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its me that has to put up with her winging, do everything for her and still go to work but she is the one everyone says is "doing so well". she's only bloody sitting there for christs sake

2006-10-02 02:44:41 · 49 answers · asked by england til i die 3 in Pregnancy & Parenting Pregnancy

49 answers

You will NEVER fully understand what a woman goes through while they are pregnant! I know you don't want to hear someone whine and complain, but try to see this from her point of view. This is my average day.... Imagine not being able to sleep, just because you have so much on your mind. Worrying about how your child’s life will be, are you ready? Will you be a good parent? Will your spouse stick around? Will the delivery go as planned? Are you still attractive? Will you lose your figure? (and your apparent attitude doesn't help I'm sure.) Then you finally settle down and go to bed. But you’re not allowed to sleep on your stomach or your back. So you sleep on your side. But you have to switch sides every 10 minutes because all that weight on your shoulders is cutting off the circulation to your arm! Then you finally get to sleep and you have to wake up and go to the bathroom! (and you have to do that every 2 hours!) Then before you know it, it's time to get up! Then depending where you are in pregnancy, you might wake up to feeling like throwing up! But you HAVE TO eat anyway. All the while (no matter what stage of pregnancy you’re in) you feel fatigue and just miserable. There's a "pregnancy feeling" that no one can really describe it just feels bad. Your hormones are all over. One second your fine and then all the sudden you burst into tears! We don't like this either! No one likes to feel sad. And just the fact that we have no control over it is frustrating! Then say I need to change a light bulb in my kitchen, I can't. Because I would have to get up on a stool. Big no no when you’re pregnant. I have to ask some one. Or say I want to move something out of my way, but it's too heavy. I have to wait until someone comes home to move it for me. Say I just want to get up off the couch or out of bed or out of the bath, someone has to help me!! Do you know how it feels to be completely helpless?? Not to mention that your ankles hurt. You can't keep your balance. You can't walk far. All the while having contractions (don't feel good) headaches, itching, stretch marks, and oh yeah knowing everyday that you are going to go through the agonizing pain of child birth!! All the while trying to get prepared and make sure you have everything you need for the baby. Making decisions all the time. Do I breast or bottle feed? Circumcise? Who will cut the cord? Etc. And keeping all your doctor appointments! This is just pregnant stuff! She still has to deal with everyday life as well!! It's HARD!!!!! I think I would rather listen to someone complain than go through all this! Try and be more sensitive. Stop thinking about yourself so much. I'm sorry if this offends you, but going through pregnancy is one of the most selfless things a woman can do. So maybe you should try to be a little more selfless too.

2006-10-02 03:15:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You don't say how advanced the pregnancy is, or whether or not your wife is suffering from morning sickness/varicose veins or any of the other things which might come her way. You also don't say whether she is still having to go out to work, in which case she is probably coming home whacked. Is that why she's whingeing? You really must be more sympathetic, as harder times are round the corner. It's great that you're doing all the chores, as well as going out to work, but if you think you've got it bad at the moment, just wait until baby has been born and is feeding round the clock, being sick, suffering from this and that ailment, etc. etc. Pregnancy is a doddle compared with dealing with a demanding baby who doesn't let you get a proper night's sleep in months. Once the baby has been born, believe you me you'll be the fortunate one, escaping to work every day to have a rest from it all. Keep up the good work! I think you're doing well, so don't say that nobody ever told you so!

2006-10-02 03:01:04 · answer #2 · answered by Doethineb 7 · 1 0

oh Goodness - is somebody feeling left out of the "big event"?
lol That's Society, bud - the proud papa is just supposed to stand there & be the picture of masculine studliness - after all, you created the life growing inside your "little woman". I reckon they don't see her bitchy side - whining & fussing & demanding all of your attention - they only see that she's reproducing. That alone is hard on a woman; the physical changes are rough, the hormones alone will kill you!!, if she's never had one before then it's all unknown territory for her. Buy yourself a T-shirt that says
"I KNOCKED UP MY WIFE!" - perhaps that will garner you a bit of attention. Ask to be included in the baby shower - or when she's at the baby shower, you & your mates go out for cigars & whiskey at a pub & celebrate being manly men!! After all, YOU got it up & YOU produced the sperm that knocked her up!!! lmao Don't be petty, dear. This is her moment in the spotlight, after all - we ladies get but a few; prom night, wedding day, the first baby. Support her as much as you can - grit your teeth when her whining gets on your nerves. Once the baby comes along, you will be so enchanted with this new little creature that you just won't believe it (at least, I hope you will) It's really only 9 months of pregnancy, but babies are a lifetime. Good luck - practice chilling out.

2006-10-02 02:58:56 · answer #3 · answered by pumpkin 6 · 0 0

One should know this
Sex is different part of a life
Conceiving is another
Giving birth is totally different experience

Since men doesn't have any experience of the last two can't talk much about what she may under go during pregnancy, All you can see is how she looks from outside and nothing much about her inside.

human being is the most inteligent creature of this world and creating one of them is most important and this should be considered by all human beings in the world.

That is why we respect mother more than father in all the ways.

2006-10-02 02:57:51 · answer #4 · answered by Wowpra 2 · 0 0

You try carrying around all that extra weight for nine months, put up with the aches and pains that a pregnant woman has to deal with and then have the thought of going through all that pain at the end of it all to give birth - then maybe you will understand why people are so caring towards her! You got her pregnant so you have to put up with everything else that comes with it!

2006-10-02 02:56:43 · answer #5 · answered by sexy red head 2 · 3 0

I feel sorry that your wife has to put up with such an unbelievably selfish,inconsiderate,mean spirited creature as you.Her body is doing more work during the 9 mths of pregnancy than yours will in a lifetime and you should be giving her as much support as you can,she is after all growing YOUR child in her body!!!!!!!

2006-10-02 03:04:38 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

I don't know. I mean it is such a simple and unimportant thing in life, right? WRONG ! Why don't you try getting one of those pregnancy suits and you wear it all day, so you know what it is like to carry that extra weight around all day. Even then it does not compare to having a bay move around inside of you, kicking you from the inside, making you feel sick to your stomach. Then on top of that she has to deal with you, I am sure she does all the stuff around the house and makes sure you are fed well too. You are jealous because the focus is on her ~ BACK OFF !

2006-10-02 02:56:09 · answer #7 · answered by Pretty Girl 3 · 2 0

I understand you and your wifes point / your wife is going through a lot of changes phisacly and mentally its hard carrying children and she probabbly wants to fell loved but what she should realise is that she is pregnant not SICK the exersize would be good for her and the unborn child good luck

2006-10-02 06:17:32 · answer #8 · answered by patricia s 1 · 0 0

i really envy your wife, so why cant she take a break and sit and be comfortable she's pregnant, carrying your child, she should be wraped in cotton wool and looked after, i had very bad pregnancy's and ended up in hospital for not resting,well done for going to work , that will really help for when the baby does come,i do wish you all the best x

2006-10-02 02:55:44 · answer #9 · answered by ssldavey2003 2 · 0 0

You're both in this. She's feeling things she never felt before, and a lot of pains, and extra weight, and swollen ankles, and mostly a husband who just doesn't understand. Did no one explain this to you? Maybe you'll be a bit more understanding when she has your second child. If she ever lets you touch her again.

2006-10-02 02:58:29 · answer #10 · answered by kitten lover3 7 · 0 0

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