My first encounter with a ghost was terrifying one because I was not expecting it and I did not believe in ghosts until that day.
It was fall 1972, I was newly married to my first wife and we lived in a small one bedroom house. I woke up one night and an old man was standing at the foot of the bed. I was shocked and scared, the doors were supposed to be locked and no one was supposed to be in the house except me and my wife. I started yelling for him to get out of my house and after a bit of this, he raised his hand, pointed his finger at me and said,"No, YOU GET OUT OF MY HOUSE! THIS IS MY HOUSE." He then vanished.
I have since studied ghosts and the paranormal and am no longer afraid of ghosly encounters. Now I do not beleive in ghosts any more than I beleive in humans, I know for a fact they are real as I know for a fact humans are real.
The only physical evidence there was is the next day I was telliing my neighbor about this and he asked me to describe the man, He then went inside the house which was his parents house and the house he grew up in and came out with a picture of an old man standing at the front door of the house I was living in. It was the same man. My neighbor then said that was the man who lived there before me and he died in that house about 6 months before I moved in and I was the fourth person in 6 months to rent that house. The other four just moved without any notice claiming strange things were happenning.
2006-10-01 11:55:35
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Yes I have..My friend or well two of them are clairvoyants, and have sensed the spirit of a man, here in peacefulness, and a woman who is negative. I know who the man is. My sons dad, and my recently deceased husband. I have been running scared since early this week and unable to sleep well. There is a presence. The tv gets turned on, thumps at night, when everyone is asleep. no real evidence. the only thing I can say is I am having my friend do a cleansing here this week. I am afraid, and I need to sleep sometime. My husband is here in protection, but not the woman...
2006-10-01 20:45:51
answer #2
answered by clarkgirl2000 2
I've had quite a few ghostly experiences, and I've not been scared by any of them. I've been shocked by what I've seen and I've been a bit jumpy, but I've always asked the spirits in my house not to show themselves to me unless I ask. (I acknowledge their presence though - I don't ignore them). The scariest thing was when an ex put a demon on me and my current b/f couldn't come within 5 foot of me without being physically ill. I got a mate to help me rid myself of this, and afterwards my b/f was fine.
Had no physical evidence, although several people have seen things at the same time
2006-10-01 17:01:56
answer #3
answered by turtle_666 2
I used to live in the south of Paisley it was some years ago now.
The tail I tell you is true. Not far from where I lived there was an old burnt down mannor, it was used for a long time as a rest home for the eldlery. The mannor was built before most of all the other houses.
The owners must of burnt it down for the insurance but thats not important.
The locals allways said the manor was haunted but I dident belive them. Most people walking there dogs or just walking would steer past the place. Not even the local kids would play there and were talking about kids that could chew rocks up and spit out pebbles. At the time I just found it odd. So me and two friends on a bright sunny july day 1996 we jumped the fence.
Curiosity killed the cat or so they say. Anyway the mannor is suronded by about two akers of land and all of it is to this day is over grown. As we got closer my dog stopped and wouldent go any further so I let my friend Sara take my dog home.
we were half way up the over grown track that had been a drive.
When we heard a whispering noise comming from the mannor.
My other friend John noticed that it was getting overcast.
Bloody weird he said. we walked on for the first time I could see the place. It was covered in moss and ivey most of the roof had fallen in. all the windows were broken. Its dark gothic look just made it more creepy . The air was heavy and still I think it was about that point I had a shiver up my spine. But still I wanted to know more I'm not a man to back down from just having a look inside. I turned around and my friend john was white as a sheet and looking up and the window above. Well he turned around and ran off back down the track leaving me all on my lonesome.
I looked up and saw nothing but did notice that it was now getting darker and it was threating rain. most people would of just ran but me I just turned around and walked up to the first window and had a look in. What I saw was rubble and a darker hallway.
The side entrance door was hanging off so I gave it a pull and it fell off and I walked in down the hallway. It was damp and then I noticed the smell It was sickly sweet. further in there was an old stair case. And there to my horror was a shadow of and old woman looking at me, Motionless the air around me was cold I could see my breath. I dont remember running out and i'm not sure how I got home. It still haunts me to this day. I will never go back there I would rather goto down town Bagdad
2006-10-01 17:50:36
answer #4
answered by Anonymous
When I was around five these two spirits or whatever would use these snake like creatures that would open their mouths like in a three jaw patern to scare the crap out of me. They would fly it thru the air as if it was real, scaring and teasing the s*** out of me. Then they went downstairs and did this to my Dad. Many years later they did it again when I was sick with a really high fever. Than about 8 years ago they tried it on my doctor. He was an intern or whatever. They kept bothering him until he couldn't stand it and committed suicide. I didn't know he had a twin brother and it freaked me out when I went to his funeral. I was supposed to get a settlement from the hospital because he flipped out and broke a few windows in front of me. But, I don't know what happened with the money and the hospitals lawyers haven't contacted me since. It was supposed to be settled out of court but I don't know who the lawyer was I had either. (sigh) I have seen a few others but they weren't scary like that. Here are a few sites to look at if you're interested.
Check out the pictures on the second one also.
2006-10-01 21:05:28
answer #5
answered by Anonymous
Science tells us that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted so what happens to the life force when someone passes? I think that it's very possible that life force can remain in the vicinity of something that was important to the person when they were alive. I don't think that it's necessarily malevolent, unless that person was malevolent. If confronted, attempt to communicate with it. I doubt that you'll be successful but who knows.
2006-10-01 16:50:58
answer #6
answered by Anonymous
I've seen and smelt the presence of plenty but they are harmless. I once smelt the perfume Calafornian Poppy which has not been made for a long time, but an old girlfriend (passed) wore it.
It's the living you should be afraid of not the dead.
2006-10-01 16:51:36
answer #7
answered by tucksie 6
in the house we are in now was a old army hospital and we have had a few things happen here my partner has seen two children which died in this part of our house and i have seen a girl about 24 walking around in my bedroom this is the truth
2006-10-01 16:58:43
answer #8
answered by bingokell 1
yes, when I was living in my boyfriends house. The house did not want me there!. I had items literally fly off the shelves and nearly hit me. I had stones in my bed. No, it wasnt the boyfriend as he was out that night. I truly believe that there was a female spirit there and she was jealous.
2006-10-01 16:51:14
answer #9
answered by cornishmaid 4
i'm an empath and am very sensitive to such things i had a ghost that lived with me and i experienced parts of his life in a semi concious state but most ghosts are real protective of you if they like you.
2006-10-01 16:50:33
answer #10
answered by game_099 2