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this issue seems to have been discussed before, yet it's too confusing for me. Could we say as a summary; for gays and lesbs, it's an orientation without a choice, but for bsx s it's a preference? But no, even at the moment i propose, it sounds meaningless..It should be a preference for'em all because, it's a matter of choosing the extraordinary while the normal there awaits. You may have an orientation in your mind&soul but u may hide it as well, in this way u "prefer" being asexual or reluctantly straight. On the other hand u may "prefer" being open and active and behave the way u feel. So this homosexuality issue is either way a preference..It's a free mind's free decision. No matter what the inside (orientation) tells you to do. Your inside only offers sth, it's you yourself who really rules...People do you agree with me? (Gays/bsx/lesbs and straights) let's get it straight:)

2006-10-02 07:32:33 · 14 answers · asked by ddyk 3 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender

14 answers

Hope this helps:

Orientation = how you were born. This is the preferred term when discussing LGBT people.
Preferences describe choices we make or things we select. I would strongly suggest you do not use this term, because it sounds like people choose whether or not to be gay/lesbian.

Having said that, I think a bi person could describe themselves as having that orientation, but also discuss what preferences they have in general, for that particular evening, etc.

Whether or not you hide your orientation does not matter. See also "ex-gays."

2006-10-02 07:42:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Your logic is as confusing as your writing. Your point seems to be that anyone can force themselves to have sex with another person if they wish. But that doesn't change who you are at the core.

Even if sexuality were nothing but a preference, should we subjugate and hate a group of people because of a preference? Should we start burning down the churches of people who choose to worship in a different way than you?

As a close minded straight person it will probably never be possible for you to consider what it must be like to be gay. But with people like you around it can't be that much fun.

The homosexuality 'issue' as you put it is really not an issue. The problem is that people like you want to discriminate against them for being different. Well a look through some human history books will show you the perils of that way of thinking. You might want to start by reading about what the Nazis did, and go from there.

2006-10-02 07:36:22 · answer #2 · answered by ZCT 7 · 0 2

So, if it's just a "choice", as you so glibly put it, you could easily be sexual with a man if you are a man, and vice versa for a female. After all, it's simply a "choce", right? Think about it.

Put it simply, you are oriened towards what you prefer- If you hate liver, yet force yourself to choke it down, that still means that you think liver as a food is repulsive. So, if you are oriented towards, say, ckicken, you would prefer it, ergo- you are oriented towards chicken because you prefer it. Simple, really.

Some people (gay men) have the ability to force themselves to be straight, even though they don't like it. Maybe a factor of shame, or self-hate, or religious upbringing- I don't know. They (a gay man) are not oriented towards women sexually, although they can put on a good act and fool others. they are not oriented towards women, and therefore they don't prefer or have a preference for them.

You are oriented towards what you prefer. Bisexuals are oriented towards men and women sexually, so they prefer both.

I know this sounds like a simplistic asnwer, but it's really that simple.

2006-10-02 09:03:52 · answer #3 · answered by mageapprentice 3 · 0 0

Simply put:

Orientation is the biological condition with which we are born.

Preference is as defined, a choice.

Sexuality is by definition an orientation, but as we all know, can vary in degrees, some born completely str8 others born completely homosexual, but most fall in between, having an orientation that is somewhat fluid thus allowing for bisexuals.

As for your argument in regards to preference for the sake of hiding, that does occur, but it is a symptom of the homophobia which permeates society, American society especially. If one lives in a place where they are told they are worthless and are demeaned regularly, and are not allowed to express themselves freely it stands to reason they would hide to protect themselves. The sad truth is, society makes it impossible for gays to be honest, then blames them for lying. Who would ever choose or prefer that?

2006-10-02 08:02:58 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Since you're asking and as I'm bi I want to tell you that being bi is not really something you choose to be. I think you are or you aren't. Personally I have the greatest of difficulty of understanding people who are straight in orientation. What's wrong with cuddling with your own sex, what's wrong with offering somebody else of whatever sex the comfort of your body. I honestly don't get it. To my way of thinking it's the straights who are unnatural and who seem to have made a choice. Being bi is not an easy option, but it is just how I happen to be.

2006-10-02 09:37:03 · answer #5 · answered by Augusta B 3 · 0 0

Well I'm not sure I entirely understand your argument. If you are saying that just because some people "stay in the closet" about their sexuality then it is a choice, this is wrong. Just because someone chooses not to be open about their sexuality does not mean they have a choice to be attracted to the opposite or same sex. If you are saying that some homosexual people try to hide their sexuality from themselves and are therefore choosing not to be homosexual, that is also wrong. Think about it. For example: The former senator (or congressman?) from New Jersey was homosexual, but he had a wife and kids. He hid his homosexuality because he was afraid of what would have happened if people knew about his sexuality. This doesn't mean he wasn't homosexual, it means he was in denial. Homosexuality (heterosexuality, and bisexuality) is part of who people are, just because they choose to live in denial does NOT in any way mean they choose to be homosexual (or bisexual or heterosexual). It is like, if I really like strawberry pancakes (not to compare homosexuality to pancakes), but everyone else I was with at IHOP liked blueberry pancakes and shunned people that liked strawberry pancakes. Just because I end up ordering blueberry pancakes because of the pressure does not mean I don't really want strawberry pancakes (an oversimplification compared to sexuality of course).

2006-10-02 07:45:29 · answer #6 · answered by Serious 2 · 0 0

I am a bisexual female. Even as a child I had crushes on girls. Noone in their right minds would choose to be homosexual Theres just too much against them socially. However,There are girls who like to play lesbian to turn men on. Ive had friends like this. Its so stupid. Straight people will argue,its a choice. PPL want to be gay. But straight ppl find it repulsive,so why would a straight person just choose to go down there if its repulsive??? Why? Because its just not natural to them.

2006-10-02 07:38:01 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

No, our sexuality is an orientation.
Behavior is a choice, orientation is not.

One who is left handed, can choose to learn to use his/her right hand if unable to use their left. But that didn't change the orientation of that person's handedness. With a perfectly good left hand, there is no reason NOT to use it.
Sure, in the past it was no socially acceptable, but times have changed and we are now free to use whichever hand we are naturally oriented to use without percecution or punishment.

In the same way, our sexuality needs to be accepted as normal and natural. We do not have a choice as to what our orientation is. Many have chosen to not behave based on that orientation, but that is only because of perception and intolerance. Just as handedness once was.
One with any kind of rational brain would see that in this day and age, the percecution and punishment of sexual orientation is far outdated and a new enlighted mindset needs to happen.

The emotional scaring and suicide rates are far too alarming to go unnoticed, but so many who simply cannot wrap their small minds around this, continue to ignore these facts.

No one willingly chooses to be hated.
No one willingly chooses to be percecuted.
No one willingly chooses to be restricted from basic human dignity or rights.
No one willingly chooses to be beaten.
No one willingly chooses to be harassed.
No one willingly chooses to be bullied.
No one willingly chooses to be MURDERED...simply for who they love!

Sexual preferance implies a persons personal likes and dislikes. These things would include, but are not limited to;

Body shape and/or size of their partner
Eye color of their partner
Hair color of their partner
Sexual style of their partner
Personality of their partner

These are choices ALL humans make regardless of sexuality, age, gender, religion, ability, national heritage or cultural background.

2006-10-02 07:47:18 · answer #8 · answered by DEATH 7 · 2 0

people can get a simple thing all messed up and make it complicated, the simple fact is - people like what they like, a gay, bi, or straight man or woman likes whatever they like, it is an orientation, and as far as a bisexual person, I figure they don't see what gender a person is, they just see the physical and emotional attributes a person has

2006-10-02 07:41:25 · answer #9 · answered by Danielle 3 · 1 0

I think either means the same thing personally. Your orientation would be your preference wouldn't it? Or am I wrong?

2006-10-02 07:35:06 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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