your question. <> The term "fetus" actually means "the greater youthful in the womb". The fetus IS a living man or woman. existence starts at concept, no longer start nor some arbitrary element in between. consequently, each and every abortion constitutes the homicide of an unborn man or woman. <> however the fetus IS human. consequently, abortion IS homicide. <> what's so narrow minded approximately acknowledging the unborn for the living people they're? in view which you're no longer able to try this, does not that recommend your ideas is in actuality greater narrow than mine? <> That basically is going to tutor how schizophrenic human institutions could be - and you desire to anticipate such a company (the government) is suitable.

2016-10-18 09:09:13 · answer #9 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

It isn't. It is a discriminatory act and should be removed from the law. However, this is the government, and when have they EVER been fair? Take a look at women voting, slavery, black voting, Jim Crow laws, and my personal favorite, separate but equal. The US government has a long line of racism and bigotry, can't wait to see who they'll pick on next.

2006-10-02 10:18:26 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

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