Yes I did get into someone's head actually and didn't like what I saw. I tried to turn a blind eye to it, but actually I shouldn't have as she stole my husband, sigh. Its really hard being empathic and psychic, for one thing everyone makes fun of you, calls you a cracked pot, or insane or whatever. However I can tell you, I would love to trade places with the nay sayers just for one hour, one hour is all, and then come back again and lets see if they can handle what we do. Most of us live quiet unassuming lives trying to blend in. Some of us finally give up and come out of the closet. What finally broke my silence was 911. I saw it as clear as a bell two weeks before it happened. Ask my mother she was standing there watching me screaming for no apparent reason. I saw the planes, the people, knew the names, who was to live who was to die, and who was in charge of it all. I prayed everyday for two weeks that it was all a waking dream or my imagination until the morning of september 11th, I saw it for myself, I've never been the same since.
2006-10-01 13:23:06
answer #1
answered by LunaFaye 4
i am an empath. i saw more of really happened instead of what i really wanted to see. for example my mother in laws head.. i saw my husband and i's wedding.. it was magical, and to me, whether i saw it correctly didnt make a difference. my wedding was amazing...
2006-10-01 16:52:42
answer #2
answered by lizzy loves life. 2
It's not always a matter of being inside of someones head, but rather feeling what they are feeling. The feeling is uncomfortable to say the least, when there is fear, hatred, or other negative emotional states present. Those whom have the gift/curse of empathy will feel others emotional states, no more, no less, unless they also have the gift of telepathy. I've felt others emotions, and quite frankly find it to be a "heads up" when dealing with others. You can be trained to spot a liar, but to feel one is an entirely different matter....chilling at times.
2006-10-01 18:03:47
answer #3
answered by Battlerattle06 6
I generally see stupidity, but I don't have to get inside the head to see it.
2006-10-01 16:55:05
answer #4
answered by stevewbcanada 6
so mind are such a mess, some have barriers, be carefully
some have traps.
C.I.A. projects : head start
2006-10-01 17:08:42
answer #5
answered by MASQUE 3