Just how far would this proposal be taken. Would an owner be fined if his dog bit a burglar. We have too many ridiculous laws already in this country, fining people won't stop these kind of attacks, education might decrease them. What has happened recently to these children is totally appaling but legislation would not have prevented any of these attacks.
2006-10-01 16:38:32
answer #1
answered by the truth has set me free 4
Sorry but I wont sign. Now if you start a petition to change the law so DANGEROUS DOG OWNERS are not allowed to keep dogs then I will sign. Its not the breed of dog - its the way its been kept & trained that makes it attack. In the case of guard dogs they think they're doing their job. Its the owners who need putting down for thinking guard dogs and children mix !!!!!! Leave the Rotweilers etc. alone - if a poodle or jack russell was kept chained up as a guard dog it would react the same.
2006-10-01 10:05:00
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
I feel bad for this child, really, however I also feel that dogs are only as dangerous as their owners. I have had always had dogs in my life, I have seen children abuse them, throw stones, and totally disrespect animals in general. There are some very mean children out there as well. I feel children also live what they learn. So parents that show no respect towards an animal is conveyed to their children. This website only tells one side of the story. Most dogs do not attack unless they feel threatened. What was going on that this dog attacked a two year old?
I would like to add my story. I had a miniature schnauzer puppy, a few months old that my neighbours children through stones at and crushed his nose in a fence. I also saw children deliberately try to run over him with their bikes just for the thrill of it. Till the day he died he hated kids. There is always two sides to a story.
"the greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."
2006-10-01 10:03:40
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
I do agree that some dog breeds are predisposed to very aggressive behaviour and those should be registered, very expensively liscenced and monitored. Other breeds should be the resposibilty of the owner. If they attack, it should be a hefty fine and total ban from ownership as they clearly have not trained their dog correctly. Most dogs do not attack. If they are grumpy, they should be kept on a lead at all times. I feel very strongly about this as I am a dog owner and don't want to be punished or an outcast for owning a perfectly lovely, friendly, sociable pet.
2006-10-01 10:02:55
answer #4
answered by helen p 4
I think any dog can be a dangerous dog just because oof it's breed it's discriminated against i have a staffordshire bull terrier and 2 mastiff crosses and there perfectly normal dogs no aggression i also have a 16 month child that loves all 3 dogs he jumps on there heads rides on there back's everything and they dont flinch,i dont think it's a case of dangerous dogs more like danerous owners that need to control there pets you should punish the deed not the breed i love my son and would never put him in any danger he's around my dogs all the time.
2006-10-01 10:06:33
answer #5
answered by lilmissk19 2
just a shame its the News of the World behind it, the Sun's biatch. but i'm sure they'll get it as whatever the mob wants through the sun, it will get. when will thw mob learn to make their own mind up and not be told what to think by some paper, the Sun and Daily Mail are very clever at manipulating people's thoughts and views, its a fact that whatever political party the Sun backs they win the election. this is very dangerous.
but i agree dog owners need to be more responsible, at the moment the only punishment is putting the dog down, i think the owners need putting down too!
2006-10-01 10:03:58
answer #6
answered by Dazza 3
I think all dog owners should be made to go to obedience classes with their dogs only then should they be allowed out on the street with them, the times I've seen children taking dogs for a walk and have no strenght to hold the dog therefore no control, a lot of the dangerous breed dogs are trained to kill why are they roaming around our towns and cities.
2006-10-01 10:15:44
answer #7
answered by LondonNick 3
I think it's a great idea. Dog owners are just NOT responsible enough.
BTW, apparently a pitbull's skull is smaller than its brain. That's like wearing really tight underpants. No wonder they're snappy!
2006-10-01 09:57:35
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
No thanks. I agree that owners of large powerful dogs should bear in mind the potential dangers of an animal of this type, but I think we are 'nannied' enough in this country. People with children must consider the dangers of owning or going near these creatures at all.
2006-10-01 10:00:15
answer #9
answered by iusedtolooklikemyavatar 4
Two words: MEDIA SENSATIONALISM! Don't you realise that you've just been duped by the media because they all ran a few storeys about dog attacks? Life's dangerous. Tough ****. What petition are you going to be signing next? BAN CLIFFS! PEOPLE FALL OFF THEM!
Silly boy.
2006-10-01 10:04:18
answer #10
answered by Anonymous