Society would fail for you. Stop having other people do your homework.
2006-10-02 06:03:38
answer #1
answered by somedays_lovely_dreamer 3
1. Sure.
2. Why not? exactly.
3. Feminism has to do with not being treated differently because one is a woman AND it has to do with opportunity. For example: Firefighters need to have certain physical qualities that more men possess than women. Feminism would indicate that women not be barred from trying to pass the physical requirement. It does not mean that the physical requirements be lowered so that more women could pass. It DOES mean that MEANINGLESS physical requirements, that are essentially only there to keep women out, should be dropped.
4. Common sense; the civil rights movement; Betty Friedan, Gloria Steinem, and other wise women.
5. Pretty much like the 50's... yuck.
2006-10-01 16:57:26
answer #2
answered by B D 3
1. Nope
2. I'm a guy!
3. My idea of a current feminist is someone who would defend a dem for committing sex offenses and crucify a repub.
4. Current events
5. Pretty much just like they are now. The true woman has ALWAYS fought for her rights. See history. It does not take a label to empower a good woman!
2006-10-01 16:42:05
answer #3
answered by woundbyte 4
By feminist, if you mean, women should be in control, then no I am not a feminist, But, if you mean that women should be equal to men in making laws, rules, earning money, job descriptions, running for public office, playing in sports, ect, then, yes, I would be a feminist in that way.
We all share the world, and we should share it all equally.
However, it would be funny if women were in control, and force Islamic men to wear burquas, and slaves to women. Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
2006-10-01 16:42:15
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
1 no
2 Because its just a bunch of women that had a bad expreince with 1 jerk and now they think all of the guys in the world should have to pay
3 a stuck up lady that will never be happy no matter how much she gets her way
4 My own opinons, I hear and see what these feminists preech and I dont agree with a single word they stand for
5 It would look the same minus one very whiney activist group
In my closeing statement id like to say this to all of the feminists,
'Men gave in and gave you the right to vote, now shut up."
2006-10-01 16:46:24
answer #5
answered by Stupendous Man! 4
A feminist is an ugly girl who can't ever possibly get a date with a guy.
2006-10-01 16:38:18
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
1. No
2. Because there is no point. Sexism will never go away. It's inevitable because Men and Women are different.
3. Women who want eqaulity between the sexes
4. Logic
5. Big butch hairy women...
2006-10-01 16:38:53
answer #7
answered by Kayte 4
Feminists are always either Democrats or lesbians.
2006-10-01 16:47:18
answer #8
answered by angry lesbian 1
sorry, Malika, no 'best answer' points for you...
you do, however, get 10 'a**hole' points. congratulations!
2006-10-01 16:45:30
answer #9
answered by S 2