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I am a 17 year old teenage.

My face is covered with pimples. Red spots everywhere.
Although they are healing but it's taking really long.

I have a lean-fit body but I am not tanned at all. This makes my pimples seem worst due to contrast.

Plus, my hair is really screwed up and some people even tell me I am balding.

I really don't know what to do.


2006-10-02 02:57:17 · 10 answers · asked by cheesecake 2 in Beauty & Style Skin & Body

10 answers

First off, let's concentrate on the POSITIVE!! :) You have a lean fit body!!Good for you!! Lots of 17 yr olds can't say that! Your skin condition WILL clear up--but you have to be diligent.
1) Be sure that you take a multi vitamin and drink tons of water. Voiding water or sweating are the only ways for your body to rid itself of toxins --so get going girl!
2)If you sweat, make sure you wash up right away.
3)Wash twice daily with a soap like Neutragena and if you use zit cream do not use all over your face--this actually strips your face of oil and will manufacture even more oil! A little dab will do ya!
4)Make sure you sleep on a CLEAN pillowcase (change every other night is fine)
5) Eat healthy foods! Lots of veggies! (They have important vitamins that are great for your skin!) Stay away from sugar and soft drinks--think of it as more toxins you'd be piling on. Yuck!!
OKAY, now your skin may be pale but that actually means that you haven't completely damaged it by the sun! If it's just that your pimples seem red in comparison...take the red out! Dab a TINY bit of Visine on a pimple to take the red out and then add concealer if you like. Try to keep your makeup to a minimum if you can until things get a little more under control.
LAST, you aren't going bald! At 17, if your hair is thinning, it's your body telling you to feed it! Good stuff! Hair is a great indicator of your health.
Have you been skipping meals, not enough sleep? When I mentioned a multi-vitamin, think about taking a PRE-NATAL vitamin. I know that it sounds wierd, and PLEASE discuss this with your mom so she doesn't happen upon them and shriek! Pre-natal vitamins give you alot of extra
vitamins because women who are pregnant tend to get depleted. Your body sounds depleted--I think that this could really help you get things under control. Please talk with your mother or your doctor and get going on this! Try not to get discouraged! It took a while to get you to this stage so it'll take a while to get you back to normal! I promise--Clear skin and thick shiny hair will be yours soon--but you have to get to WORK! Good luck!! :)

2006-10-02 03:52:23 · answer #1 · answered by helpmemama 3 · 0 0

I had the same problem when I was 16 until I turned 18. So it'd be great for you to learn in advance of what I found out too late!!!

Firstly to attack your pimples:

Really the answer it depends what type of skin you have, but usually people who suffer from break outs have an overall oily skin complexion or an oily "T-zone" (which consists of your forehead, nose, and around the mouth).

The way to clear up your existing pimples and stop new ones from being created can be broken down to three things. Diet, Sun exposure, and most importantly skin care products.

Diet sounds simple enough to get right but it often the hardest to change. Try and stop eating foods that have high levels of oil and replace them with foods that are high in fibre and vitamins that help to regulate your body.

Sun exposure is very important. When you’re in the sun your skin naturally absorbs Vitamin D, which keeps your dermal layers healthy. The recommended amount of sun is at least 10 minutes of exposure daily. Do not go crazy on sun exposure though as I'm sure your aware that cancer, and aging can result from overexposure.

Lastly but most importantly is skin care. It is crucial that you keep your skin in good condition with cosmetics if you’re susceptible to acne. Avoid Clearasil if you can as it dries out the skin and actually causes pimples to get in under your skin. (Which causes those painful ones you cant get rid of)

My advice is to buy a skin exfoliater that you should use twice a week, and a daily skin cleanser. Use both of these products in the shower when your skin is supple.

Also to make sure your skin doesn't dry out; buy a daily moisturiser, which will also add a really healthy shine.

If you wash like this your pimples should clear up between 2 weeks and a month. You will also feel more confident and I guarantee if you wash in the morning your face will feel incredibly fresh!

I recommend the L'Oreal skin expert range. It's really easy to understand and affordable too.

If you want a tan I'd recommend a sun bed once a week for up to 8 minutes. If not that you can buy fake tan, which often looks a bit orange, or for more natural results try getting a professional spray tan.

Hope this helps. If you take my advice I'm sure you'll kill the ladies!!!

2006-10-02 03:33:08 · answer #2 · answered by JK 2 · 0 0

I think it really depends on what kind of hair you have. For example ppl with oily skin problems, meaning those that u see with acne all over their face. This is a result of oily skin which ALSO means they have an oily scalp because their skin constantly produces oil and therefore if they dont wash it daily, when they go out the 2nd day they are going to have greecy as fck hair and no one is going to want to be friends with him especially with all that acne as well. Also your hair smells bad from the oil therefore washing your hair daily is good if you have such conditions. And this is a natural condition (having oily skin) and its not some disease so dont worry. I am an example and I have oily skin. My skin constantly produces oil so after i wash my face in the morning and by the time i reach school (20 mins bus) i already have a shiny nose because of the oil and my the end of lunch my face is pretty much red and I look like a pizza (red and oily all over) . And by the time i get home, my head is all itchy because of the oil and its smelly.

2016-03-18 03:39:19 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Red marks do take a long time to go away (naturally, that is). I had to deal with mild/moderate acne last year and it left me with marks all over my face! .... And I'm very light-skinned. I was so self-conscious.

Anyway, you could do microdermabrasion or chemical peels by a derm or a skin care center and that should speed up the fade time significantly. This cost a lot though. I took the other route (which took longer) and used an Alpha Hydroxy Acid Serum at home. AHAs are chemical exfoliants so they speed up skin cell turnover. That's how it is. You aid in the shedding of the top layers of your skin and along with that, you're helping shed the marks.

As for your skin color, I can say that I was very light-skinned and the redness was obvious but please, ifyou're contemplating tanning, don't do it! Tanning = skin damage and you just got rid of acne, which itself is damage, soooo don't damage your skin more! :) Just take steps in removing the marks.

I'm sorry you have little confidence in yourself but just keep on moving forward. Take steps to better your situation. Don't give up! It WILL get better.

2006-10-02 03:37:37 · answer #4 · answered by Isa 3 · 0 0

hey, you are 17. The pimples will go away with time. It is just a part of growing up. And if you are fit, do not worry about being tanned. Tanning is a sign of skin damage anyways. There is nothing wrong with being white. All kids (most anyways) have problems with their bodies, but you must remember that in 10 years you will think such concerns were trivial and unfounded. a positive attitude and confidence are the key to expressing yourself. Do not concern yourself with what others say.

2006-10-02 03:02:47 · answer #5 · answered by Cecil 4 · 0 0

Relax. Going through that awkward stage is just part of growing up. It is normal and most human beings go through it one way or the other. You mention that you have a beautiful body and that's really good. Pimples won't stay, I guarantee you that, but a lean, well proportioned, healthy body will carry you with style, elegance and grace through life. You'll look good until you are old and gray.
So... what's with your hair?

2006-10-02 03:16:45 · answer #6 · answered by suki's mom 4 · 0 0

U shouldnt worry too much about his stuff.
first of all, its normal for ur face to be covered with zits. 80% of teens get acne.
Did u kno sum celeberties had acne too? they sumhow got out of it...
It doesnt matter it u aint tanned. My best friend has fair skin and a lot of guys like her.
watever u do, dont get a tan,u'll get wrinkly,ugly skin earlier.

What's wrong with ur hair?
if u dont like it, why not get a cut?
even on good hair days, people loose at least 80 hairs.

As long as ur healthy, there's nothing to worry about.

2006-10-02 03:20:29 · answer #7 · answered by Skool_Gal 3 · 0 0

I would advice you to try some home based remedies for skin ,hair and weight problems, this link has some good information it sure did help me so here goes,

good luck

2006-10-02 06:31:45 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Beauty care- ingrediants from ypur litchen cabinet.

check the links below for natural homemade beauty tips to:Skincare/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin

Read...Free Beauty tips on....natural and homemade methods to:
Skincare/pimples/Acne cure/Blemishes/Whiteheads/Blackheads/
Wrinkles/Freckles/Steaming/herbal recipe for skin
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Henna on hair/Splitends/Oilyhair/Dryhair
Eye care/Darkcircles/Puffiness/eyebags

Free beauty tips on Makeup/Hairstyles & photo gallery/
hair highlighting/Weightloss /Hairremoval/ etc...

2006-10-02 04:54:13 · answer #9 · answered by Balu 5 · 0 0

listen the question is do you think you look nice hey i think pimples look nice on every one im promise try proactive and ask your doctor what could you do about the balding im sure that he will have some thing good for you glad to help

2006-10-02 03:01:32 · answer #10 · answered by Kiana A 2 · 0 0

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