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21 answers

Because the role of government is the success of society - not the success of the individual. To have a successful society requires hard work leading to wealth creation and higher economic growth than our competitors. The government therefore needs to outlaw or discourage any acitivities that get in the way of industrious labour.

A good example is the illegality of drugs. The government doesn't care for the health of individuals - but it can not allow people to be happy just by taking a chemical. It needs to foster the view that the only route to happiness is through hard work.

2006-10-02 01:42:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

Because this is the traditional way that Labour Governments like to run the country.

Socialist governments in the UK have always been terrified that if people start thinking for themselves they might wake up and realise how utterly inept a Labour Government really is. They can therefore only function by controlling everything down to the smallest detail.

The reason we have this bunch of idiots in power at the moment is that far too many people have such short memories or don't learn the lessons of history. One of the other answerers is right - you get the government you vote for. Perhaps next time some of those who supported Labour might like to think a bit more about what they're actually voting for.

Many people reading this can probably only remember a Labour Government in power or perhaps Labour and the previous Conservatives under Major and Thatcher. But before that there were some truly awful Labour Governments which did many of the same things that this sorry lot are doing - there's not that much that's "new" about "New Labour"... they still want to tax you for every penny so they can employ more pen-pushers to run your life for you.

2006-10-02 01:27:55 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 2 2

Because if it doesn't, we'll all end up suing each other in court cases, because the blame culture has filtered over from America in such a way as it is now looked upon as a major source of income by many!

Margaret Thatcher tried to let us govern ourselves. She gave us more money in our pockets so that we could look after ourselves. Create our own pension plans, invest money in our own futures and what did the British public do? They all went "Oh thanks Mags, we'll go out and buy loads of foreign produced goods, because they're cheaper and better made now than English ones and over balance the UK GDP by 110% and when it all went **** up as all the analysts and the few of us left with some coomon sense knew it would you all blamed MT for everything including the invention of gunpowder!

Labour sat on the sidelines and watched it all happen and when John Major led the Conservatives cut and bleeding to their final death nell. Labour jumped in and taking into account the way the British public hashed up their own lives took it all away from them again and sent them to their rooms for being bad girls and boys and now we're all grounded! Thats why!

2006-10-03 09:23:54 · answer #3 · answered by statusquo44 3 · 1 0

because we are now a nanny state, also being part of the goddamn EU is helping they soon will be controlling everything from our borders down to what toilet paper we are allowed! i pray we never get the euro i really think we need to pull out of the EU and become the United Kingdom again coz at the moment we aint very united! i read in the paper the other week that wen Germany takes over the EU presiendcy for the year they are thinking of splitting the UK up into diffrent areas wales and Ireland together then England split up into areas with france etc! i hope this is just a stupid rumour that has been exgarated...

2006-10-02 01:37:59 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 4 0

Because you have a left wing, nannying, totalitarian and unpatriotic Government. It cares far more about spreading its ideology around the world than in protecting the nation state of Britain. It is about control. Attacking men and turning minority groups against the majority are just two of the many controlling techniques that they have used. They have slowly taken control away from parents in the raising of children, the education sector then further indoctrinates them into left wing thinking. They have undermined the traditional family, because they want your first loyalty to be to the state and not your family. I could write all day about other techniques. You seem to have noticed the symptoms of control but not the reasons.

2006-10-02 23:24:46 · answer #5 · answered by Veritas 7 · 0 1

The British [UK] Government has no real power. All the major decisions are made in Brussels, the European Parliament. It is for this reason that government in UK has turned inwards and has started banning everything from hunting with dogs to roller skating to laughing and having a drink with yer mates.

2006-10-05 18:19:04 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

New McLabour knows that if the truth was more easily available that would spell an even quicker end to them - listen to Tony Bliar and Greasy Gordon Brown and the rest of the buffoons - you could almost think they meant what they say!

2006-10-02 02:36:03 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

I don't know but I wish they would get lost. They are idiots that generally achieve the opposite of their stated aim.

In the event - vote Labour out.

2006-10-02 02:14:04 · answer #8 · answered by LongJohns 7 · 2 0

Mummy Brown and Daddy Blair

Vote Conservative!

2006-10-05 11:33:58 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Who chose the government? As Bob Marley once sang: 'Get up stand up, stand up for your right.' Most democracies, with the exception of the US of A get the Government they vote for.

2006-10-02 01:36:06 · answer #10 · answered by cymry3jones 7 · 3 1

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