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31 answers

It depends, Harry Potter and Sabrina kind of witchcraft is very fake. But there are many of the world who do belive in magickal energies. In fact there are many religions based on "withcraft' Wicca is one of them.

2006-10-01 16:12:01 · answer #1 · answered by paganrosemama 3 · 5 0

Witchcraft can mean manything to many people. But in general witchcraft is real. Witchcraft really has no specific origins. It comes from many countries and many cultures. Witches in the most part are not religious. It is not satanism and not the work of the devil or even evil. that is all part of the xtian faiths. those who study or call themselves witches or are called witches are spiritual people and are in to earth sciences. I do not consder myself a witch but i do study and practice it.... ps... witchcraft and wicca are 2 seperate things. wicca is a new age religion formed in the late 50s by gerald gardner. true craft of which ever origin has been around sence the dawn of time.

2006-10-03 14:39:04 · answer #2 · answered by formula72 4 · 0 0

Witchcraft is real. It's a form of magic, though most use a "k" at the end to differenciate from stage magic, but I won't here. :) Witchcraft is generally a Wicca/neo-pagan thing, or at least the form presented in modern days. It really has nothing to do with Satan in that form, since it's related to a separate branch of religion than Satanism. Magic on the otherhand, deals with anybody and everybody, Atheists, christians, Wicca, Pagan, Satanism, Demonalotry, etc. It's non-denominational, and some versions of witchcraft are nonreligious as well. But really, If you wanna know if it's real, why not try something?

2006-10-02 04:26:44 · answer #3 · answered by Kali 3 · 0 0

Craft and the energy are real, as are the beings. A lot of books and groups are based on things people made up trying to reconstruct what they imagine people used to do. There is a lot of silliness (sometimes fun) in some of it. A lot of imagination in some of it. I really imagine the older folks used what-ever they had without a lot of formality.
Craft can be very simple or very scripted, the fact that both work show that it is about you manifesting, alone or with others.
I also can testify that it works. So does Hindu practice, Christian paryer, Buddhist meditations....nice to have such a choice isn't it?

2006-10-01 16:24:34 · answer #4 · answered by Pleiades 2 · 4 0

Wicca, the religion of witchcraft, is a real faith. It is an Earth based religion that teaches its followers that we need to fix ourselves and our world around us. However, all the things you have seen in movies and TV are nothing about this. The magick (spelled with a 'k' on purpose) we preform is akin to the prayers of other faiths except that the prayers of others look for Divine intervention for them to work whereas Wiccans draw upon their own power along with focuses from Nature.
I would also like to add that there is no blood or sacrifices of any kind used in our magick. Again that is the other religions 'demonizing' of our faith that tells people we preform those heinous acts. And we do not worship devils or Satan as those are creatures of others faith and have no place within our religion.

Blessed Be )O(

2006-10-02 02:19:09 · answer #5 · answered by Stephen 6 · 0 0

Real. It's a Craft Religion/Philosophy/Lifestyle.

2006-10-01 17:09:47 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe it's real and I've seen it in my life. Harry Potter, Charmed, Practical Magic, etc are not real but they do have some basis in real witchcraft. Sabrina and Bewitched are as fake as you get though.

Anyone who tells you witchcraft is Satan's work has no idea what they are talking about and any witch would laugh in their faces. Reason being is that witchcraft does not believe in Satan at all because he is a Christian creation, and if you don't believe in someone, it's impossible to worship them.

2006-10-01 16:22:05 · answer #7 · answered by Cinnamon 6 · 2 1

witch craft is what you make it. Those who believe in the craft see the reality in it, they see the most practical magic in there day to day lives. Those who believe its a load of bull think it of something else. it is what you want it to be. personally i am still undecided.

2006-10-01 19:06:59 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

Wicca & neo-paganism are real belief systems. Unfortunately no magic wands or changing princes into frogs, just a belief in nature & prayer/meditation/spells for a better future.

2006-10-01 16:21:52 · answer #9 · answered by J9 6 · 1 0

It is very real, and it is not the work of Satan. Anyone who tells you that is ignorant. It is a system of beliefs based on nature and it's energies. It's quite fascinating and there is much to read online if you are interested.

2006-10-01 22:28:14 · answer #10 · answered by PariahMaterial 6 · 2 0

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