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12 answers

Parents are going to have to learn to be real parents. You have to take responsibility for raising your kids right. I graduated from a rural, county school in 1989. We all had to do an illustrated speech during our senior year. Several of the guys demonstrated hunting techniques with compound bows. It wasn't unusual for us to have rifles in our trucks so that we could leave straight from school to go on a weekend deer hunt. We would never have thought of doing these kinds of things. Some of our teachers even went bird hunting with us. The attitudes of the kids today are different than ours were, though. I try to show my sons the same kind of childhood that I had.

2006-10-02 06:25:49 · answer #1 · answered by easi822 2 · 1 0

not a whole lot really, the big schools can have metal detectors and full time security guards, which still wouldnt really stop a determined gunnut. The thousands of smaller schools couldnt afford that, they can barely buy laptop computers for the kids, much less books and decent teachers to teach the kids how to read. I guess that arming the teachers, or letting it be known that they are armed and ready to die to defend the kids might deter, or at least put an end to some of the shootings, or at least stop them from killing so many, and then reloading and keep on shooting.

2006-10-02 13:09:28 · answer #2 · answered by rand a 5 · 2 0

There is a pattern. It occurs when the Republicans are getting bad pblicity

The pedophile problem of Foley was beginning to get too much news coverage. Had it continued, there was a possibility of the whole Franklin cover-up rearing its ugly head again, and revealing that most of the senior politicians are pedophiles, as a result of their initiation into the New World Order through organisations like the Skull and Bones.
So there was a need for something else to hit the headlines.
Therefore an MK-ULTRA mind-control victim, like the one who shot John Lennon, was wheeled out, did his job, and was disposed of so that no questions could be asked.
So the main cause is the CIA, the same people who created and performed 9/11.

The Franklin Cover-Up by John DeCamp

History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control.
CIA behavior researcvh MK-Ultra. ... History of MK-ULTRA. CIA program on Mind Control. - Started during WWII with research on hypnosis for interrogation, ...

MK Ultra

Detailed 9/11 research work

2006-10-03 14:47:26 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Most school shootings are the work of students who were clearly troublemakers to begin with. Simply remove them from the environment. For those few exceptions where the perpetrator is NOT a student, keeping all external doors locked will keep out anyone who doesn't belong.

2006-10-02 13:08:13 · answer #4 · answered by Privratnik 5 · 2 0

I'm with you. The 3rd one in less than 2 weeks.
Another topic is 297 people have been violently murdered in
Philly, just this year.
Maybe someone should be paying attention to what is
happening inside of our country.

2006-10-02 13:09:32 · answer #5 · answered by Calee 6 · 0 0

1) Parents should know what their kids are up to. Most of the parents are ignorant of these.

2) Put a metal detector at the entrance whereby everyone has to go thru the door.

2006-10-02 13:19:00 · answer #6 · answered by Scouser7674 4 · 1 0

teach parenting courses; encourage families to be more faith based - whatever the denomination; schools are not the problem; students actions are a result of parents and society and not being given any clear direction from family

2006-10-02 13:14:06 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

There is no safe place for our children any more. This is a warped soceity.I just want to cry for all the children. What is giong to happen when they are adults?

2006-10-02 13:10:08 · answer #8 · answered by Melissa C 5 · 2 0

Short of a lock-down type of prison, I don't think anything can be done to stop it 100%.

2006-10-02 13:13:45 · answer #9 · answered by Kelly T 4 · 0 0

At home schooling isolationism everywhere!

2006-10-02 13:19:14 · answer #10 · answered by bulabate 5 · 0 0

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