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Besides lies and finger pointing?

2006-10-02 04:12:01 · 32 answers · asked by buffman316 2 in Politics & Government Politics

32 answers

I HATE BUUUUUSSSSSHHHHH, waaaaaa, he mean and evil, BUSHH

Thats about it for the democratic party.

2006-10-02 04:15:25 · answer #1 · answered by Have gun, will travel. 4 · 5 8

They say they are for honest government but that is pure hypocrisy, everything that has been put forward on campaign reform, transparency in bills, and then of course there is their poster child, dollar bill jefferson. The hypocrisy reeks.

They talk about real national security but in congress they are doing everything they can to hamstring or ability to prevent terror and capture the enemy. The lies about Iraq and 911 are simply to wild, even the clitoons are chiming in with their whoppers

They say they want energy independence yet they vote against everything in the comprehensive energy plan presented them and now are running around saying it is their idea.

The plan for the economy is a joke. Everything that has allowed us to rapidly recover from the Clinton fiasco with the dotcom bust they want to remove. The federal revenues are higher than they have ever been, more people have bought homes than ever before, unemployment is great, there is no inflation and things are better than under ANY democrat congress or WH. The only thing they can do is punish people who work hard by stealing more of their money.

The say they want affordable healthcare yet their campaign coffers are full of donations from insurance companies. I think what that really means if the insurance companies are going to make a bundle of cash and the taxpayers are going to get screwed. The primary problem with healthcare today is the insurance. We have the best system in the world and they want to make it look like a socialist nightmare where if you are lucky enough to survive for a week you might get treated.

Their concept for sociali security is to continue to run the FDR ponzi scheme until it is bankrupt and then charge the taxpayers more to make up the shortfall. Did you know the dems were the ones to begin taking the surplus and spend it on dem pork. What they have done and the lies they tell, well it is nothing short of criminal.

I'm sorry I can't go on, just going through all of this has gotten my blood pressure way to high.

Why won't America wake up and see what the socialists are doing, they are destroying our country for the sake of the ruling elite.

2006-10-02 09:12:01 · answer #2 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 1 0

Wow. Let me ask you a question. Do you really believe that this nation can move forward with half of the people continuously judging the other half? Can we progress as a people when we constantly see a major portion of the population showing more loyalty to a party than to the country? I challenge you to look beyond party membership and at the individual. If you do you will find there are Republicans and Democrats who are good decent people trying to do what is best for the country as a whole. You will also find people that should not be in office from BOTH parties.

If you insist on shallow labeling for those you may disagree with be prepared. That sword deservedly cuts both ways, as the news over the weekend clearly demonstrates. It is time for mature discourse in this country. We can no longer afford this immature labeling and division.

2006-10-02 04:18:32 · answer #3 · answered by toff 6 · 3 1


Values - like covering up for a known child predator?

Freedom - like locking up anyone the president calls an enemy combatant without evidence and giving them a trial where they only have limited access to the evidence against them?

Tax Breaks - like the Paris Hilton relief act that allows the super-rich to create dynasties - the very dynasties the Founding Fathers thought would undermine the nation?

Morals - Like Tony Snow appearing at a convention and taking the stage right after a man used the word f-g over and over again?

Lies? Here's one:

Bush: "By the year 2042, the entire Social Security system would be exhausted and bankrupt." (Fact: If left alone and unaltered, approximately 75% of SS funds would still be available).

Here's another:

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

Finger pointing? You want finger-pointing?

It's Clinton's fault for 9/11? The Katrina response was all Brownie's fault (despite the fact he was "doing a good job") and he's not responsible for hiring an underqualified guy for the position? It was Richard Armitage that leaked Plame's i.d. and not his administration (even though it's verified that Karl Rove 100% gave Matt Cooper of Time Magazine Plame's identity)? It's Saddam's fault for the current sectarian violence - even though he's been locked up for a year?

How 'bout this:
The Democrats stand for:
real values - like supporting families of all shapes and sizes
real freedom - for all people, not just rich white Christians - and that includes habeas corpus and the Constitution (and not altering the Constitution to take rights away from people)
responsible tax breaks - that can spur the economy without bankrupting the goverment
morals - like not lying to make war and then not taking responsibility when that war goes dreadfully awry

The only thing that I've seen Republicans stand for lately is delusions of grandeur.

2006-10-02 05:03:41 · answer #4 · answered by WBrian_28 5 · 1 4

If you're a voter, I hope that you're smart enough to know it doesn't matter what the individual parties say they stand for.
What really matters is what the individual stands for be she Republican or Democrat or, for that matter, a member of the Green Party or any other party.
As long as electors continue to vote for a person because she is a member of a certain party, that's how long we will continue to be in this big mess!

2006-10-02 04:18:08 · answer #5 · answered by orkenizer 1 · 4 1

Freedom? The Bush administration has repeatedly violated the Constitution. Unauthorized wire tapping. The Patriot Act. Holding people prisoner without charging them or allowing legal counsel.
Values? Never in history have there been more scandals with Republican Senators & Representatives.
Tax Breaks? Every "tax break" has heavily benefited the rich and has done nothing for middle America or the poor.
Morals? As soon as I stop puking I'll answer this one.

2006-10-02 04:31:36 · answer #6 · answered by Hemingway 4 · 2 4

"Yeah, i'm the astro creep A demolition form Hell american freak, yeah i'm the crawling ineffective A phantom in a container Shadow on your head say Acid, suicide freedom of the blast examine the ****** lies, yeah Scratch off the broken epidermis Tear into my heart make Me do it back yeah" you will desire to understand that one, Temple. this way of sturdy love music. fantastically the intro - the unedited intro...

2016-10-15 10:42:53 · answer #7 · answered by pachter 4 · 0 0

Democrats have their own merits. They are not as bad as you make them out to be. They claim they will do more for social justice. Increase taxes on the rich to ease it on working men and women. They will do more for blacks and Hispanics. They certainly will have to rack their brains to get out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Put an end to the relation with lying, exploiting Pakistan or bring the relation on an even keel. Most important the near bankrupt situation of estimated 65 trillion national debt- How do they bring this under control?They certainly have more than they can handle!

2006-10-02 04:30:22 · answer #8 · answered by openpsychy 6 · 1 3

Democrats stand for very little; only a free ride at other's expence, let somebody else fight for their country,and a mixed-up set of values. They place the constitution ahead of their country; not realizing that if this country is destroyed, the constition is just a peice of paper flapping in the wind.

2006-10-02 04:29:41 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 3 2

There's a Rupublican party? What else have I missed?

Oh yeah, and from what I'm getting, this arguement has nothing to do with the Reps and Dems, this is another 'righties rule, lefties drool' rant. Deception is a bad habit to break.

2006-10-02 04:16:05 · answer #10 · answered by Huey Freeman 5 · 4 3

what values? not mine...tax breaks but increased spending in government? How does that work? Leaving extreme debt for our children? Doesn't sound very moral to me. And freedoms? LMFAO let's see...illegal wiretapping and surveillance, abandoning the geneva conventions, the list goes on and on...VOTE LIBERTARIAN! The TRUE conservative party...

2006-10-02 04:28:23 · answer #11 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 2 2

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