They are areas throughout the World that offer Prostitutes. The Girls typically stand in a window with a Red Light glowing to show that they are open for business.
2006-10-01 15:51:40
answer #1
answered by Doc Holliday 1
Way back in the day a red light was put into a window of a brothel to signify that's what it was, now a days a red light district means an area or street that deals with sex in some way or another, xxx rated theaters, strip clubs etc.
2006-10-01 15:52:51
answer #2
answered by Brandy 3
The definition is exactly as it reads. Red Light District. It is the color of Red that sends a warning to clean men. When a man sees a Red street light, that tells this man to stop. Red flags mean warning. Red lights in certain districts mean stop, look , and don't go that way. But in the world of satan and it's imps, it means sin. In every house of ill repute it means sin. Just the opposite of the green light. The green light says go and the red light says stop. But in the world of sin, it is opposite. True in the way of satan. If you ever see or go to the Red light district. Remember you to Stop and not go in.
2006-10-01 16:15:27
answer #3
answered by Norskeyenta 6
I think it has something to do with Amsterdam prostitution. The ladies would put a red light in their windows to let their customers know there "open" per say hehe
2006-10-01 15:53:29
answer #4
answered by A_lady 2
a red light over a door means theres a prostitute(s)doin business.
well... thats what the root of the the title comes from.
naturally they cant just turn on a red light nowadays. but the term is used to describe a certain section of town.
havent you heard the song.. "roxanne"?
" roxanne. you dont have to put on the red light... you dont have to sell yer body to the night. etc..."
2006-10-01 15:59:37
answer #5
answered by mechlined 2
The term came from railroaders. They carried red lanters and hung them outside when they visited ladies of the evening.
2006-10-01 15:53:03
answer #6
answered by ? 6
It is the district where you can find houses of prostitution.
In some places in Europe (like the Netherlands and Germany) prostitution is legal. To prevent men from going to every inn looking for "ladies of the evening." It was decided that those houses would post an oil lamp, with a red shade on it, outside of their places of business. It also had the advantage that when the light was out people knew the business was closed.
The custom is an old one, because they call prostitution the oldest profession for a good reason. In Amsterdam, where sex is an easier topic, the ladies proudly display their "wares" in scantly clad clothing. In some houses they stand in a window display that is proudly lit by red fluorescent lamps. In the more rural areas a simple red light over the door will do.
In the Netherlands (and Germany) the prostitutes are regulated, inspected by a doctor weekly, required to use condoms, and are taxed. The job still has some stigma attached to it, but not as much as it is in the 49 states where it is illegal. Personally I favor making prostitution legal.
The human male is designed to be a breeding machine. They want sex often and as with as many women as possible. They want sex more than any normal woman would ever want. This isn't because guys are pigs; it is because that's the way their genes were designed. Women don't need sex as frequently, because their design strategy is different. They want to get pregnant, carry a child to term and raise it. When a woman has a child their brain changes, they actually get more joy out of being with the child than they do when having sex. This is all in their genes.
A lot of women, including most prostitutes are nice enough to the male, to fake an orgasm. Jenny McCarthy wrote a whole chapter on faking it in her recent book (from ABC’s 20/20 September 30, 2006). This allows the man to do his business and leave, without the woman having to get involved emotionally, at least that’s how it works with prostitutes. If I was a woman and I wasn’t in the mood for sex. I would rather my husband went to see a legally certified prostitute than have an affair with another woman. The prostitute would be clean, and she wouldn’t see my husband as more than just another customer. Our relationship wouldn’t be at risk. I know this sounds too understanding for most women, but if you think about it from the male point of view and from the genetic point of view then you will start to understand. To a woman the relationship is of the primary importance, sex is just an added bonus; to many men the opposite is true.
A guy only needs a picture of a pretty girl to get him horny. We reach climax and orgasm quickly, often too quickly for the woman to enjoy it. For the guy sex is the highlight of a relationship, heck it is the highlight of his day. Women don’t need sex so often to be happy. Unlike men who are thinking about sex 52% of the time (same episode of 20/20), the woman only needs sex when she is trying to catch a potential mate or ready to conceive. She may have a healthy sex drive at other times, which is a trick of the genes to keep the males interested, but she doesn’t really need sex that often. Men need sex that often. They want it, they spend most of their time thinking about it, and their bodies are geared for it. Since as a woman I wouldn’t be interested in filling the males desire to have sex every single night, I would prefer him to either masturbate (and clean up the mess) or to do it some place safe.
I am not saying that women are frigid; I am just saying that they don’t need sex as often as a male does. A woman could easily go with only having sex twice or week, or at a longer interval. After a while, in the relationship, sex doesn’t matter so much for them. Again this is as nature intended and it is all in the genes. Women have a limited sex drive because they have a limited supply of eggs and they need to care for the child and to have a relationship. Two guys can go without seeing each other for a week and then just meet and have a few words and still consider themselves to be close friends. This won’t work for a woman. Just as in a marriage, in their friendships they want a relationship. They need to understand each other more, and this involves knowing what is going on with the other person. The average woman speaks 70,000 words each day, compared to the 20,000 that a man speaks. This isn’t because women are senseless chatterboxes, it is because they need an in depth relationship. Men don’t need all that talk, they can actually enjoy being quite. This frustrates most women when all the guy seems to do is to grunt. To a woman he is closed and not sharing his feelings, to another man he is just saying something short and simple.
Sex is only a dirty word because the Puritans made it one; the same is true for prostitution. Males want more sex than any single woman would ever want to provide, so when a guy has sex with a prostitute it is just the act, without the emotion. When a woman wants to have sex it is so she can improve the relationship. To her sex is the ultimate act of sharing, and it is very important to her. Casual sex can be fun, but even then it has emotional undertones. A woman won’t have sex with someone she is not attracted to, a guy can. In fact there are jokes about it. A man could have sex with a one-bag woman or a two-bag woman. A one-bag woman is so ugly that you put a bag over her face so you won’t have to see it. With a two-bag woman the guy puts one over his face as well in case her’s falls off. It sounds cruel, and it is, but that is the way guys think. They think about prostitutes the same way. Fully half the time a man is having sex with a prostitute they are thinking about another woman. If this weren’t true then only the most beautiful women would succeed at prostitution. Instead nearly any woman, who wants to, can succeed at prostitution (and some pretty sad an ugly women do make a good living at it). Now look at the market for male prostitutes that serve female clients. This market is much smaller, and if a guy doesn’t look real hot then he isn’t going to make it in the business.
2006-10-01 16:34:54
answer #7
answered by Dan S 7
It's where the House of the Rising Sun is.
2006-10-01 16:01:00
answer #8
answered by Scorpius59 7
God's Gospel:
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." Romans 6:23
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." Romans 5:8
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16
"That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation." Romans 10:9-10
2006-10-01 16:02:35
answer #9
answered by rapturefuture 7
An area known for Hookers !
2006-10-01 15:51:22
answer #10
answered by Geedebb 6