This is NOT a racist question & i'm NOT a racist because its wrong. This is a question based on a project for school & i need to know how discriminated people r felt by it
But which race of people do u think is getting discrimnated by more? Do u eva feel bad because of ur race? Did that eva happe to u n y? Whats the first 4 races thats most likely to be named? (Hint: Survivor: cook island)
Did someone eva tell u or someone else to go bac to their/ur country? What race were they/you?
7 answers
asked by
Owl City <3
Society & Culture
➔ Other - Society & Culture
By the way some stuff here's 2 things that happened in my school district
Asian: student said to Asian: Hey Great Wall of China watcha doing here?
African: teacher said: Yeah well why won't you go back to Africa
14:32:01 ·
update #1
for the racists that say things like that here's a fact we like it here & we aint goin no where!
Face it...different races are going to be in different places so u might as well get used to it
Its just like what happened to the Jews...racist people are taking it out on people who did nothing!
14:35:47 ·
update #2
lyndyloua...y does it matter that you cant say the n word y does that bother white people so much i dont understand it.
2006-10-01 19:56:28
answer #1
answered by Z-ro T 2
I'm white. Yes I have been discriminated against racially, and also because I'm a woman, and also because I am a lesbian. I often am told I should leave the country and go somewhere else (though not because of my race, instead because of my sexual preference). I am usually discriminated against in the work place. I didn't experience racial discrimination until I moved to Alabama, and it goes BOTH WAYS there. I actually think that Asians are the most discriminated against in America, followed by native americans, and then hispanics, and THEN blacks. I do not feel bad because of my race or because of who I am. I'm not sure what the 4 races are that are most likely to be named (don't watch survivor either).
2006-10-01 21:21:11
answer #2
answered by cyanne2ak 7
I am white and I feel I get discriminated against but becouse I'm white it is believed it can't happen to me but it can. I find it in the workspot the most. If I call anyone the N word I get fired on the spot but if an African uses the word it is ok cause it's part of their language. Everyone here is afraid of a discrimination law suit cause we have a few of them as we have seasonal workers so if certain races decide they don't like their jobs they get changed. On and on and on.
2006-10-01 21:22:25
answer #3
answered by Brianne 7
Yes, I was called a white ***** and it was during a time, when two boys stole our new bikes. I found them with our two new bikes and compared my serial numbers to the ones they had on the bikes that was in their posession. They matched. I then said, boys these are our bikes, One boy said I was a crazy *****, and I had my hands on the handle bars of one bike and said this is my bike. He punched me on my left side of the head , and I then reached and grabbed onto both sides of his hair, pulling him off the bike and down onto the ground. His friend then rode off on one bike and this guy I put on the ground , jumped up saying you white ****** ***** and rode off on the bike I tried to save. I will not tell you what race it was, because it is over and done with. I have forgiven them and do not hold a grudge. The only thing I always feel sad about ,is that I never got our bikes back and last I heard , they had dumped them into the river . Soo sad and tooo bad. I think all races are shamefully, disrespected. It needs to stop. We need to Love and Respect. PEACE .
2006-10-01 22:51:51
answer #4
answered by Norskeyenta 6
Absolutely. The man I loved more than my breath wouldn't marry me because I was of another race and his parents told him if he married me, he would be cut out of the family and out of the inheritance.
It broke my soul into a million pieces. There is no way to change what ethnic group you are born into, that is why it is so important to judge people by what is in their hearts and souls, not by which family they were born into.
2006-10-01 22:13:11
answer #5
answered by medusaunveiled 2
yea...some one told me that in shop rite. I am Indian, and it was about 3 months after 9/11 although it continued for about 2 more years after that
2006-10-01 21:17:48
answer #6
answered by cricket4lyfe921 2
2006-10-01 21:18:00
answer #7
answered by Quiz Master 1