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Do you think it has anything to do with the upcoming elections? Im sure that will be a big debating point. Arent we still using the same amount of oil as we did 6 months ago? not much was affected by the alaskan pipeline seeing as most of our oil is imported.

i think its bush and his cronies that have their relations with the oil companies and manipulate the price. how esle did all the other oil execs earn more profit than ever b4 in history ??

2006-10-02 05:04:19 · 22 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

Ok april_hwt how do you explain that some of our enviornmental policies are developed by the big oil comapnies? google it

Yes it is possible that bush can manipulate the prices, but not Bush alone and his "magic button" it takes more than him. thats why i also said cronies.

2006-10-02 05:26:36 · update #1

Sure aztec id love to show you. Why dont u name call and challenge people on something that isnt even possible. If there was evidence of this it would be kept very secret yes? hmmm your a douc he bag and shouldnt flame.

2006-10-02 05:28:56 · update #2

Byrose awesom reply ! Thats the most sensible thing said yet

2006-10-02 05:30:34 · update #3

Ok i understand supply and demand fluxuate due to season changes. But 7 years ago i never say it fluxuate 70 cents. the percentage is alot higher than it used to be.

2006-10-02 05:41:50 · update #4

22 answers

Of course it has to do with upcoming elections. Once the elections are over, the gas prices will skyrocket again.

2006-10-02 05:05:22 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 4

Tensions with Iran have eased somewhat which caused the rhetoric to be toned down.
The hurricane season is lighter than expected.
The summer driving season is over which traditionally signal less demand.
Oil refineries damaged during Katrina are coming back on-line adding to supplies.
The price per barrel has dropped from it's high of roughly 77 to 63.

All of these things combine to produce a reduction of cost at the pumps. The price per gallon was artificially inflated based on investor worries about the issues mentioned. You can believe what you like about the administration, but the President has no control over the price per gallon. However, if prices go up drastically after the election i will happy to stand with you and demand answers as to why.

2006-10-02 12:16:55 · answer #2 · answered by Bryan 7 · 1 0

There are many imponderables, some or all of them result in prices being what they are. Impending elections in US may be one cause,believed to be due to suspected rigging of prices. The refining costs in summer are stated to be higher to control emissions.Winter it is cheaper since heavy weather keeps the emissions trapped down. Other factors are the OPEC policies on production quantities. Some causes are purely seasonal. Most of all, the political and military climate and resultant threats..such as attack on Iran. Now that that is almost ruled out the prices have eased and so on.

2006-10-02 12:25:09 · answer #3 · answered by openpsychy 6 · 0 0

The price of oil always goes down this time of year. It goes up in winter and summer.

Yes, Bush has a magic button that he presses to make the prices go down. My goodness. Think a minute. How would Bush be able to affect gas prices. Give me a break.

2006-10-02 12:12:02 · answer #4 · answered by april_hwth 4 · 1 0

No,,Bush has no influence on the oil companies, that is and old arguement dreamed up by the bush haters looking for conspiracies everywhere.
The oil companies have said the reason for the gas price reduction is because of the light hurricane season no hurricanes have hit us, and they are switching back to the winter oil mix without the ethanol additive.

2006-10-02 12:08:03 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

This is such a weak argument. Bush has had such low approval ratings lately, don't you think he would worked his magic on the gas prices a little sooner so he would not have such low ratings. Besides it's way too early to be effecting elections, people will forget that the prices are low by the time the election gets here.

2006-10-02 12:09:44 · answer #6 · answered by jasonzbtzl 4 · 3 0

Bush, Republicans, and American oil companies DO NOT control the price of crude! OPEC isn't thrilled about low prices either.

I challenge you economically-illiterate, conspiracy kooks to give a detailed explanation of how Oil companies and Bush could set the price of a barrel of crude oil. It can't be done.

Furthermore, Democrats own just as much oil stock (if not more)as Republicans. Well, not Ted Kennedy--the Kennedys own their own oil company!

2006-10-02 12:15:50 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Mr, Bush is and has always been a oil man, so there fore has lots of friends in the oil industry, and they helped him become president of course, so he helped them by being silent when they tripled their fuel prices, now they have made billions of dollars and are lowering the price on fuel to assist bro, jeb who they want to be next in line for the presidency, when will Americans wake up and start thinking for them selves, instead of trying to ridicule others who ask questions that are very important to our society, read the answers and you will see what I mean

2006-10-02 12:46:33 · answer #8 · answered by jim ex marine offi, 3 · 0 0

I have one small problem with the election logic that is "who has proof their ballot is properly accounted for in between time casted at their polls too when its transcribed into numeric results?" I do believe a hyped dog & pony show is put on for the election process! show time only. Now you want a real reason why the gas is going down cause the economy for the majority NOT the rich or wealthy but average folk is in trouble!

2006-10-02 12:23:00 · answer #9 · answered by bulabate 5 · 0 1

yes you are right the president is in bed with the oil companies.
the elections play a big part in the cost of gas. The oil company is trying to defend this by saying since summer is over we are no longer using as much gas.. and we have always had a surplus of gas. The government also stated the additives that were being used for the gas is no longer needed and they have eased the chemicals needed so this is another theory why gas has been reduced.. Lets face it we are all sheep and are being led around by big corporations with deceit and lies. baaaaaaaah

2006-10-02 12:13:17 · answer #10 · answered by sissybombay 3 · 0 2

Elections and stock options.

Some people think it is a bad thing to consider and so they justify it or deny it all together... I think it is just another means to an end. The entire process has been going on forever and every President has differed. Things have to be done and sometimes they are unpopular and make the very people that voted you in, wish they hadn't.

I say so what if the presidency does rule and lead big oil. Maybe it is for a greater good? Maybe none of us bleeding hearted cheap skates want to invest in our country any other way?

"Ask not what your country can do for you, but ask what you can do for your country."

I woulden't want to be that man (Bush) for all the money in the world. The choices and the decisions must be excrutiating and the fact that no one else in the world deals in honesty or play's fair would really make it hard for us to be the only one's that do.

For all of you who don't like the Bush administration... I suggest you read Macheavelli's "The Prince." To understand politics and all the kinds of evil things that our Government has to deal with and work around and juggle and still save face to the mindless morons that vote and believe it means something. This world is not a nice place and foreign policy does not run along our lines or morality so sometimes... you gotta get dirty to play dirty to not end up on the bottom of the world food chain. You all enjoy your freedom, but never stop to consider the sacrifices we all have to make sometimes to have the IPODS and the Mercedes or the gas guzzling SUV's. Your right to be free is bought with oil and blood... Plain and simple and if it came down to you loosing out on anything of yours or sacrificing your luxuries... I would bet my left tit NONE of you would! So QUIET!

I don't necessarily believe that Bush is the right man to do the job because he still cares too much about saving face, rather than just coming out and spitting it into the face of the American bleeding heart liberals that honestly believe there is something of a relationship to salvage between us and them... When there is not now, nor will their ever be a good enough reason for us to ever let our guard down and trust these people over sea's. And that includes most of Europe too! I think England still holds a grudge from the Pilgrims success honestly. It was in bed with Hitler... what's keeping any of them from turning on us. It sounds crazy but none of it ever has or will make sence.

but I am all for a bloodthirsty oil hungry president if it keeps US from reverting back to hurling stones and rubbing sticks together.

I think we need someone more ruthless... not less, because these opposing countries are filled to the brim with madmen and horrible terrible plans for YOU AND YOURS that you canno't conceive of. You canno't fight insanity with either reason, deplomacy or tact. Bush isin't ruthless enough as far as I am concerned. We need a Pit Bull that lays in and refuses to let go until they are all wiped out! You would do no less if there was one man threatening your own family on a personal level. The problem with this country is that people get all caught up in paying a few too many pennies at the pump and never stop to consider, it may be getting used to fight that very same madman intruder that IS knocking at the door of the entire USA. If you would do anything to protect and uphold your own personal way of life, even if it is a bit compromising to a common sense of morality for you to lose it a bit to do so then so be it. You do already have a big bad wolf at your door. Pay a few pennies more and defend your own! It is NOT going into the pocket of the Bush family. It is going into the pocket of those who can fight this war on a level that the common man doesn't understand.

Remove the rose colored glasses and slowly step away from the media....

2006-10-02 12:11:37 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

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