I think of myself as a progressive liberal so I wanted to help the world in my own way. I heard about how hard it is for ex-convicts to get back on their feet so I wanted to help. Basically, these great men were victims of a cruel unjust government (Thanks George Bush). So I invited several men to stay with me when they got out of prison. My wife and daughters were a little upset but I knew it was the right thing to do. Things are a little rough. They stay up all night drinking and ordering prostitutes on my credit card. They constantly harass my wife and daughters. They sell my things. One of them started dating my daughter, which is great, but she is 18 and he is 42 and has AIDS. Also, one of them beat my neighbor up and then sexually assualted his wife, which has made me very unpopular with all my neighbors. I know the only reason these men behave so badly is because George Bush and other republicans have made them this way and I don't want to turn them away, what can I do?
12 answers
asked by
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
lol...i enjoy satire. thanks for the chuckle.
2006-10-01 15:09:24
answer #1
answered by shootergrrl 4
This is a joke, right? This is probably a hoot around the cell block.
Boys, you might not like this answer- What kind of man would put his family in jeopardy like that? I'd say the wife should toss
you and the convicts out. Who do you hold your allegience to?
Convicts or children? Hmmm... let me think about that one for a minute. (NOTTTT!!!!)
You owe nothing to these men- you owe the world to your family.
I'd say you've totally ostracized your family. WHy don't you and the convicts all rent a house together and let your wife get on with her life and find someone who deserves her and the love
of her family.
No, guys- I'm not riled. You managed to find yourselves behind those bars. Bush's government didn't do that. (Oh, I'm sorry- are
drugs illegal?) I don't believe this question for one minute. It is such a no-brainer. If it is legit (NO WAY!!) Call the police and get the guys out- send them to a shelter where they can get professional help (not professional hookers!) I doubt seriously if you gave them access to your credit card. If you did, I'd vote to have you committed to an asylum.
Good night to the boys in Cell Block 89 trying to get all us nice
& riled before we hit our comfortable beds. Your parole officers should be calling you soon.
2006-10-01 22:11:19
answer #2
answered by Linda S 4
Numbe one...stop blaming the government for your stupidity. The governemt isnt to blame for people being criminals.. I guarenntee that because of people like you half the people in jail are happy that theyre there because now they dont have to worry about rent next month, or what to make for dinner, or wher eto find clothes, or how to live. Theres a reason people go to jail...they screwd themselves up. Not because the governements stupid and just felt like putting them there. The US has rights for people and sees it better that one person goes free thats innocent than 100 guilty get in jail. Most countries arent like that..most countries you get arrested and theres no right read, no phone call, no laywer when your questioned...they just dont give a ****. NOWW...as to you, get a life and maybe some brains, and buy a new home for the rest of your family so your can live you disalluisoned life on your own without them and your neighbors in harm. Hell...even better move to canada and smoke their pot and help the convicts that run there to beat the terrible system that wants to give them everything on a siliver platter now. god...treat a criminal like a criminal...not a lost puppy!
2006-10-01 22:15:36
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
It's strange that as a progressive liberal you know so little about the causes of crime and the best way to help rehabilitate people. You don't even seem to know what sociopaths are and how they are beyond our current helping skills. And, for a liberal progressive, you have suprisingly little concern for the females in your house and you seem to have a surprisingly weak spine, more like the conservative model.
Progressive liberals know that there are social factors that contribute to crime and work hard to change those factors for young people. Progressive liberals know that we can't help hardened criminals and we don't work to let them out. In fact, as you must know as a progressive liberal, many conservative judges refuse to give adequate sentences to pedophiles.
(Why is every revealed pedophile a republican - weird, huh?)
Anyway, I think you should have gotten a little more learning, like most progressive liberals would have, before inflicting such pain on your family and neighbors. Your callous disregard for them and your excuse making and your arrogant ignorance do make you seem a lot like george bush, tho.
2006-10-01 22:06:37
answer #4
answered by cassandra 6
Helping other people is good but endangering yourself, your family and neighbors is bad. So you say, you are a progressive liberal (not regressive?). You can help those ex cons by urging them to go to humanitarian rehab centers instead.
2006-10-01 22:23:49
answer #5
answered by dodadz 4
hate to tell you this but this is a great story---cant believe it==if all these things happened all you had to do was call the police===sorry cant believe you
2006-10-01 22:06:02
answer #6
answered by willtdn 2
Go see a psyciatrist. That may help.
2006-10-01 22:04:53
answer #7
answered by fresch2 4
This story is getting old.
2006-10-01 22:08:10
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
in case ur serious call the cops, if not ur an asshole
2006-10-01 22:03:38
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
So now you know why they should be imprisoned.
2006-10-01 22:02:55
answer #10
answered by Avatraz 3
If you can't beat 'em ------join 'em!!!!!!
2006-10-02 01:45:45
answer #11
answered by renclrk 7