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23 answers

I didn't fall for it

I didn't fall for the WMD lie either

it was obvious Iraq didn't have any and the Pres knew it, otherwise he wouldn't have invaded and subjected tens of thousands of American soldiers to instant death

most Americans are stupified by their TVs

and believe the propaganda of their party even when it contradicts itself over time

2006-10-02 04:15:38 · answer #1 · answered by anonacoup 7 · 1 1

It amazes me that if you repeat the lie enough times people believe it. Not Pres. Bush, but the liberals. Even the democrats. Pres Bush did not say there was a connection. No one did. Not that I know of. The problem is that liberals either take statements out of context or simply don't understand the statement. Yes, 9/11 and Iraq have been talked about in the same speeches, hell in the same sentence but it is not a statement of direct connection, merely an overall discussion on the "War on Terror" which is a euphemism, but that is another subject.... Why don't liberals really listen or read and understand? And conservatives are closed minded? You can find example after example of the president making an innocent remark, even a joke, liberals take it as factual evidence of the administration's policy. Listen, please.

2006-10-02 11:31:46 · answer #2 · answered by robling_dwrdesign 5 · 1 1

Since nobody ever said Iraq had anything to do with 9/11, and since nobody ever believed something that was never said, I'm not sure what the hell you're even talking about.

The only time I saw Iraq and 9/11 tied together is by leftists lying that Fox, Bush, Republicans or conservatives ever thought or believed it.

Aren't you disturbed that you have fallen so easily for the thoroughly debunked leftist lie that we believed such a thing?

2006-10-02 11:14:02 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

I keep seeing posts like this, but I haven't heard any Republican actually say it. To the contrary, I've heard Bush say there was no connection.

Why doesn't it disturb you how easily people fall for the lie that anyone in the Bush administration said Iraq had anything to do with 9-11?

2006-10-02 11:08:36 · answer #4 · answered by JB 6 · 3 2

Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11. It was never packaged that way, a supermajority of the House and Senate believed Iraq posed a threat.


2006-10-02 11:13:43 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2

No evidence so far in the documents published. Going after WMD definitely was wrong since none were found. In any case only good thing that has happened is that Iraq is rid of of a horrible man who gassed and killed his own people.Mulim world and Arabs may condemn all this today. A day is not far when they get used to freedom of press and rule of law they will no doubt admire Bush what ever may have been the collateral damages. Most of the killings would have happened any way because of unending fatricidal wars betwen Sunnis and shias.

2006-10-02 11:14:30 · answer #6 · answered by openpsychy 6 · 0 3

LOL.....9/11 never had anything to do with Iraq. It was never said back then and it has never been said today. Just because you have been fed a lie and you believe it doesn't mean the rest of of us have.

2006-10-02 11:07:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 5 2

It does disturb me that, Bush and Blair lied to the world that Saddam has the mass weapon and they did not find anything. Later they openly admitted that they lied, but still they are in their position and nobody (American public, other countries) has the power to punish them for such a lie, where thousands of innocent people, soldiers died and still dying. That disturbs me immensely.

2006-10-02 11:14:16 · answer #8 · answered by dotab 4 · 2 1

Yes, it is disturbing. Especially since it was claim that was never made. There have been assertions by liberal media that Bush made this claim. My guess is most people have simply jumped to the conclusion on their own.

2006-10-02 11:36:46 · answer #9 · answered by Will 6 · 1 0

The lie was that anyone ever said the two were conected. NOBODY ever said Iraq was related to 9/11. Find me the quote. You can't, because it was never said.

Does it disturb you how easily you fell for Democrat propoganda?

2006-10-02 11:06:59 · answer #10 · answered by Aegis of Freedom 7 · 4 4

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