In our family, birthdays usually spill over to several days, just cuz we're so spread out around the country. We have to find unique ways to try & celebrate, as time allows.
But for my actual "day" this year, I'm hosting one of those murder mystery dinner parties. And it just so happens that my b-day is Friday, Oct. 13---which falls on a Friday this year! I am getting so excited for it!!!
May become my new favorite way to celebrate!! :-)
2006-10-01 05:57:53
answer #1
answered by Anonymous
Well this year I will be waiting on my mom to come out of the voting booth!
But I like a party with my family and presents and the food and its all wonderful but I dont want my friends there I dont know why I just don't like my friends at my birthday parties.
2006-10-01 12:50:35
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Not working on that day is the best way to celebrate.
2006-10-01 12:50:48
answer #3
answered by kepjr100 7
If it were my birthday, that depends if I have family and friends around. If I were by myself- go to a movie, buy something just for FUN> IF U need to get things done_ THAT"S A GOOD TIME TO DO IT> AND most of all_ JUST DON"T WANT TO B BOTHERED ON MY BIRTHDAY WITH SILLY STUFF!
2006-10-01 12:53:16
answer #4
answered by regwoman123 4
I like to relax and eat cake but I will be having a tropical ecology test on Tuesday and my Birthday is tomorrow... :0(
2006-10-01 12:55:08
answer #5
answered by Apollo 7
Quietly, and surrounded by a few select friends that I love dearly. Hit a favorite restaurant, have a steak, and have a few drinks.
2006-10-01 12:57:33
answer #6
answered by Diesel Weasel 7
I like to get dressed up, go out with my husband and some good friends, have some some drinks and have lots of fun!
2006-10-01 13:11:08
answer #7
answered by me 6
I love to just go out to my favorite restaurant with family friends. I love it even more when someone treats.
2006-10-01 12:50:02
answer #8
answered by TJMiler 6
When I was younger I'd always have a party. It was cool to be a year older,now when you reach my age it's just a day to look back on my life and be thankful.
2006-10-01 12:59:34
answer #9
answered by Full Moon Fever 2
Spend it with family and friends. I would go out and have some fun doing what ever u like to do.
2006-10-01 12:51:15
answer #10
answered by soldier0403 1