eye aggree hole harted
2006-10-01 15:35:41
answer #1
answered by Skepticalist 5
Is it any wonder the schools are constantly dumbing down tests and encouraging bell curves on tests?
If the government would get its' nose out of education and let teachers teach and discipline kids and quit this crap that no matter how poorly you do you are a winner then this country might once again return to the top of the education systems around the world.
Quit making excuse for people who are too lazy to study and want to barely get by. Start turning schools back into campuses for education, not glorified babysitters or daycare.
2006-10-01 22:38:11
answer #2
answered by darkwolfslust 2
LOL LMAO yuppers. I do believe that the sophistication and average reading and writing levels of most yahoo answer participants is kind of low. I look at most of the folks as average joes and jills which perhaps have more experience and different interests than me. Many of them are children many others are teenagers. I am always delighted when I get a sophiticated answer back and appreciate most adult responses.
2006-10-01 22:37:42
answer #3
answered by Beano4aReason 4
I think on average it is probably a high school graduate. Some answers are like 8 year college graduates and most are maybe on the 5th grade level. Give or take a grade.
2006-10-01 22:38:11
answer #4
answered by unicornfarie1 6
That times I think about 3/4 grade.
2006-10-01 22:36:16
answer #5
answered by whataboutme 5
be some where in the middle of 4 grade to about 6 grade but some are much higher or lower too!!! yeah I think way too many need more education!!! and learn to use spell check!
2006-10-02 12:10:38
answer #6
answered by numan 2
In the religious section, it's about a 4th grade level.
2006-10-01 22:41:44
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
I think the page you visit determines your reading/writing level.
Think about it. Would a high school dropout care to-bits about Society & Culture? They get here by accident.
The overall level of all inputs is--I think--above average. They come here because they're bored. The "bottom-feeders" are busy watching whose sings or dances the best on TV.
2006-10-01 22:41:14
answer #8
answered by Rusty 4
About 50% on each, but a lot of it is just in fun the way I take it.
2006-10-01 22:38:37
answer #9
answered by Tired Old Man 7
omg rotfl!!!!!111 das wat i b sayin!
...yeah anyways...
If I had to guess at an average reading writing level, I'd say it'd be somewhere around 7th grade level. Note that there are some people on here who booted that average waaaaay higher than it would be without them.
2006-10-01 22:37:06
answer #10
answered by cynthetiq 6
I hope that they are using their text-messaging skills to accumulate points. The grammar is outrageous. Do you know what I mean, jelly bean?
2006-10-01 22:36:48
answer #11
answered by Rhonda 7