Nope-nothin' wrong-underneath our skin color we are all the same!!!
2006-10-01 15:16:45
answer #1
answered by SidTheKid 5
JUST liking some one BECAUSE they are white IS wrong. This is a sign of internalized racism. You should ask yourself, "If the guy had the same personality and the same physical looks, but was black, latino, asian, etc. would I date him?" If the answer is truly yes then there isn't a problem. I don't know you so I am not going to make any judgments. I'm not trying to sound mean but, you need to figure it out for yourself. There are people that (both consciously and subconsciously) are internally racist/bigoted.
2006-10-01 15:28:53
answer #2
answered by Serious 2
You're doing fine. Don't worry about it. Don't "lock out" a black guy if you feel you're developing a crush on him, though.
Uh, maybe you need to watch out for smart words and ugly gossip from some of your black GIRLFRIENDS? If you've fallen in love with a white guy that they knwo, you might want to be very reluctant to tell them about your feelings.
2006-10-01 15:17:37
answer #3
answered by urbancoyote 7
There is nothing wrong with being attracted to people of other races than your own. In my opinon there is nothing wrong with interracial couples. Sadly, there are still some narrow-minded people out there who are against it, but try to ignore such idiots and just go with your heart. You're not weird.
2006-10-01 22:45:46
answer #4
answered by undir 7
possibly it is the full "interracial taboo" (or some thing like that) that provides a spark or some thing to the intercourse? because of the fact, particular, I easily have heard white women human beings say black men are extra desirable in mattress, yet i've got additionally heard black women human beings say white men are extra desirable in mattress.
2016-10-18 08:09:37
answer #5
answered by ? 4
1) You are just feeling the pull of Mother Nature, babe!
2) One of my favorite 'comedian-philosophers' has said we all need to copulate until we're all the same color to stop the racial difference violences. (Not sure that this will stop the violence, see the Yugoslavic 'ethnic cleansing' and the Shia versus the Sunni-s when no one not in their culture can tell the difference between them by sight.)
2006-10-01 15:19:25
answer #6
answered by raxivar 5
My daughter is mostly white and likes black guys. My grandson is beautiful and mixed, so I see nothing at wrong here.
2006-10-01 15:16:49
answer #7
answered by crystal89431 6
I don't see anything worng with mixed couples and i dont find that werid at all. But I am no scientist so maby you shouldn't live by my words, however wize they might be
2006-10-01 15:16:22
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
Unless you are still living in the 1950's there isn't a thing wrong with interracial dating.
2006-10-01 15:15:45
answer #9
answered by BAnne 7
absolutley no problem with it, girl. i'm 17 and some of the boys i've had crushes on are white too. dont stress it
2006-10-01 15:15:41
answer #10
answered by Anonymous
There's nothing wrong with that, I like guys of all races & ethnicities. & no there's nothing wrong with mixed couples.
2006-10-01 15:19:26
answer #11
answered by No Kitty Cat for you!!! 4