i got two small ones (unmentioned where).... i wasn't bold enough for large, visible ones. I work in the corporate world ~ and it is still frowned upon! so, be careful where you put it, if you plan on being in main-stream job force
2006-10-02 07:20:20
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
My advice is make damn sure it's what you want and go to a good artist...get referrals from people who already have them.
I've loved tattoos for a long time...since HS. I got my first one a few months back *a shark on my left shoulder*. And want more *it's all a lack of funds*. My advice though, get them in places that are easily covered up so they don't freak out at work *or during interviews...unless it's a pretty liberal place*
I think a lot of people, especially the older ones, see tattoos and piercings as a sign of irresponsibility and anti-social behavior at the best and at worst, the sign that the tattooed person is a criminal. I've had people ask me why I got mine...because it's a lifelong thing...it's no more lifelong than marriage. If you want it...by all means get it. Happy Inking!
2006-10-02 07:24:18
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I have four tattoos, first one was 6 years ago. Each one signifies a time in my life, symbolizing something (death, life, success and failure) I have never had one for the approval of someone, always done it for myself. I don't have them because they are all the rage right now. I don't believe in cartoon-ish styles; my body is a canvas for ART, not a cartoon strip. All of my tattoos will mean the same thing to me in 30 years and none will be "out of style". All of my artwork could be covered up if ever required (some business fields have very strict dress codes). I have nothing that I would be ashamed to tell the meaning of. If you have any reservations or hesitations, don't do it. The idea should come easy to you, not something that you have to talk yourself into. Good luck!
2006-10-04 09:52:33
answer #3
answered by funrdhdpeach 4
If I may borrow from Red vs. Blue, I can offer two good reasons why you should NOT get a tattoo.
(1) Tattoos are permanent.
(2) You are a godd@mn idiot.
Allow me to prove my second point mathematically, if I may...
(1) Take your current age.
(2) Subtract ten years.
Were you smart back then?
Of course you weren't; you were a godd@mn idiot!
The truth is, you're just as big an idiot today; it's just going to take you ten more years to realize it.
Now imagine if you had drawn a picture on your body ten years ago. Do you think you would still be happy with it today?
2006-10-02 07:27:29
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
Your body your choice. They can make you look good, and they can make you look bad.
Personally a man with one or two is acceptable.
However on a woman, not such a good idea. I don't have any, I don't believe in them, (which is funny since I am an artist :) Besides, I can find other means of unique artistic self expression.
Besides if everyone is doing it, is it still unique?
I said it once I will say it again.... in a few years there are going to be a whole lot of soccer moms running around with "tramp stamps" wondering what the hell they were thinking.
Make sure it is not on a part of your body that may expand.
Good luck... it's forever!
2006-10-02 10:23:38
answer #5
answered by Tanya N (thesingingbeaner) 3
i like tattoos that reflect some sort of artistic expression (such as ones that are self-designed, or that carry some special meaning to the person) rather than some cookie-cutter tattoo that you get off the shelf in the tattoo parlor.
in this world, our bodies are just about the only thing that we really own. if you want to decorate it, make it more beautiful or more meaningful in your eyes, that is entirely your right as a human being.
2006-10-02 07:25:29
answer #6
answered by beesandhoney 2
I like tattoos, to a certain extent. Like you I do not like when they cover ones body and arms. Guys, should have theirs on their biceps, and that looks good. Girls, should have them on their lower backs or shoulder blades, I don't think girls should have them on their biceps, makes them look too manly, unless that's what they are going for. I like my tattoo, because it is on my lower back, so I can show it off (if I choose) and also can hide it (if I decide I don't like it, maybe when I'm eighty!) Just my opinion....Good luck and take care!
2006-10-02 07:26:06
answer #7
answered by me 3
MAKE SURE it's something you love and won't mind having on your body for the rest of your life. Don't get anyone's name tattooed on your body. It doesn't hurt me, I enjoy getting them, but most people it does hurt. Just relax, take your time picking one out, check out different parlors with varieties of pics so you can ensure you love it before it's permanent, talk to different artists and feel 'em out to see who seems the friendliest. When you get it, make sure you buy Neosporin + pain relief so it'll heal faster and won't be so tender for as long. Good luck!
2006-10-02 07:24:40
answer #8
answered by Shining Ray of Light 5
I like them. I have several and am going back to get one finished. It's not large but just detailed and more than I could afford to have done at one time. My advice would be to just relax. Don't make a big deal out of it.
2006-10-02 07:24:52
answer #9
answered by PaganPoetess 5
I think that it may be a little like eating potato chips. Becasue once someone gets over the hurdle and gets that first one, the others that follow seem to be much easier.
It's a big commitment. Choose carefully, and if your girlfriend's name is "Rosie" don't have it put accross your chest.
2006-10-02 07:21:24
answer #10
answered by Bran McMuffin 5