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does anyone know the IQ level of Nigerians? Why do they go around spamming website with scam tactics. I believe they can only spam among themselves with the same IQ level. Are they retarted?

2006-10-01 16:56:35 · 4 answers · asked by Kelvin 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

typo: retarded*

- I am getting really annoyed with these Nigerians spammers taking advantage of free email services and forum boards.

2006-10-01 17:04:57 · update #1

reply to Johnny1,

That is exactly what I did. i reported to the mail services yahoo and gmail. Those spam are so common and its unbelievable that people would fall for it.

Someone should start a awareness campaign towards this.

2006-10-01 17:09:11 · update #2

4 answers

paul got you on that one
you should have spelled retarded correctly
concerning your question i dont think criminal activity even petty wannabe internet fraud is an indication of a lack of intelligence
what would indicate a lack of intelligence is believing these scams are real

when i receive one of those ridiculous lottery or bank account scam emails i report it to the provider of the email account which is usually yahoo or microsofts hotmail and then i mark it as spam and delete it

2006-10-01 17:05:43 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Spamming is a numbers game. Spam enough, you'll get someone to bite - someone just too greedy to pass up a chance or elderly folks who can no longer discern a scam. So they are running scams because they know they'll get bites. Not so stupid, eh? Unethical, dishonest, immoral - but not stupid.

2006-10-01 17:00:33 · answer #2 · answered by Skeff 6 · 1 0

let me see 100's of US citizens fall for those scams every day, so I wonder who is smarter?

2006-10-01 17:01:07 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 5 0

I bet they can spell 'retarded' though.

2006-10-01 16:58:10 · answer #4 · answered by Paul J 3 · 1 0

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