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For example,

You don't like what is going on in Iraq?
What is your solution?

Oh yeah, you don't have one!

2006-10-02 03:56:49 · 22 answers · asked by buffman316 2 in Politics & Government Politics

I served in the United States Army, swaggs.

HAVE YOU? Of course not, why would you defend a country you hate?

2006-10-02 04:04:50 · update #1

If you are going to ask a questions why do you libs always cut and paste other peoples words? Use your own warped answers at least!

2006-10-02 04:13:55 · update #2

22 answers

In order to have a solution, you must have a brain to come up with one. The main qualification of being a Demorat is NOT to have a brain, just blindly follow party rhetoric.

2006-10-02 04:01:31 · answer #1 · answered by Spirit Walker 5 · 4 7

Easiest thing to do is to pick holes and criticise. It is difficult to suggest workable solutions. However it is the job of opposition to pick holes and critcise to keep a check over ruling party. It is for the ruling party to find solutions. That is how democracy works. The roles are reversed when power transfer takes place if ever after elections.

2006-10-02 11:06:05 · answer #2 · answered by openpsychy 6 · 2 0

I think we get out and let someone else take over for awhile. Of course, we need to come up with a good reason why we are there, and a good picture of what victory will look like (not easy, since we didn't put our soldiers there to begin with, and the Bush administration hasn't provided us with these things) Then, we take this plan to the internationsal community, and sell it to them. Then, we let those other countries, who are now rallying around this GLOBAL war on terror, come in and babysit this civil war for awhile (we are making it worse, not better) Then after Iraq can see that the whole world is rallying against terrorism, they will not put the blame on the US, we can re-enter the war, and finish it up for good. But you didn't want any other answer than 'stay the course' now did you? Oh yeah, this time when we go in, we trust the MILITARY people to tell us how to win, and then we follow it...BTW, why are we there, and when are will we be done? hmmmm...I will be waiting for an intelligent response to this question (and I have a feeling I will be waiting in vain)

Funny, you guys keep complaning that libs have no plan...yet I just gave you one. Still waiting for your answer...

I see you are trying to think of any reason to not answer the question. I have answered yours, why don't you answer mine? I guess we know now who doesn't have any answers, and that you didn't want any answer to begin with. Pathetic and typical...I will keep checking back, in case you change your mind on answering this question...

Well, it's been over an hour, and still no response. I would have even taken that response in an email. But alas, all talk, and no answers...sounds like you are what you hate. Interesting.

2006-10-02 11:05:15 · answer #3 · answered by hichefheidi 6 · 2 3

Their solutions align so closely with socialism they do not want anyone to know the truth. You do know the democratic party has been bought and paid for by socialists and their members of congress are also connected with the official socialist party in the US.

It must feel really bad to know your political party is owned by a handful of very rich men.

2006-10-02 15:30:42 · answer #4 · answered by rmagedon 6 · 0 1

I find this line of argument ubiquitous and stupid. When your mom says - hey, you broke that vase!, do you respond - all complaints mom and no solution? It's a COP OUT!

First - do you remember that Bush was with the grownups and the libs - who governed and brought peace and prosperity - were children who couldn't be trusted. Why on earth would you ask for the liberals' solutions?

To deflect attention from the horrific mess Bush has made, to deflect your own conscience from noticing that you supported a lying, torturing, mass murderer of thousands of innocents? Guess so.

Besides, dems in congress have many bills the republicans won't let out of committe. In addition. rethugs have even denied the dems meeting space for their hearings! they have refused to allow dem amendments to be attached to bills.

In addition, Murtha, Biden, and many other dems have specific plans for doing so much better in Iraq than the gangster in the white house, including getting our guys out of the nightmare that Bush created in Iraq. Here's some other ideas I'm hearing everywhere - hey, let's not torture people! Bush's Iraq adventure worsened terrorism worldwide - as every american paying attention in '02 and '03 knew it would. And we who got it were screaming it at the top of our lungs and getting called traitors by the war mongers hot for blood. But we know who the real traitors to America and her values are - the gangsters in the white house and all the stupid citizens who put aside all their values and education to worship bush.

More: many people recommended that Bush not disband the Iraqi army, but he did and the chaos has resulted. Which i personally believe was bush's goal.

Heck, doing nothing would be better than the gangster in the white house.

Beyond that - we had a good country, we had a good foreign policy. Bush screwed it up. Here's the idea - stop doing that. Let's go back to how we did things. Let's stop spending two billion dollars a week in Iraq. do you realize we could have had national health care for all americans and paid maternity leave of years' length - as infants and toddlers really suffer when mommy is absent? Bush's friends couldn't earn billions that way, tho, could they? Here's an idea - let's stop bombing people, towns, hopes and dreams....

You know Bush has given himself the right to declare any american citizen an enemy combatant, right? YOu know one person has already had his rights stripped away, right - Padilla. Now, Bush has legislation that gives him the right to take do away with the writ of habeus corpus. habeus is fundamental to western civilization - it protects you from being disappeared by the govt. We now longer have that protection. In addition, Bush has given Cheney's halliburton a 375 million dollar contract to build detention camps for 'future programs."

Think through all the facts in the paragraph above and you will see that the legislation instituting a fascist state has now been enacted. Got a solution to that one?

You wish this is copied from somewhere else, citizen. I just thought this up and typed it in when I saw your ridiculous question. Thinking people can do that.

2006-10-02 11:11:34 · answer #5 · answered by cassandra 6 · 3 2

You actually have the audacity to say liberals "point blame but never have any solutions"??? That's all you do is blame the liberals for all the ills of the world. I suggest you take a look back thought all of your questions and practice what you preach. And come back when you can put a little gray matter into your questions instead of hiding behind your keyboard trashing people. Have a great day!!!

2006-10-02 11:04:15 · answer #6 · answered by carpediem 5 · 2 3

I agree with u buffman. Liberals always complain about Bush's policies but they don't even have a solution.

If the Liberals have any solutions for Iraq, can anyone find out what the solutions are?

2006-10-02 11:02:29 · answer #7 · answered by "I Want to Know Your Answer 5 · 4 2

Enough huffing and puffing. They have several solutions, but you wouldn't listen even if they told you. Like for example, why don't they, and myself, like what's going on in Iraq? Because there are no terrorist in Iraq? Why aren't we in Sudan instead?

Now who's without an answer. Feel free to contact me when you can come up with one.

2006-10-02 11:39:14 · answer #8 · answered by Huey Freeman 5 · 2 2

So I see lots of name calling from the liberal camp, and still no alternative to the present course. The Democrats want power back in November, but don't offer a united policy beyond 'Bush Suck, Dems Good."

Democrats, please, give me a reason to vote Democrat. I want to vote for a good idea not against a person. Bush sucks, vote for us just isn't good enough.

2006-10-02 11:07:22 · answer #9 · answered by JB 6 · 2 2

Howdy Army, Navy here. Ever been to Ft. McClellan. Went to several of your schools while on active duty.

God Bless but I have to say


2006-10-02 11:06:21 · answer #10 · answered by Have gun, will travel. 4 · 0 1

Guess you never heard of John Murtha. You know, the man who served in the miltary for 37 years. By the way, when are you signing up?

Hey spirit walker, your pretty hillarious. If Bush had a brain, we wouldn't be in Iraq in the first place.

2006-10-02 11:02:43 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 3 4

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