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The way they have been behaving over the last 40 years is absolutely despicable. I'm glad I am an atheist and if i were Catholic I would hang my head in shame.

2006-10-02 03:04:03 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Politics

23 answers

In a word - everything.
That 'church' has nothing to do with Christ or the truth and it never had.
Try reading the bible and meditating. (I would say pray but you claim to be atheist)
The simple truth is there and the catholic contradictions leap out at you

2006-10-02 03:07:35 · answer #1 · answered by George 3 · 2 1

Yeah it was 'absolutely despicable' when Archbishop Romero got shot by US-backed right wing guerillas for speaking up for the poor, when John Paul II condemned the wars in Iraq and the bloodshed in Palestine, East Timor etc, the charity work done in developing countries (largely unpaid unlike Non Governmental Organisations) is also despicable eh?

Think through your arguments before you post in future. I'm a non-practising Catholic and not very religious at all but the attitude of people like you will mean I'll never fully renounce my faith. Sure there's lots of bad stuff that is thankfully out in the open and I'm hardly a fan of the current Pope but a lot of the good work is being wilfully ignored now. The Catholic Church doesn't have a very honourable history inpolitics but then which religion does? Fundamentalist Islam? Bible belt Protestantism?

2006-10-02 08:47:11 · answer #2 · answered by micktravis 1 · 3 1

They have been on the wrong side of most issues for years . The big one right now is , illegal immigration in the US .
Then we have all the molesting of little boy's and they didn't handle that very well either .
The speech that the Pope gave , was only a speech and the violent reaction that came from the Muslim community was proof of what was read from the book . The Muslin's have defiled Christianity for years . Look at what Bin Laden has said about us ., but did we riot in the streets ? We just happen to be more civilized .

2006-10-02 03:29:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

You claim the Catholic Church has been "absolutely despicable" for the past 40 years, but you don't provide even one example of how the Church has been "absolutely despicable".

You are either unwilling or unable to provide an example. It would be illogical of you not to provide evidence if you could, so I doubt you were simply unwilling. I would bet that you are unable to - and you are hoping everyone who reads your ill-conceived question is as naive as you are.

Am I right?

You may hang your head in shame.

2006-10-02 05:41:48 · answer #4 · answered by Daver 7 · 3 1

Men run it.
I am a practicing Catholic woman and the church is the people sitting in the pews and that is why I am still there. My particular church has a great priest and it does good for each other and in our community but...I do not understand.
Why woman cannot be priests.
Why this man is pope.
How any of the pedophile sex scandal could have happened and how it could have been covered up.
Why Cardinal Law is not in jail.
I do understand why priests cannot marry.
The parish supports the priests, birth control/abortion is not allowed (parish would have to support large families) and priests would have to have large families. So to change this would be to change other basic rules, a lot of them. But I also think it should be done.

2006-10-02 03:16:01 · answer #5 · answered by lilygateau 4 · 2 1

What the f**k is wrong with you people? Read up before making comments.

Mother Theresa spent her life helping the poor in Calcutta. Pope John Paul II inspired the Poles to stand up against communism.

True that there were many crooked Catholics like the Borghias & so many other Popes in earlier times. It's so nice to conveniently forget about the "leaders" or heads of other religions which are just as bad if not worse.

2006-10-02 05:12:09 · answer #6 · answered by Kevin F 4 · 2 1

clergymen and different non secular interior the church take a vow of chastity, alongside with poverty and obedience. because of chastity, countless the boys which include clergymen and brothers destroy their vows, through enticing in gay relationships or change into in touch with a lady. those who abuse little ones, will continually be toddler predators. The vow of chastity is amazingly complicated to maintain because, we adult men have an fairly intense sex stress. interior the Schismatic church homes: Greek Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church their clergymen are licensed to marry. If their spouse dies they ought to stay Chaste. Chastity interior the Roman Church is for economic causes. non secular interior the Protestant and Jewish faith actually have their sexual scandals. There are some very dedicated and holy adult men interior the Church. Please do no longer decide all non secular. They too are in worry-free words human.

2016-10-16 03:10:38 · answer #7 · answered by catharine 4 · 0 0

Over the last 40 years? Are you kidding? Through its entire history!

Unfortunately, the church has always EQUATED itself with God, and thus the power of God. It has always sought to empower itself at whatever cost to truth, lives, or morality.

Read ACTS and PAUL'S LETTERS, and find the true leader of the Judeo-Christian church was Christ's brother James. Paul usurped the religion from James and the disciples, claimed they were self-appointed fakes, CHANGED the religion from Jesus' teachings, and spread the false word.

The contents of the Bible were VOTED ON 400 years after Christ's death. Hundreds of scriptures were tossed out, declared heretical, and destroyed. Do a search for "Nag Hammadi Library" to read some of the rediscoverd scriptures that had been hidden away from the church.

The church is nothing but a self-perpetuating sham, and not true to Jesus.

2006-10-02 04:10:00 · answer #8 · answered by tat2me1960 3 · 0 2

yes, im sure that EVERY case was real, no one made anything up or exaggerated at all. I mean, would you pass up "free" money. all they had to do was have gone to a catholic church and boom lawsuit. I mean, there were no witnesses, there was only their word against the priests, it kind of reminds me of The Crucible.

I like how people compare Catholicism to Islam, i think you have it confused, Islam is the one that encourages Jihad and holy war, and killing people who dont believe in Allah. And yes there were wars in the crusades, but they were just as much a war of territory as a war of religion. A CULT had taken control of jerusalem, a particularly violent cult, which was a very holy site, so the church would of course try to take the land back.
Those who converted by the sword were christians by name alone, they werent following the teachings of Christ. But when muslims kill unbelievers, they are following the teachings of "allah" and mohammed.

2006-10-02 03:08:55 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Last 40 years? You must be joking! They've been bad since inception. Holy wars? Killing people for not being Christian? Burning people who printed the Bible? Hiding pedophiles? No birth control? Did you know there are only certain days of the month that Catholics are allowed to have sex? Now the new Pope is a Nazi, this is messed up.

2006-10-02 03:22:28 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 4 2

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