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6 answers

my favorite fairy tale.. hmm there is so many ive read...here is one: modern day fairies are in fact angels who when there was the battle between lucifer and god, these "fairies" did not side with lucifer or god and so god said: i neither love you nor hate you, and banished them out of heaven, but did not send them to hell, so they lived on earth as fairies, which were neutral angels, which is why they have wings and they are described as good and sometimes as evil in fairy tales.

2006-10-01 07:39:18 · answer #1 · answered by balanced112 2 · 1 0

My favorite fairy tale is "Tattered Robe". It's about a princess whose father wants to marry her because he promised her dead mother that he'd only marry a woman who looked like her. The princess gets upset when she hears what her father plans to do and sets him out on four impossible tasks. To get her a dress of pure gold, one of pure silver, and one woven from the stars and moon, and finally, a robe made from the skins of every animal in the forest. To her surprise, he does this. she grabs the gifts and runs away to a neighboring kingdom. There, the prince of that kingdom gives her a job in the kitchens. She falls in love with him. On his birthday, there is a three day ball (isn't it always like that). On the first night, she dresses in the gold dress and sneaks in. They dance and she runs away to make the soup for the night. She drops a ring in the prince's bowl. The next night, she does teh same thing, but with the silver dress and drops a necklace in the bowl. I'm surprised he never choked, but by now he's on to her. The third night, he has the clocks set back an hour and he slips a ring on her finger. he then confronts her in the kitchens and marries her.

2006-10-01 08:15:57 · answer #2 · answered by sister steph 6 · 1 0

One of my favorite ( bible ) stories is the one where Jesus is in church and all the wealthy had thrown in money of their abundance. And then a poor woman threw in her last 2 cents ( or how ever much it was , was all she had ) without a word or telling any one. And Jesus saw and went over to where she threw it in and said this woman has given more than you all. For she has given out of her poverty.

2006-10-01 07:24:22 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

i loved puss in boots. I loved that story when I was younger. Now recently in a course, we depict that story and viewed it through different lenses. For example, a marxist lense. And it just changes everything, but it is still a fun story.

2006-10-01 08:52:04 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

my grandma used to have an previous e book of fairy thoughts, and really one of my favorites is the position the former guy and the former woman are arguing about who has the hardest pastime, so the former guy takes over house responsibilities for an afternoon, and the former woman,takes over operating contained in the fields. of direction they both have many complications (that are hilarious) and they both opt for to commerce again the subsequent day.

2016-11-25 20:43:50 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Rapunzel is my favorite - I love the idea of hair growing that long.

2006-10-01 07:22:00 · answer #6 · answered by ravenwood4455 3 · 1 0

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