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8 answers

I do not believe evolution, and I will tell you why. I do not think the science stands up. In fact, I don't think it is science at all. It is not repeatable, observable, or testable. I will freely admit that it can explain many things, but providing a possible explanation is not science and does not make something true. Until there is solid evidence to back it up, and it is repeatable, and it is observable (I don't mean moths changing color, I'm not denying micro evolution. But macro is not and can not be observed.) I will not believe it.

"A science which deals with origin events dos not fall within the category of empirical science, which deals with observed regularities in the present. Rather, it is more like a forensic science, which concentrates on unobserved singularities in the past. That is, a science about origins is a singularity science about the past; it differs from scientific understanding about singularities in the present. A science about the past does not observe the past singularity but must depend on the principle of uniformity (analogy), as historical geology and archaeology do.

Just as a forensic scientist tries to make plausible reconstruction of an unobserved (and unrepeatable) murder, the evolutionist and creationist attempt to construct a plausible scenario of the unobserved past singularities of origin science.

Some events of origin may have nonnatural primary intelligent causes. But to insist on finding a natural cause where there is evidence for primary intelligent causes is like demanding that a geology class remain at Mount Rushmore until it discovers some natural process of erosion to explain the faces formed on the mountainside."

-Norman L. Geisler and J Kerby Anderson, in "Origin Science; A Proposal for the Creation-Evolution Controversy"

Now for the "religious" part of my reason. Yes, I am a Christian, and evolution goes against what I believe. I realize that maybe I am believing a lie. Maybe evolution is true. But I choose to think I am right. What's the worst that can happen if I am wrong and evolution is true? I am wrong, and live my meaningless life trying to disprove the truth, which doesn't matter since we are just chemicals, and in the end, just give the evolutionists more things to reseach when I bring up objections to their theory. I don't see any reason why I should believe in evolution. If we are just animals, which are just random assortments of chemicals, why would I care about the truth? It doesn't matter. Anyways, here are some books that are about evolution, and why it can't be true. Read them before you say they have false arguments and that evolution is a proven fact. And keep in mind that some of the arguments are not great, as some are old, some have good counter arguments, and some are just annoyingly false. But it goes both ways as evolutionists have the same problem. (I have to go find the list, I will post it when I find it....)

2006-10-02 04:36:08 · answer #1 · answered by Kiko 3 · 0 4

I truly believe that there are 2 main reasons why people do not beleive in evolution. First: not enough education. People just do not know what evolution is, and what causes it.

Second, people have religious beleifs. Believe me, that is not a bad thing. What people do not understand is that even thoughtout history some of the most prominent scientific minds have been religious leaders. The problem with today's religious leaders is that they will not accept anything to do with evolution.

In response to the APE thing - we did not evolve from monkeys or APE'S. we evolved from ape-like creatures called hommonids. The next question is invalid as well. Why aren't we (or them for that matter) evolving? The answer is that we are, but we cannot see it in our lifetime. If you want to understand that a little more, e-mail me. I would love to tell you how evolution works better than I could here.

2006-10-02 11:25:18 · answer #2 · answered by shawn_b_c 2 · 2 0

There are plenty of people, especially in the US, who do not believe in evolution. Usually, they are taught wrong information. It is pretty sad, but true. Some people don't accept it for pure religion reasons, which is fine but not a dispute with science.

Much of the information that the professional creationist give out is misleading or outright wrong. It is up to the person to do the research to find that out.

For the question about 'what is between monkeys and humans' I have to say, that is an example of poor knowledge of the facts. The first answer would be 'the other apes, like Chimps and gorillas.' Monkeys are animals that have tails. Apes, like the chimp and humans, do not have tails.

2006-10-02 09:37:48 · answer #3 · answered by RjKardo 3 · 2 0

I believe that all is explained, in both Evolution, and Creation, via the theories expounded in the Church of the FSM!

Google.com can enlighten you... 20 different governments have agreed... their school must agree, now. Go, and learn.

"Do not do to others as you would not like done to you", "all the rest is commentary", the Great Scribe commenting upon the Bible.

2006-10-02 08:00:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

If we evolved from apes, why arnt we still evolving and why isnt there any speicies between monkey and human?

Once someone can answer those questions then i might belive we evolved from apes for example

2006-10-02 08:19:40 · answer #5 · answered by c0demorpher 1 · 0 3

I don't. I for one think we were created in the image of God. My God isn't a microscopic organisim.

2006-10-02 07:56:23 · answer #6 · answered by bookfreak2day 6 · 0 1

It is still just a theory. Still a lot of holes in it that like relion, science asks me to take on faith that someday they may find the answer.

2006-10-02 08:01:39 · answer #7 · answered by Meow the cat 4 · 0 4

I do not believe in evolution.Why?Because I believe that God created us (Adam and Eve) and also this universe.

2006-10-02 10:32:09 · answer #8 · answered by Jack 2 · 0 3

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