Bridge troll - have seen them many times. They play a victim role. Poor me - they are pathetic. If you do not understand me I will be sentenced to a life of melancholy. Victim - Saviour mentality. Bridge trolls are often called homeless people - I met a person that was homeless and refered to himself as a bridge troll.
2006-10-01 14:30:12
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
I was married to one. It was horrible. Staying under a bridge, putting up with dirty feet all the time, ate anyone who came along. (That one was true) and just a general self centered freak. If I came across another one....I'd show him how dangerous an ex-troll wife could get.
2006-10-01 19:48:57
answer #2
answered by ImMappam 5
1) make sure that I was not anywhere near a bridge;
2) check to see if I was in the modern world or in a DnD world;
3a) if DnD run and look for fire, a hot weapon, or some acid to fight the thing with;
3b) if Modern World, look around to see how well he/she is keeping his/her living territory clean & neat so that I'll have something to complement the purposeful nomad for.
2006-10-01 22:11:01
answer #3
answered by raxivar 5
I would give it an awesome hairstyle! Troll hair rocks! xD
2006-10-01 19:44:54
answer #4
answered by New mommy 2010! 4
I'd laugh and say Hi How Ya Doing!
2006-10-01 19:44:50
answer #5
answered by Bluealt 7
Say hi
2006-10-01 19:44:18
answer #6
answered by Pantherempress 7
can't help it,,, i suppose i would jump on Pegasus and get the heck out of there, all the while praying to Zeus to make sure that i was safe. or to make sure that i don't drink that much anymore, and call a cab.
2006-10-01 19:57:31
answer #7
answered by barrbou214 6
See my portrait?
I'm in the lucky position to be able to sit on its head before flying away quickly.
sit oh sit
2006-10-01 20:12:23
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
nothing much just walk by, trolls in nowegian legends were mainly sex demons as they were called wife stealers so don't go out with them though.if they bother you cast them out.
2006-10-01 19:47:06
answer #9
answered by Mary S 3
i would say hi and hope that he will give me a wish, or if he is mean then id hope to god that he dont wanna eat me b4 i run away on my fast legs lolol
2006-10-01 23:40:23
answer #10
answered by mysterious26 2