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Yes we all know that all the democrats are pissed at bush for us going to war, but the thing is thats only becuase they only hear the bad things about it on the news. Did you know how many children in Iraq are going to school now and getting a education? They can do that with out the fear of being killed! Plus you guys think your freedom is taken away because of wire tapping. They are only doing it for OUR SAFETY!! Would wather not have and have another 9/11/? Also democarats think that 9/11 was a inside job. Well I can say to the hell with YOU! How could you even think that? Democrats just try to find ways to bash at Bush. Then when they find one they make it a HUGE deal. So you democrats think that all of what Bush has done is bad but think about what he has done. There can be bad sides and good sides to what he has done. And well wouldnt you want to look at what he has done in a a good and postive way then make a huge deal about the bad? If you dont then your just igorant.

2006-10-02 01:59:19 · 12 answers · asked by nottelling123 1 in Politics & Government Politics

12 answers

kids are getting an education, women are too and voting for the first time in their lives. females young and old no longer fear being taken from the streets and used for the entertainment and pleasure of tyrants. sewer, electrical and other systems repaired and upgraded beyond anything they have experienced during saddam's reign. there are bombings there but instead of 10-15 deaths per day during saddam's reign there are 1-5 per week...there will always be until the cowards who set up roadside bombs to kill women and children are brought to justice....as for the wiretapping...it's amusing to think that anyone would think the government is interested in listening to their conversations unless they were terrorists...they don' t have the manpower or the time and for god's sake why would they want to sit and listen to most american's senseless conversations about their aunt edna's bladder problem, or little billy getting an 'a' on his report card! the dem's (and some cowardly rep's) want a scapegoat they don't want to take responsibility for their own actions (or lack there of on clinton's watch). you're right there is good and bad with this administration but the good far outweighs the bad and those that are whining and moaning are just listening to cnn, msnbc and looking for anyone to deflect the blame to other than themselves.

2006-10-02 02:06:16 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

First, this is only a question in so much as you use a question mark. You call others igorant (sic) for criticising Bush and complaining about the bad and not acknowledging the good. I have to ask you what good things has he done?

Bush has taken America as the most powerful nation on earth with a world-wide and justified reputation as a democratic freedom loving generous nation, and reduced it to be a country with an aggressive, lying, manipulative government which justifies war and torture as "saving our homeland", and uses our young good men and women for what REAL purpose, fighting for freedom (for whom? Iraquis?) and for democracy (again what kind of democracy can be imposed by force? America is more at risk of losing its own democracy)?

Second, it is basically simplistic, and obviously puerile to say that Democrats think that 9/11 was an inside job. Those that say this are surely very ill informed (possibly ill) and are not thinking clearly. You cannot simply ascribe this to a Democrats viewpoint, any more than you can ascribe the Republicans to the view that all prisoners are denied rights and may be tortured.

And are you telling me that there are more happy children going to school now that the US "liberation of the Iraquis " has occurred? They can go to school now without the fear of being killed They used to be able to do that under Saddam, and 50-100 civilians aren't killed evryday and hundreds injured EVERY day).

Hello? Are you really on this planet? Do you seriously look at the figures of dead, dying and injured?
One thing is for sure there are a lot more orphans going to school.
Wake up and stop watching Fox news without a critical mind.

You dont want another 9/11.? OK. Easy! Stop funding the Israelis to torture and make Palestinians homeless. Thats the best way to secure your country and your peace of mind. And it will save you a LOT of money too, and actually make friends.

2006-10-02 02:25:30 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Are you asking a question or are you giving us a cheerleader speech on Bush. Try talking to an Iraqi sometime. Get their opinon on all this wonder that America has brought to Iraq. These silly freedoms you are so eager to give up were written into our constitution and many men have died to keep them in effect for us. Maybe if you actually listened to some of the arguements against Bush instead of tooting for him you might learn that he is a man that makes mistakes and not the God you portray him to be. We are no safer now because we invaded Iraq. We have made martyrs out of hundreds of thousands of innocents killed and we now have far more Bin Laden wanna bes to deal with than ever. Read some of the House and Senate reports about it. Don't take my word for it. See what they say. Uno if people did not have serious doubts about Bush's competency, they would fall in line just like you. Stop doubting everybody else's patriotism just because they do not agree with you. Last I heard, people are able to express their opinon in this country about anything. It is called Freedom of Speech. Listen more and yap less. You might learn something if you shut your mouth long enough to actually hear from someone. Read the words of Thomas Jefferson about questioning an elected leader.

2006-10-02 02:11:36 · answer #3 · answered by kolacat17 5 · 1 0

Hey listen to me Mr. Brainwashed Moron, Iraq was in a better shape before we invaded that country. Yes I agree that it was a good idea to remove that bad brutal dictator, Saddam Hussein. However, it was absolutely the wrong move and the stupidest plan to invade Iraq. Saddam was much smarter and a better politician than Bush & Co. in controlling Iraqis. People like Iraqis need a dictator like Saddam to rule, not like some idiots like Mr. Bush, Maliki or Mr. Talebani. Please do me a favor dude. Before you try to ask a question and spread rumors on Yahoo Answers, do some research, be balanced and fair in your opinion. By the way, I AM NOT a democrat, not Saddam supporter nor Muslim. I am just a very proud American, who loves this country and cares about the truth. Thank you.

2006-10-02 02:22:53 · answer #4 · answered by Mr. J 4 · 1 0

Oh yes. Let's invade a country that had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11 (Osama, anyone?), based solely on a premise that was false (WMD's). Let's go in there and preach about democracy and freedom, while at the same time at home freely give up the cherished rights that we're trying to uphold as a model for all other countries. Let's live in fear for the rest of our lives. That'll show the terrorists.

And by the way, your comments about "to hell with you" and ignorance just make you look bad. Grow up.

2006-10-02 02:06:20 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

You sound brain washed by the Bush Administration.
Wake up. Look at the number dead. Look at the recent intelligence reports regarding worsening violence and killings in Iraq. And kids are being killed on their way to school.
Iraguis are rebelling against our intrusion and the more Bush intrudes the more they kill.
Where do you live...in a cave.

2006-10-02 02:07:56 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

truthfully, because of the fact it is nicely-known real now between some human beings in some countries to brazenly hate u.s. and human beings. Their motives are definitely not extra valid or nicely-concept than the common redneck who hates 'them colored human beings.' u.s. remains enormous, and efficient, yet each and every of the innovations from television and the information superhighway helps human beings to be certain our flaws. So, the previous secret is now long previous, and we glance only human...ignorant human beings see this as an probability to place somebody else down. and often that style of component is designed to make themselves sense extra desirable. So, it is only lack of know-how. Oh, they'd have motives of their strategies, that they are going to inform you...in spite of the undeniable fact that it is like saying, "those black human beings rape white women human beings and eat watermelon and function lots of toddlers on welfare." In different words, ignorant crap that has not something to do with actuality.

2016-10-18 08:33:48 · answer #7 · answered by goodknight 4 · 0 0

Hey buddy..... you should be ashamed of yourself for taking credit for Iraqi kids going to school again. They were in school before we bombed their country and took that away from them.

2006-10-02 02:02:18 · answer #8 · answered by farahwonderland2005 5 · 1 0

yes, i totally see your point...

and the chips that are going to be 'installed' in your arms in 2008 will increase your safety even more...

2006-10-02 02:01:51 · answer #9 · answered by ionut*999 3 · 2 0

Can you sell me a pair of your rose coloured glasses?

2006-10-02 02:09:16 · answer #10 · answered by muffdiver4u1951 3 · 1 0

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