First off, if you take that offensively, i apologize, but that still will not change me. I use this word just about everyday to friends of all kinds of different backgrounds. I think as long as you are not saying the other word, which is meant racially, that there is nothing wrong with it. I have heard people say that only black people should say it, which is kinda stupid. If you want to do your best to decrease racism, then you must stop categorizing who can and cannot say a certain word. One thing goes for the next person regardless your sex or race.
9 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
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Please Don't sit there and judge me like flyinghigh did. I merely asked a question and didn't ask for no criticism. Majority of people need to calm down, they are acting like the world is out to get them. Just relax.
04:33:50 ·
update #1
I don't give a damned about the word one way or another. My friends and I when we are able to take a break from real life problems, relationships, kids, etc..., and are able to have some time to hang out use the word quite often. It is especially normal to hear it, some form of the word F*ck, @$$hole, Nazi (that is my Mexican friend referring to me lol), beaner, and God only knows what else while we are hanging out playing some football or basketball. I think that if a black person uses the term then they should EXPECT to hear it from other races as well, but that is the racist view they have. When you ask why they have so many things that is for them only you get called a racist or anything else. So if you say the word and it doesn't honestly matter to you or your friends then tell the rest of the world to F*ck off.
2006-10-01 15:51:18
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
it's still wrong what if i went around calling you cracker or whitey i would get so offended I'm black and i don't even use that word to no one i got called the N word by a Hispanic guy and a white person you don't know how much it hurts to be called that the guy got suspended from school i take it to offense because you are truly a racists and you don't realize how stupid you sound come to my neighborhood and say that to every black and Hispanic who passes i guarantee you won't make it out alive
2006-10-01 23:45:21
answer #2
answered by flyinghigh006 3
It's all pretty stupid to me. There really isn't any need to say it. If you're not saying it to mean something disgraceful, then i guess it doesn't matter. But either way there is no actual need to say it, it's all just a figment of the imagination of the social universe, as many things are also.
2006-10-01 22:47:19
answer #3
answered by Matt T 2
It means the same thing no matter which version of the word you use. You need to stop saying it.
No one should use that word at all, there's too much negativity associated with it and it needs to just be done away with.
2006-10-01 22:46:48
answer #4
answered by janicajayne 7
People with any social stature do not use that word unless absolutely necessary to describe another person.
2006-10-01 22:47:26
answer #5
answered by farahwonderland2005 5
i dont use the word at all. but it's kind of grown on me to feel comfortable hearing black people saying it. but to me, when white people say it, it makes them sound like they are using racial slurs. but all together, no one should be using it, period
2006-10-01 22:47:34
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
i don't know but i really hated when they say that word
2006-10-01 22:52:14
answer #7
answered by starprincess292003 4
Having said all that, why say it at all?
2006-10-01 22:46:10
answer #8
answered by Emm 6
It's disgusting.
2006-10-01 22:45:14
answer #9
answered by fla_dan 3