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12 answers

Democrat. If you look carefully, you can see that many of his ideals go hand-in-hand with those of liberal Democrats.

2006-10-02 01:04:01 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 3

What??? Are you out of what masquerades as a tiny little mind? The current administration is operating as a classic fascist regime. For you brainless wingnuts that disagree, try reading (yes, I know you have problems with that, but try) a history book on Mussolini's Italy, where the term fascism actually comes from. Then take a look at the rise of the Nazi party in the 1930's (I know - reading 2 articles in one day. I'm beastly, aren't I?). 9/11 was this generation's Reichstag, and the Muslims are this generation's Communists. What has been legislated over the past 6 years, the utter capitulation of Congress, and the slavish devotion of the media mirrors almost precisely what happened in Germany. As things stand right now, the USA meets all 12 accepted criteria for a fascist state. Why is it that you Republitards insist on making statements that use words you simply do not understand, having done zero research to back up your position? Is it *really* that hard for you to think for yourself, rather than letting Ann Coulter do your thinking for you?

2006-10-02 08:19:00 · answer #2 · answered by That English Dude 2 · 0 1

The Democrat Party has been taken over by Socialists.
Hitler's Party was the National Socialists.
Samey, Samey.
The Democrat Party, Hitler's Party, and the Green Party, all sound alike when they scream.

2006-10-02 08:12:00 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Adolf Hitler was a Fascist, Just like what G.W.Bush is trying to turn America into. And is during it Successfully, The Partiot Act. .i.e.
Hitler was VERY far toward the right wing ideology. While both the Dems. and the Green Party lean toward the Left, but the Repubicans are far Right Wingers, which would answer the queston for you. So remember when you vote Repubican you voting for what Hitler would agree with. I myself prefer Western Style Socialism, (Something like what Canada and France have in play.)

2006-10-02 08:13:48 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

Get real...Hitler qualifies as an ultra-right wing Republican partier all the way! Sheesh! He was the Dark Side of ideology...zero tolerance, judgemental, dictatorial. And a sociopath, to boot. The Dems. and the Greenies are about social responsibility, charity(Love) to others and positive possibilities. And being the solution, not the problem.

2006-10-02 08:18:16 · answer #5 · answered by kuttingej1 1 · 2 1

Hey English dude, why don't you stick to your own country's politics. In case you didn't get the message, which was unambiguously stated on July 4, 1776, let me reiterate. Get out, you are not welcome here.

Besides, if I were you, I would focus my concerns more on the UK becoming a police state; or have you not been keeping up with your homeland's politics? The UK is currently trying to expand it public camera police monitoring system. And better than that is what was just announced, they want to link the disparate camera networks together to form a nationwide surveillance system! And you have the guts to call the US fascists! HA! People in glass houses...! Just concentrate your efforts on something that looks like you would be good at doing, like old fashion soccer hooliganism. Just make sure the police cameras don't catch you!

I have kind of already answered this question, but almost everyone on this post seems to either not know history or was taught incorrectly.

Hitler was a socialist and NOT part of the right. Most people call Hitler a fascist because of his extreme authoritarianism, nationalism and militarism. Moreover, Hitler's strong anti-communist stance and alliance with a true follower of fascism, Mussolini, seem to further convince people he was a fascist.

However, there are vast differences between Hitler's Nazi movement and fascism. For one, fascism is not only staunchly anti-communists, it is also staunchly anti-socialist. This, in itself, is diametrically opposes to Hitler's belief. National Socialism was, as the name implies, very much a socialist movement. As proof of this, when Hitler took power in 1933 he started great public works projects to combat the high unemployment in Germany. Moreover, Volkswagen came into existence to satisfy Hitler's desire that every "working man" who wants a car should be able to afford one. Don't forget true classic socialism, just like Nazism, is very much anti-communist, even the Socialist Party USA which was found around 1900 during the socialism "renaissance" is fiercely anti-communist. You don't have to believe me read their website: http://sp-usa.org/principles.html

Hitler's alliance with Mussolini was one more of convenience than ideology. Mussolini came to power before Hitler, and after Hitler's succession to power he tried almost immediately to ally himself with Mussolini. However, Mussolini, for the most part, snubbed Hitler; and it was not until the success of the Spanish Civil War, and Germany's military mobilization that Mussolini wanted the alliance with Hitler.

Propaganda is the other main reason Hitler was called a fascist. After all, it is much easier to build popular support against Hitler if you lump him in with the fascist Mussolini as opposed to saying we need to fight a war against Socialist? This would be particularly difficult seeing as how Hitler's approach to freeing his country from the Great Depression was exactly the same as FDR's, large public works projects.

Now, to answer the question. I would say Hitler's philosophy is closer to the Democratic Party than the Green. Beyond the Green party's environmental view points, they seem to be more of a mix between Socialism and Communism as opposed to true Socialism. Though, it is tough to nail down a true "National" Green party view point. In the Bay Area (San Francisco), The Green Party seems to lean very much towards Communism.

The Democratic Party seems to fit very much in line with both the Socialist view point of Hitler, and his autocratic control over raising children. Public school teachers in the US are very much controlled by the Democratic Party. When educating children they essentially teach whatever social viewpoint that is publicly accepted by the Democrats. The Democrats believe like Hitler did that the best way to control a country is to control the rearing of children and indoctrinate them with certain viewpoints to ensure they turn into adults that will further your cause.

If you do not believe me about Hitler, please read about Fascism, Nazism, and Socialism for yourself. I always encourage people to read about history and ideology for yourself. Don't just believe something to be true just because someone said it is. Here are a few links:




2006-10-02 15:48:35 · answer #6 · answered by TheMayor 3 · 2 0

Closer to your Party.

2006-10-02 08:06:59 · answer #7 · answered by Samuel Crow 3 · 1 1

His philosophy was closer to Hirohito's and Mussolini's.

2006-10-02 08:04:27 · answer #8 · answered by cheyennetomahawk 5 · 0 0

It was closer to the Republican Party.

2006-10-02 08:05:30 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

Ask the Bushes
they've been friends with the nazi's for a long time

2006-10-02 08:11:56 · answer #10 · answered by Enigma 6 · 2 0

to is the democraps party Why? because that like to destroy the voice of the opposition and instill fear in their people to get them to behave like brainwashed children

2006-10-02 08:07:19 · answer #11 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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