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Would you vote for her?

2006-10-02 07:38:41 · 29 answers · asked by martin 4 in Politics & Government Politics

29 answers

I hope so, and yes, I would vote for her. It's time for a woman to get up there, and a Democrat, too! I'm sick of these show-off Republicans.

2006-10-02 07:40:24 · answer #1 · answered by trancegoddess2001 3 · 3 5

I hate to sound a liltle irreverent, but, it is a good line. Kate Hepburn from
' The Lion In Winter ' :

" In a world where carpenters are resurrected, anything is possible. "

It would be an indictment of sorts, I think.

An elected official has, academically, a serious position bearing with it huge responsibilities and consequences. People shouldn't be elected on whim or fetish. The first ' this or that '

The real question should be asked; can they do the job effectively, equitably, and honorably? We're talking about the impact/influence on the lives of millions, if not billions on the sole turning of a piece of official policy proceeding from same.

In keeping with the dictates of a people nurtured on freedom.

If you're looking at whatever they are, it means they don't do anything but afford you the meagre, if miserable pleasure, of what they are.

I say indictment because there seems a paucity of men to do the job. So the onus is placed on the women.

Politics now, is a dirty business. World Wide. Has been for quite some time. No I wouldn't vote for Hillary Clinton. Irrespective of whatever platform she may declare.

2006-10-02 07:47:18 · answer #2 · answered by vanamont7 7 · 1 0

I honestly and most sincerely didn't think so at one time... but now...well, I've realized that stranger things can happen...

But, with what we're handed down by those who control this government, control this country... (I refer to the super rich and powerful since THEY are the ones that decide which THEIR PUPPETS we elect... WE have NO TRUE choices; THEY decide which candidates we have to vote for)(Who was the last POOR Governor, or President to get elected to office without a political machine brokered by the super rich and powerful?).

WE, the public, the people, the citizens and taxpayers REALLY do not have any control over things in this country. Look at what happened in Florida with Dubya and his goons and henchmen USURPING the Presidency with votes that would have determined the rightful choice of THE PEOPLE, the hundreds of thousands of votes that were not counted... votes that included those in those by those representing this Nation, those in the military.... those votes that were deliberately waylaid that could have determined the outcome of the Presidency... in a state where HIS BROTHER is governor! Then... again we have yet another "COINCIDENCE" in Ohio...? How can this country have so many stupid, idiotic morons willing to repeat a mistake in hopes of achieving a different outcome? There are NO coincidences in politics...! We now have someone that uses every imaginable ploy to diver attention from the REAL issues affecting this country... he lies, he manipulates the truth.... our freedoms, liberties and rights are under constant threat every single day under the guise of supposed "threats of terrorism" so that Dubya and his goons and henchmen can continue to help the super rich and powerful further enrich themselves...

HOW can this happen TODAY...??? We're supposed to be smarter and more advanced now...?

Anything is possible considering the idiotic, stupid, moronic and shameless whimsy of those that pulled the strings to ensure that the public was duped again and made it seem as though it was that there are that many fanatical yokels around to elect the rodeo clown that has made this country the laughing stock of the world. But... really, there ain't that many homes with latrines left in this country... not that many dumb yokels that could have possibly fallen victims to the obvious lies... I refuse to believe that his country is simply THAT stupid!

Soon, this country is going to get like some Third World country where each and every Person is going to have to walk around with documents and so-many proofs of identity... as it is now, they're trying to pass this law... DAMN IT, we're heading down the same road as Nazi Germany, or Fascist Italy or Communist Russia! Can't anyone see the parallels... the signs... the dangers of what is going on? WAKE UP AMERICANS.... stop being so DAMNED GULLIBLE...!

I blame all of those that chose not to exercise a right that was hard fought with blood, sweat and tears that they may VOTE.... I blame those that could not take 10, 20 or even 30 minutes of their lives to cast a vote... to make a difference!

Anything is possible. Do I think Hilary would be a good President? No. Do I believe Condoleeza Rice would make a good President? No. Do I believe a woman can be President? Yes.... but we should vote for a woman ONLY when she represents the best candidate for the Presidency NOT FOR THE MERE SAKE OF HAVING A WOMAN PRESIDENT.

2006-10-02 08:20:13 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I will vote for her, but otherwise, she hasn't a chance. I don't even think she COULD run. The Democratic party knows it would be an automatic loss, because even a male Dem. would vote for someone else, just to keep a woman out of office-America, no matter how developed, technologically advance, leaders of the world, or a Democracy, isn't ready.

2006-10-02 07:41:51 · answer #4 · answered by Jep 3 · 2 1

Coming from a real New Yorker, upstate not the CITY! I think she's actually done a really good senator for my state. And I admit i did not support her running in 2000, but have been proved dead wrong. I think she has the best chance out of anyone right now, man or woman. You can't throw mud on someone that's been covered by it from others for 14 years.

2006-10-02 07:49:47 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

She has a chance, yes. Would I vote for her, no way. She has been nothing but a loud mouth in the senate, screaming and yelling about all kinds of matters, voting on stupid bills. Some on the hill have noticed that they haven't seen such a loud mouth nothing since when Rangel was elected in the house. She is just using her husbands name to get ahead in politics.

2006-10-02 07:41:37 · answer #6 · answered by AT 5 · 2 2

If she can figure out a way to bring people together on both sides of the aisle and can stand up for what she ACTUALLY believes in (not just capitulating to the polls) I think she's got a very good shot.

I would vote for her if she did that and if she convinced me she was the best person for the job.

2006-10-02 07:42:25 · answer #7 · answered by laura_ghill 3 · 3 2

I think she has a chance, but I would not vote for her. She's been really trying hard lately to act like she's in touch with mainstream Americans, but I don't trust her.

2006-10-02 07:40:58 · answer #8 · answered by Pyebwa 3 · 4 0

She has a very high chance to become the first woman president of USA.

I wish I could vote for her. But for that matter, she needs to stand in the presidential campaign and I need to be a citizen of USA.

( I am an Indian, and very happy to be one. )

2006-10-02 07:41:54 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I think if she ran she would have a very good chance. i would probably vote for her unless i preferred the opponents view, stands, etc better. if her opponent were jeb bush, i'd vote hillary for sure.

2006-10-02 07:42:06 · answer #10 · answered by leavemealonestalker 6 · 2 1

Does she have a chance?
Sure, there are enough idiots registered.

Would I vote for her?
No, I want my country to be a better place for my children. She is far to divisive.

2006-10-02 07:41:02 · answer #11 · answered by Robert 5 · 3 1

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