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It's a German beer.. i'm curious to know just how damn strong it is compared to our pathetic 6% proof beers.

2006-10-01 15:43:17 · 2 answers · asked by Friday 1 in Society & Culture Other - Society & Culture

2 answers

Bitte Ein Bit? Ein Beer Bitte...

Bitburger Premium Pils...
Brewed with the very best ingredients, Bitburger Premium Pils - full-bodied and light - draws on nearly 200 years' experience and is, of course, brewed according to the German Purity Law. The popular, dry-finished, hoppy taste has made Bitburger Premium Pils Germany's no. 1 draught beer.

Type: bottom-fermented
Style: full beer
Original gravity: 11.3 %
Alcohol: 4.8 % vol.
Calories: 41 kcal/100ml

Bitburger Light Reduced Calorie...
Bitburger Light Reduced Calorie, the lager brewed like a pilsner. Our light is refreshing, light and full of flavour. And it has 40% less alcohol and fewer calories than Bitburger Premium Pils.
Type: bottom-fermented
Style: lager beer
Original gravity: 7.5%
Alcohol: 2.8 % vol.
Calories: 26kcal/100ml

Bitburger Drive Alkoholfrei...
Bitburger Drive is pure refreshment. The alcohol is carefully removed, but only once the beer has fully matured. While reducing the calories, this locks in the famous Bitburger taste. Whereas the fermentation process is stopped prematurely in most other beers, our Bitburger Drive can therefore be tapped straight from the keg. And because it is fully fermented, there's no need for it to be pasteurised, leaving it tasting especially fresh. That's why the German National Football Team drinks Bitburger Drive.

Bitburger Drive Alkoholfrei - refreshing and lower in calories
Type: bottom-fermented
Style: full beer
Original gravity: 11.3 %
Alcohol: < 0.5 % vol.
Calories: 29 kcal/100ml

Check out the website...

Hope this helps...

2006-10-01 15:51:33 · answer #1 · answered by Theophania 4 · 0 0

Bitburger Calories

2016-11-04 07:12:17 · answer #2 · answered by svendsen 4 · 0 0

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