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Also why are arranged marriages more common than romantic love mariages around the world????
Be specific and realistic and then u get the points....

2006-10-02 05:12:24 · 14 answers · asked by coopchic 5 in Society & Culture Cultures & Groups Other - Cultures & Groups

14 answers

Polygyny would naturally be more common than polyandry because one man can impregnate several women at a time. A woman can only care one man's offspring, so if she had several husbands, how are all the other husbands going to produce offspring? Productionwise, polyandry is the same as a one-on-one marriage because you'd only be producing one child at a time. With Polygyny, your family would increase in size very quickly as several children can be produced at a time.

There are several reasons that could explain why arranged marriages are more common than romantic ones. You may not access to enough people to form a romantic relationship. If you're from a wealthy or powerful family, it could be to consolidate power by combining interests with another powerful family. Also in some cultures, young people are so career-oriented that they have no time to meet people and form romantic relationships.

2006-10-02 05:21:21 · answer #1 · answered by Matichel 4 · 2 0

The obvious reason for more polygyny than polyandry is biological. A man can get several women pregnant at the same time--more offspring to carry on his genetic line. Socially, in many cultures, it is very important for a man to have many children to inherit his property and business.
A woman cannot get pregnant multiple times simultaneously, and so biologically it doesn't matter it she's with one husband or with 15. There's only going to be that one pregnancy, and then there are at least 9 months when no new babies are made.

Arranged marriages are more common in many non-Western civilizations because marriage is seen as a business contract, designed for the exchange of property and mutual economic benefit. Romance has very little to do with such arrangements. By the way, there are holdovers of such thinking in Western society still--ever wonder why the bride's father is typically expected to pay for the wedding? This was originally a showing of his prosperity to the groom and his family, sealing the deal.

2006-10-02 05:24:46 · answer #2 · answered by N 6 · 1 0

More women in the house=more babies. If there are more women, there can be more work performed, and then eventually more kids to work. Its like in pre-industrialized America, children were once assets, they could work the farm and such, helping support the family's income. Now they are a liability, they can't do anything until after they are done w/school. I think that polyandry is so uncommon b/c of the way cultures are. Women are property in a lot of places + we traditionally have the roll of caregiver. Caring for 5 husbands just wouldn't be that practical.
Arranged marriages are also a practical issue. America has an idea of love and happy ever after. A lot of places are not like that. it's like a business contract, a man can offer this and a woman, that. Two people are coming together based on things that will bring a stable life, and hopefully love will come after.
Hope that helped!

2006-10-02 05:35:38 · answer #3 · answered by anarchycreations 2 · 1 0

A woman can only be pregnant once a year so there is no biological reason for her having additional husbands during her pregnancy. On the other hand a man can always use additional women to start new pregnancies with.

In societies where men own al the resources it is always a good idea for a family to arrange for their daughter to marry for money because she has no other option for survival. Purely romantic marriages are a relatively new thing historically and only really exist in liberal democracies where women have property rights.

2006-10-02 05:20:14 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I live in Utah,,there is a lot of polygamy (not from Mormons) most of the time it is due a patriartical religious belief.

Keep in mind,, most these women choose to follow, and choose to be in the relationship.

However, many are forced into it such as arranged marriages, and often when they are just children! This is a horrible crime and should be prosecuted but the leaders of these groups are very secretive.

2006-10-02 05:19:50 · answer #5 · answered by landerscott 4 · 1 1

Men dominate most society's, and they want the pleasure.

If God intended men to have 4 wives, there would be 4 girls born for every one boy! (I had one Muslim woman actually claim that this was true).

I am guessing that more than half of the marriages are arranged, or at least not romantic.

Freedom is a good thing!


2006-10-02 05:44:35 · answer #6 · answered by C 7 · 3 1

In studying anthropology and psychology you get answers to these sorts of questions.

Women tend to seek out mates who make good mates. Although most women are attracted to males who have "worthy genes" (rough, adventurous, strong, exciting, etc.) they tend to mate with males who are stable, successful, mature, tender, caring, willing to commit, etc.

Men tend to be attracted to women who fulfill certain sexual parameters: a certain ratio of hips, waist and bust (this ratio falls within a certain range for many different cultures around the world). In younger men, we tend to fantasize, and as we mature, we've developed (studies show about 12 mates on average) an idea of the kind of woman with whom we can commit to a long-term relationship.

Thus, you have men who sleep around "sowing their wild oats", and women who want to settle down and "make their marriage work". It's natural.

Why are they more common? Because they are a cultural institution common among the more populated countries of the world; China and India, primarily. Statistically they're more successful than Western marriages because the institution is probably taken more seriously in these older cultures. The women in China and India are also far less secular than their Western counterparts. Food for thought.

Incidentally, I don't approve of the growing popularity of the label "polyandrous". There seems to be a movement to have people who are unable to commit or otherwise are sleeping around, to label themselves "I'm polyandrous, I can't help myself". I'm hearing it on college campuses and in magazines. It's nonsense.

2006-10-02 05:24:14 · answer #7 · answered by roberticvs 4 · 1 1

Women have often been considered the subservient person in the household and the male is considered the bread winner. That's why most males have taken more then one wife because they feel if a man can afford it it's okay. Women are called whores when they have more then one sex partner let alone husband because we are considered lower life forms.

Arrange marriages have more to do with finances, cultural and religious beliefs. Love is often seen as a fallacy and good fortune and status is seen as more important in poor deprived society.

2006-10-02 05:17:06 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

Polygamy is more common because women are smarter than men.

Arranged marriages work because romance is a short lived thing but the social coherence of marriage is long lasting.

2006-10-02 05:16:14 · answer #9 · answered by Maria 4 · 0 5

Because is not male's nature to share a mate (just watch the animal behavior, the alpha male stuff)... and it isn't human female's nature either, but some women just allow it to happen.
Imagine a house full of men compiting for a women...they will kill each other, but most women in that kind of relationship aren't that competivite (or horny)

2006-10-02 05:16:59 · answer #10 · answered by fireangel 4 · 0 4

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