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Don´t you think that every american is responsable for the approval of torture by the US congress? Is it not you American people that this bastard congressmen represent?

2006-10-01 16:38:48 · 12 answers · asked by pablito1612 2 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

12 answers

Our system is a representative democracy, that is true. The thing is, when they screw up our only recourse is to vote them out of office at the next election. We trust our leaders but only to a certain point. If they don't live up to our expectations we give them the boot.

2006-10-01 16:41:32 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

The American people would only be directly responsible for what Congress does if they vote specifically on an issue. That's not how it works. We vote for our representatives and if we don't like what they do while in office, we vote them out.

2006-10-01 16:49:52 · answer #2 · answered by B D 3 · 1 0

i understand your point but as you will notice some people have already objected to your generalization

like many americans i am completely ashamed at what this governments foreign policy

to actually be responsible for an action such as the murder of iraqis the support for the murder of the lebanese and palestinians the torture of captives etc doesnt a person have to actually support that action

some people speak out against these things and actually make visible protests against them

yes peaceful americans should speak out against the brutal foreign policy decisions and should refuse to vote for the people who support that brutality

if we at least speak out against evil i hope we are not sharing in the responsiblity for it

2006-10-01 16:58:58 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Strong language. I somewhat agree. People blindly go and vote for a party, not a person. That must stop. Unfortunately, once these people get up there, do they always do what we elected them to do? I don't think so. Congress has been notorious for overlooking what the American people want. They never seem to learn from past mistakes, because they keep repeating them.

2006-10-01 16:44:36 · answer #4 · answered by Gorgeoustxwoman2013 7 · 2 1

man, just cuz our electorate is under republican control and thus in Bush's pocket, doesnt mean that its our fault.

Its not 'middle america's fault either. if it wasnt for conservatism now being led by g.Bush, our country would be in a much better place.

and Bush wouldnt have become president if it wasn't for his father and his brother.

we're just in a phase of totalitarianism, and hopefully bush will be out of office in 2008

2006-10-01 16:46:23 · answer #5 · answered by me 2 · 1 0

Do you think for 1 second that bin Laden would not have you tortured if he had something to gain? War is ugly. If you don't understand it you will lose.

2006-10-01 17:03:36 · answer #6 · answered by Dean B 3 · 1 1

No, they do crap without consulting us. So, you can't blame the liberals. It's all a big collusion created by crackpot Republicans.

2006-10-01 16:43:19 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 3 0

Yes, 100% of the US voted for this administration

2006-10-01 16:42:39 · answer #8 · answered by flying_blind_and_dyslexic 2 · 0 3

what if we voted against them and they got the job anyway

2006-10-01 16:42:06 · answer #9 · answered by LatterDaySaint and loving it 6 · 3 0

Who in the world are you talking about?

2006-10-01 16:41:40 · answer #10 · answered by avery 6 · 0 4

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