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There is a new guy starting this week and I am afraid he is going to take over all their interest.

2006-10-02 03:38:19 · 10 answers · asked by judgemartiniz 5 in Business & Finance Careers & Employment

10 answers

A little competition is always good

2006-10-02 03:45:50 · answer #1 · answered by bradthepilot 5 · 0 0

eh dude, i feel your pain, it is not easy having your territory being treatend, this is seriors,don`t give any gap, because if you do before you know it, you will loose a lot of irrecoveable grounds,
this is the game plan,losers are the ones complaing, remember
be on the offensive by spreading rummor about him, like the way he walk, laugh or talk,if that does not work tell them he is gay or that he has hiv or something this is your territory, forget about any moral rubish. afterall it will take him time to clear the air and by that time you will come up with other stuff about him

2006-10-02 03:55:19 · answer #2 · answered by chief 1 · 0 0

You cant. Even if you ego takes a knock. Its not a situation that you can control. Sounds as though you could be a control freak. You or nothing?????

2006-10-02 03:40:55 · answer #3 · answered by Vonnie S 4 · 0 0

Don't worry about the new guy the novelty will where off soon enough.
If that does not work.
Punk him out.
Show them that he is intellectually inferior to you.

2006-10-02 03:41:38 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

Why are you worrying anyway? You really shouldn't mix relations with work, it makes for a bad outcome.

2006-10-02 03:40:46 · answer #5 · answered by momie_2bee 5 · 3 0

Start a rumor about his raging hemroid problem...

I'm kidding, you can't stop someone from being attracted to someone else...get over it.

2006-10-02 03:43:10 · answer #6 · answered by Moosha 3 · 1 1

Mess his face up with a hammer!

On the other hand you could just accept the fact that if he is better looking than you then he will get more female attention than you.

If you want to get some of that attention back then I suggest you hit the gym.

P.S. Get over your jealousy, it is unbecoming.

2006-10-02 03:41:33 · answer #7 · answered by StoneWeasel 2 · 0 4

Be his best friend. Make him your best assest to win the ladies instead.

2006-10-02 03:40:52 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Here is a guaranteed BAD way to handle it. I'll let you determine, from this answer, how to handle it by doing the opposite.

How not to handle it: Being concerned with the ladies and their interest in this guy. Why? Because if you ARE concerned with it, it will show no matter how much you try to hide it. If you ARE concerned, people will know you are bothered by this, whether because your are jealous, or whether because you are the supervisor and concerned about workplace relationships, it simply doesn't matter.

Because its not "illegal" or "wrong" to be attracted, flirt or show interest in another person as long as that person accepts it and returns the same behavior (aka: as long as its not sexual harassment) then you can't do anything about it. But if you show that it bothers you, it will come back and bite your *** tenfold. Just like if you take a running chainsaw from a three year old before he's ready to let it up, he'll want it back JUST BECAUSE. This is the same reaction you'll get out of "the ladies" at your work.

You being upset, literally, will cause you way more headache by way of incresing the very thing that makes you upset. Its an ironic twist that will be entirely your fault, and well deserved, since you can't go around interfering with other peoples attmept at a normal smooth life, either. How'd you like it if this dude was sitting at home, dwelling on how you were "garnerning the interest of all his ladies?"

You'd be like, "Guys a stalker, for sure. I have the right to do as I please, and if the ladies don't show him no interest, then f*** him."

If the ladies aren't interested in you for you, try assessing your actions, and your real deep down inner reasons for doing things, and figure out if you are viewed by OTHER PEOPLE, because of your actions, words, and behavior; Would people describe you as a Tried, true and accountable as a man respected for his word and actions? Honest, funny, witty, and laid back? Intelligent? Calm, non-jealous about dumbs sh** out of his control?

To finalize my point, would anyone on the planet, when asked about it in private, answer the following question in your regard with the answer that suceeds the question;

Q: So, since we're talking about him, what kind of guy do you think *so-and-so* really is? I mean, summarize him as best you can, and give me a good understanding of what I can expect from him!

A: "He's a gentleman on the real who listens to a woman instead of just waiting for her to be done speaking so he can talk. He respects other men at the level they deserve it regardless of stature, ability and looks. He wins both friendships and love through sharing himself with someone by way of excellent and appropriate communication, and when people get to know him, they can't help but like him. When a new guy starts at his place of employment, he recognizes whether that guy is another good soul, worth befriending and if so, appropriately makes the first step at friendship. If the new guy is shady, he lets him play his own hand which will eventually be a hand that loses, and minds his own business. Its good that he acts this way, because recognizing the good in people is an attribute that in and of itself is recognized as good by others. He knows that if he were to act anything other then like a guy secure in himself who is happy and confident with his life, it will only make things worse because other people recognize jealousy where there should be appreciation for life. And he knows it. He knows other people recognize envy and unfounded distaste, and a sense of competition where there should be team work and those aren't attributes he's even CAPABLE of, let alone making decisions based on. Nope he's not like that. He compliments people where they are due, he makes the new guy feel at home by offering to drink with him after work a night, he basically shows everyone else what a good guy he is by way of doing positive things because thats the kind of guy who he is. ..And boy, I tell you, the women must know a good man when they see one cuz he's proof. "

If you can wake up in the morning and answer to yourself truthfully that this is how people see you, then you don't need an answer to your question. However, because you had to ask it at all, I susepct that maybe you already know people aren't going to say the stuff in the hypothetical answer about you, and thats shat you need to work on.

Become that kind of guy; Still YOU, but a YOU that has a new attitude and lease on life because of your discovery that the most fulfilling life in the world is a life lived with a positive attitude about helping others, and in turn, helping yourself. I mean, you could have been born paralyzed, crippled, retarded. You could have been burnt in a fire, or born in a third world country where the big quesion of the day isn't about sabotaging a secretly-rival coworker, but rather "Will I survive the day."

Step outside, smell the fresh air to the only life you're ever gonna live, and decide what kind of person you want to be for the rest of it.

The ladies worth spending a second date with already know what kind of attributes they want in a man. Time for you to learn. They can't be faked. A realization of how lucky you are, a profound respect for the ideals behind Karma, whether you believe in it or not, and smile on your face because you are alive, healthy, and happy is hard to find, but so rewarding because its FREE, and available to EVERYONE. Change your attitude, your life will follow, and the women will see your face radiate peace and flock to it, because a person happy with what they have and willing to share it with everyone is a beacon in a sea of chaotic out of control people who have forgot whats important in life. Its not what you can do to make the ladies dig you today, man. Its what can you do to show the world you dig yourself and your life today. Then the only question you'll be coming here with is "I have 7 women who are all obviously very interested in me, and I really like all of them.... What can I do to help decide....."

Feel me? I hope so, because if you don't you'll wish you'd saved this answer the day you suddenly wake up and DO feel what I'm saying, and wish you'd listened long before.

Good luck to you, and your coworker. The ladies don't need any luck, with regard to your scene. They'll choose intuitively, and right now intuition doesn't point your way. But not forever, right?

2006-10-02 04:37:28 · answer #9 · answered by Psychedelico 3 · 0 0

tell them he has aids or herpes

2006-10-02 03:46:14 · answer #10 · answered by reallyfedup 5 · 0 0

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