There is no aim that evolution strives for. We evolved to do what we do best. We survive not by slowly inching toward our max population but maintain the survival of our species by the deaths of unfit and the longer lives of the fit.
All animals destroy the environment. Animals need to eat, need to exhale CO2, fart, destroy the environment to build a home (beavers) etc. Humans just do it too much for accessory use instead of neccessity. I am not saying that what we do is good.... the excess stuff we do will come back to bite us but what we took for neccessity was for good reason.
Again, evolution has no particular goal; it only shapes us to fit the environment. We fit ours too well and when the evnvironment changes, we'll just have a harder time to survive in that one.
2006-10-01 13:52:17
answer #1
answered by leikevy 5
Evolution itself is described as a "development"... a development is something that progresses... a progress is a positive so cannot be a mistake so I agree with the poster who said that this may be a rhetorical....
so that brings me to nature destroying... this depends on how you look at it... nature itself is self destructive... this is how we evolved from the ice age...
animals do have a trait to destroy nature... that is part of their nature... for eg. why on earth would we have domestic cats when they destroy native birds and fauna...?
So no I don't think we are the mistake of evolution but in reality we are part of the Earth's evolution... ie ... all is as it is meant to be...
2006-10-01 13:56:34
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Will the human population decrease or will humans cease to be. Most likely the earth has a carry capacity beyond which there will be mass starvation until it returns to the point were there is a enough food for the population. Ultimately over the course of enough time humans would evolve into different animals. In which case we would no longer be homo sepians.
2016-03-27 01:28:03
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
it means that we are not the most inttellegent animals on earth... actually we may be the stupidest... how and why we watching the world die, and do nothing about it.... We smoke, drink, take drugs,etc knowing we'll soon die from it...does that seem smart to u??? We may not be a mistake because there is some random physics theory saying basically that as time does by or as energy is used. it lead to more and more chaos... so with that said... we are causing the chaos on Earth, which means we obeying the laws of the universe.
2006-10-01 13:51:49
answer #4
answered by shaniB 3
well that should prove to you that we are not evolutionized. i mean come on look at the apes, at what extent did they change and will they change again or are they still evolving. have you actually seen one evolved today. have they actually had one in a cage now and seen it evolve, at what age do they turn into us. so that should explain the environment. the nature we came from was dust and out of the mouth of God from Adam and eve. not primates. i mean hey i am still wanting to see where and when they evolve cause the apes are still here shouldnt they be able to tell at what age couldnt they do that with the dinasaurs into the crocs
2006-10-01 13:52:52
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
I don't think we're a mistake but I do think that it's up to us to be responsible and do the right thing. The spirit doesn't care,outside, that it has provided guidelines in the form of dipensation in the form of rules and guidelines to live by; like thou shalt not kill. The rightous paramitas of India and the vices and virtues of Lao Tzu are similar to the 10 commands of the christians.
2006-10-03 08:48:30
answer #6
answered by robert j 2
Actually, we are destroying the environment because we are too good of an evolution. We are able to survive too well, which causes us to expand throughout the planet and use up its resources.
2006-10-02 04:34:33
answer #7
answered by Take it from Toby 7
Perhaps the consciousness of what you ask, that you have the ability to see the long term effects of our actions is a positive aspect of evolution in itself. And it's encouraging when most others are only thinking and acting selfishly....
2006-10-01 13:49:26
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
We humans seem to be the least likely to survive in the world. We are strange, we need our parents for years. We can't survive the extremes, we are no good at living. We are the most inept beings on earth
2006-10-01 13:48:14
answer #9
answered by Anonymous
Yep we are all still cavemen at heart, wars over territories, religion, colour, creed, greed and envy are the only goals.
2006-10-01 13:49:57
answer #10
answered by tattie_herbert 6