I believe it is wrong. Strippers and people in porn tend to get into other negatives such as drugs and STD's are more rampant. It is a blow to their self-esteem and boils down to a lack of dignity. People were given a thinking mind to achieve in avenues outside of self-destructive behaviors.
2006-10-03 15:23:06
answer #1
answered by JistheRealDeal 5
It depends much more on the intent and beliefs of the one dancing or being filmed than anything else.
If she's there happily, of her own free will, with some mental or spiritual reason other than just getting the money in order to survive, then it is right.
If she's there just to make money but believes that it is sinful behavior, then watch out, because she can rationalize anything, even killing and stealing.
If she's there because of a drug habit or under someone else's control, it's wrong, wrong, wrong!
If my Mother, sister (if I had one), or daughter (if I had one) decided to do this without telling me, then I would determine that it was none of my business, even if I found out about it later. If my Mother, sister (if I had one), or daughter (if I had one) were contemplating doing this and came to me for advice, we would discuss her needs and her beliefs, and only if she was a devout Pagan, knowing that when she danced or acted she would be invoking and representing the Goddess, the passion, the fire of life to all men would I give her all of my support.
2006-10-01 23:13:58
answer #2
answered by raxivar 5
I think it is the simple law of demand.
Men have a need not provided by their ladies, and there are women out there that love money more than life itself...
Its a free world. If you had a good family life with your "daughter, sister, brother, father, etc." they would stick around and enjoy your company.
You can not outlaw such places...they'll just operate illegally.
2006-10-01 23:11:11
answer #3
answered by K.O. 4
well i think its rong!!!!!! kids get rapd becoz of the sick porn out there, and as for strip clubs, men go there to pleasure there own sick minds, and then it can lead to a cheeting spree, them kind of things lead to not very good things, women shouldnt be looked at as sex objects, we are so much better then that, but it also dont help the matter when women do it as there only money sorce, yea sex sells, its just a shame is all, i have a wonderful bod and i like to save that for ma man and only my man i have more respect in my self to even think of doing anything like that!!! also seeing all that shet out there gives men a big head as if they make the world go round!! they so dont, its sick sick sick, lol but hay what can one do hah, lol so my awser is its wrong wrong wrong lol
2006-10-01 23:19:49
answer #4
answered by mysterious26 2
I think anyone on earth would know that its wrong. There are justifications, people try to make it seem ok. NO, it is not ok in any way shape or form. I could never accept it as ok, even it were my daughter. Its disgusting, and a shame for everyone involved in it.
2006-10-01 23:12:33
answer #5
answered by Coco 4
Uh i think its okay becuz there's those men that are nasty and can't get someone to do them so u know they have to resort to porn or stripping. I'd feel like whatever if someone from my family was on stage. It's THEIR choice to be seen by nasty men like all nude. I wouldn't approve it but hey if that's how they want to earn their money GO FOR IT!
2006-10-01 23:08:39
answer #6
answered by M.L.C 3
Its a personal decision...I personally think that it is OK. I think that I would have to deal with a relative in the porn industry or one who strips when it actually happens. I wouldn't want to see a relative naked stripping, but that wouldn't change the fact that I like to see others that way. Human nature.
2006-10-01 23:11:42
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
wrong, and Id kill my daughter if she did this and my boys if I found out they went. Women and men should be seen in a better light.
2006-10-01 23:08:05
answer #8
answered by pink9364 5
Very good question! If the person chose freely ( was not addicted or forced into it) I would have to live with it and respect their choice--but I do not think I would be very comfortable with it.
2006-10-01 23:09:21
answer #9
answered by Elizabethfrny 3
The women are just paid prostitutes in my opinion.
2006-10-01 23:11:48
answer #10
answered by Anonymous