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If you do, in what way have they helped you, and how do you summon one?

2006-10-01 09:32:20 · 35 answers · asked by sandie 2 in Society & Culture Mythology & Folklore

35 answers

awww doll yes i belev in them, they work in mysterious ways just as god does, and yes i think they have helped me one way or another, you cant summon one doll they are just there in times of need, they are there, and if you are walking alone and scead then just ask for help or ask that a angel can walk with you till you get home, then once you are at home safly thank the angels, there was this girl i new and she was walking down a dark elly way, at the end she saw a guy there just waiting and she didnt feel right, so she asked gods angels if a angel can walk with her, anyway for some reason she felt okay and safe she went past that guy and had no probs, she thort she was just being silly, anyway she got home okay and her mate rang 5 mins later saying that she was coming on over and that she was walking, a hour come then 2 hours, and there was no knock at the door, but from a cop, he said that her friend had just got raped down by the elly way, anyway to make a long story short, the girl i new had asked why she was not raped and tha guy that raped her friend said that she had a tall man walking with her that night, thats why he didnt go near her, amazing hah, you need help ask......:)

2006-10-02 14:56:00 · answer #1 · answered by mysterious26 2 · 0 0

Definitely yes. I know I have Angels watching over me.
I don't know exactly how I summon them or how they
come to my side when I need help, desperately, but
they are there. A few month ago, I would have caused
a major car-accident, but my car suddenly swerved
sharp to the right and so the accident was avoided.
I know I did not turn my steering wheel to the right, it
was still turned to the left when my car stopped.
There is more to this story - but it would take up to
much time and space.
I had similar experiences with other situations -
no cars involved. Just very personal situations.
I love my Angels and always thank them for being there.

2006-10-01 09:51:05 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 1 0

Yes. I believe in guardian angels/spirits and the "elders" or "wise". I've felt the prescence of my guardian once before. However, I'm not quite sure how to summon them. I believe that they come to you when they feel the need to, but meditating may help.

2006-10-01 14:19:44 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Yes. I believe in God, and the Bible as Truth, so therefore I believe in Angels. Scripture portrays angels as being extremely powerful and mighty beings. Psalms 103:20 calls them "mighty ones who do His bidding" Thessalonians 1:7 makes a reference to God's powerful angels. Angels can also appear as men. Though angels are by nature incorporeal and invisible, they can appear as men- Genesis 18.
Angels take on different roles - messengers, guardians, ministry at death, restraining evil, and executing judgment.

With all that said, They have helped my family countless times. One car accident My husband was in , he would have died. His car was totaled when he was hit by a fully loaded semi truck going about 70 miles an hour- he came out with only a broken collar bone. One of my sons described seeing an angles that looked like a man when he was only 2. He saw his angel about 10 times throughout his young age of 2. He described this being in a good way, not scared of it, but felt safe with him there.
My youngest son would look up in church with his arms out, as though someone was going to pick him up when he was only a baby but I never really knew what he was seeing. He was a sickly child at this time, but when he was 5 months old we had the Pastor and congregations pray for him and anoint with him with oil - HE WAS HEALED. We have medical proof of this healing. I feel so blessed by the Lord, and know that He has His angles looking after my family.

The great thing is the bible says God has assigned angels to watch over believers- Angels guard believers in all their ways.
Psalms 91:9-11 and 2kings 6:17

2006-10-01 09:57:54 · answer #4 · answered by Cjs 3 · 1 0

Yes! does not Hebrew tell us that Angels exist.
Book of Genesis thru revelations makes that absolutely clear.

And they don't have wings nor a halo!

Angels are messengers for God.
Ministering Angels to us.
Guardian Angels for us.

The Angel of the Lord was Jesus.

Yeppers I believe.
I have witness many deaths where those people got a glimpse
of something far beyond normal ability,
God rolled back the veil to heaven let those believing souls catch a comforting peek inside.

Both my Mother and Grandmother described their beaauty as they lay dying.

any times I have been a witness to the dying being comforted by unknown/unseen hands.
GLORY TO GOD- His SHEKINAH GLORY remains over his children.

2006-10-01 09:39:24 · answer #5 · answered by cork 7 · 2 0

Yes, I believe in angels- they are many times referenced in the Bible (you can put in a search and you'll get tons of scriptures). I have also seen angels; you don't summon angels in person- God usually sends them to you to give you messages, to protect you, test you (in rare cases), etc.

2006-10-01 09:37:42 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

I believe in angels. They have saved my life twice and protected me several times. I never summoned them, they were just there.

2006-10-01 09:47:29 · answer #7 · answered by » mickdotcom « 5 · 2 0

yes do beleive in angels,
angels will often help you without you even realising it,
the best way to " summon" an angel is to just ask them for their help.

2006-10-02 08:35:01 · answer #8 · answered by mythmagicdragon 4 · 0 0

Yes, I believe in angels. To "summon" them you have to be open to them and really believe in them. I don't think we have to power to make them show themselves to us, but in times of need if you believe they will be there.

2006-10-01 09:40:49 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

I knew someone who said she was my guardian angel. One time she called me one the phone because she was held up by a train. Go figure. I don't hear from her much anymore now. Usually when I called on her it would be her name three times. Problem is you never know when you're gonna get the wrong number.I used to see ghosts until I had gotten cable. I have been lead to believe we usually have a guardian angel or spirit when we are younger. You might have told them to go away because your Mommy told you too. Blame Mommy for being such a bad influence on you. You might have been mad at someone else (like Mommy) guardian angel or spirit tried to console you,and told them to go away like a little brat. Do you remember that now?

2006-10-01 13:34:52 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

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