I think a multicultural region like where I live in the Silicon valley of California is quite a nice place to live. When you have close personal interaction with people who come from all over the globe you become more cosmopolitan in your cultural outlook, more understanding of other cultures and customs.
2006-10-02 07:21:30
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
In the case of the United Kingdom, it seems to mean that Christians are left with very few rights while rights are lavished on everyone else. Years ago we were the envy of the world because we could express ourselves freely at places like Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park. Now our rights have been drastically curtailed. Politically correct people are doing pre-emptive cringes right, left and centre, assuming that people are going to be offended when they never were in the past by expressions of our national culture, such as crib scenes and nativity plays at Christmas. We'll no doubt soon start imitating the North Americans by wishing people "Happy Holidays!" over the festive season (with a few exceptions, such as yours truly) for fear of giving offence by saying what we really mean. Our children no longer read great works of literature at school because they so often mention aspects of our Christian culture, which isn't fair to everyone else. The speaking and writing of the English language has fallen to an all-time low (since the introduction of universal education) and is still falling. Just a few of the bad aspects of multiculturalism. The plus side is exposure to new and fascinating cuisines and the availability of a more exciting range of things in the shops. I can't think of anything else.
2006-10-02 14:27:39
answer #2
answered by Doethineb 7
I live in a small city in NC (USA). You wouldn't think it was anything but a quaint little town on the surface. But there are as many cultures here as in NYC. People come here to get away from the big city, but still enjoy the pleasures of small town life. Heck, we even have a movie star or two! And we locals get a nice view of everything trendy and exotic. We are also gay-friendly, have a diversity of the arts, and have some of the most beautiful scenery in the world, especially this time of year. Negatively, there are always folks who can't understand or accept anything different. So sad.
2006-10-02 14:31:34
answer #3
answered by deonne r 4
I grew up in a multicultural region, and went to school & college in multicultural regions. For me, its a negative. There is little race mixing, everyone keeps to themselves, and there is always tension.
2006-10-02 14:28:54
answer #4
answered by cariocecus76 1
I hate them all equally religion is religion full stop
2006-10-02 14:23:31
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
variety is the spice of life.. it's a good thing
2006-10-02 14:19:06
answer #6
answered by Anonymous