Tell me does anyone else agree with me that when the head of your country is showing the only way to solve a conflict is with guns, the youth will follow? When we are praising soliders for killing another culture for what ever reason. Is this not making our youth think killing is ok. Does this not show that the only way to settle an arguement is with murder. The only way to get staisfaction is with murder. The only way to get rid of your stress is with a gun. This should be a sign to the world that if we do not waken up and start talking to our childern about world affairs and teaching them that murder for any reason is wrong. We will continue to have this kind of sensless murder.
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Society & Culture
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Now it turns out the shooter was not even Amish which makes alot of sense as the Amish are not influenced by the Media and I could not of seen this being done by them. So an outsider to the Amish community comes and takes the lives of the young girls only what a sad day when will this world wake up to the violence it creates for itself.
07:39:56 ·
update #1