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26 answers

I'm going to suggest two possibilities that some people have found useful. One is that you do some group therapy. A well-run group gives people a safe place to get ongoing feedback about how they interact with others and what to they might do differently. A second possibility would be to find a therapist who will help you change your behavior and/or what you say to yourself in order to improve the quality of your interactions with others. The psychotherapists most likely to take this approach are those who are skilled in behavior therapy, cognitive therapy, or a combination of the two. Obviously you also need someone who is comfortable with and skilled in working with gay and lesbian individuals. Don't give up: you've worked hard and there are ways to make the changes you want.

2006-10-02 04:49:28 · answer #1 · answered by Markin Gomez 3 · 1 0

You are you...no apolgies needed. You have endless contributions to make to the gay movement, so get started. Feeling unattractive and being unattractive are often mind tricks played on ourselves. Confidence in yourself is the real answer. Take a good look at yourself...do you have no contributions to make...you do not have to super looking to be a great lover, and valuable member of our society. count your blessings and your strengths instead of concentrating on superficial things. WE are all so much more than our looks. Take an honest stock of your qualities,better those you have doubts about , reinforce your powerful attirbutes, and you will gain confidnce in who and what you are .Stop listening to those who are lunatics and have no idea of true worth of others. Good luck

2006-10-02 05:12:38 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

You need to be more confident in yourself. God did not create anyone uglier than the other, can you imagine if everyone was the same height, weight, etc. that is why everyone is different besides, God does not look at the outwards appearance, he looks at the inward self, so therefore that is what you should do too. Strive to better your inner self, if you are still worried about your outward appearance then my advice to you is eat healthy, exercise, don't take any drugs to try to make yourself look better for that has way more negative effects than positive, start a good relationship with Jehovah and trust me if you do all these things you need not worry about your appearance.

2006-10-02 04:55:11 · answer #3 · answered by Ashanofy Frederick Dixon 3 · 0 0

even if you were to do a make over that would not help since you are not actually believe that you are attractive or there is something good to you. first i would figure out to like myself rather than to change all of a sudden. and then if you want a subtle change for it.you just have to believe in yourself that you are handsome because if you do not none of the compliments that you may get you will appreciate. feeling unatractive comes with comparing yourself to others which is unrealistic and bad at times, so just say " i like being me and i would not change a thing about me". i do that when i have crappy days or feel or think that i look horrible, yet others see me as pretty....

2006-10-02 04:50:02 · answer #4 · answered by icycrissy27blue 5 · 0 0

You know what,check yourself to a t.v. channel on poor countries asking for help and look how you compare to all those unfortunate People sadly to say,in the third World and the underdevelop Countries and you tell me,if you are not blessed enough, Stop complaining. Nobody is Perfect,they are flaws all among us. So be grateful. Good Health is more important than any looks you want to be! Be happy.

2006-10-02 05:42:56 · answer #5 · answered by javo 3 · 0 0

Well honey, post a yahoo 360 page and show us some pictures. I'm sure myself and others will tell you exactly what we think. Plus also don't forget that you can be bueatiful on the inside if you let yourself be.

2006-10-02 05:07:17 · answer #6 · answered by Karen Walker 2 · 0 0

Everyone does at some point in their life. That is not at all unusual. Best thing to do is to learn how to take good care of yourself. Pamper yourself, learn how to take care of your skin and your nails and your hair! Find the elements of your body to do think are attractive and emphasize them!!

2006-10-02 05:05:31 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Hi Brad why do you feel unatractive? man go and jerk of in front of a mirrow you'll feel great and in love with yourself,at least for five minutes anyway, do it enough times and sooner than later you'll feel great and dress up nicely that'll help too

2006-10-02 04:59:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Is that a question?....are you asking us if you feel unattractive?...

2006-10-02 04:58:45 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

we all feel unattractive in some way. and we all think that it is our attractiveness that would eventually lead us to the person who will love us.

you are very wrong.

2006-10-02 04:56:41 · answer #10 · answered by Russ Bear 3 · 0 0

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